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  1. Very rare, excavated, complete 3-inch percussion fused Hotchkiss projectile recovered about 20 years ago from along York Road at the Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  It is extremely rare to recover this type shell complete.  Either the brass fuse is blown out, or the lead sabot is flung off, or the cup is missing.  That is not even to mention that it is a Gettysburg recovery.  The shell has been disarmed and is safe.--$495.

  2. Quite rare, excavated, cast brass anvil cap for a 3.8 inch James projectile.  This was recovered many years ago on private property at the Battle of Shiloh.  This James anvil cap fits the James percussion projectile with a 7/8 inch threaded fuse hole.  The anvil cap remains in perfect condition with excellent threads and could easily be screwed back into a James shell.--$95.SOLD

  3. Excavated, 3-inch size, J. P. Schenkl percussion artillery shell.  This projectile was recovered about 30 years ago from private property on the battlefield of Fredericksburg, Virginia.  The brass J. P. Schenkl percussion fuse will easily screw completely out of the shell.  It is a very rare thing to find a Schenkl percussion fused shell nice enough to screw the brass fuse out.--$450.

  4. Original, 1863, green colored wooden packet of Frankford Arsenal Civil War artillery time fuses.  All five fuses remain intact and unused in the packet.  This would be an excellent compliment displayed with your Civil War Artillery shells.--$95.

  5. Excavated, Confederate wood drive-in fuse, 12 pound size cannonball.  This ball was recovered about 30 years ago in rear of the position of the 63 Union cannons in position at McFadden's Ford at Stones River on January 2, 1863.  This Confederate cannonball has a nice, clear mold seam and has been disarmed, cleaned, coated, and is ready for display.--$295.SOLD*

  6. Three inch size, Confederate Read shell recovered from near the railroad bridge at Sulpher Branch Trestle, Alabama.  This shell was fired by John Morton's Confederate artillery of N. B. Forrest's Cavalry forces.  I personally recovered the lower 1/2 of a Confederate three-inch Brooke projectile near the same place.  The projectile is cleaned, coated, disarmed, and ready for display.--$650.

  7. Nice condition, excavated, 6-pound size, Confederate cannonball with copper underplug.  This ball was most likely a product from Selma Arsenal in Alabama.  It was recovered many years ago here at Stones River in rear of the massive Union Artillery position at McFadden's Ford.  It was likely fired January 2, 1863.  The projectile has been disarmed, cleaned, coated, and comes with a complete Bormann fuse recovered in the same area to display with the Confederate cannonball.--$395.

  8. Quite rare, especially to find in nice condition, leather covered, 12 pounder size cannon ram rod rammer head.  There are actually quite a lot of reasonably advanced Civil War artillery collections that do not have an example of this item.--$275.SOLD*

  9. Absolutely beautiful condition, excavated, solid brass, one inch brass anvil cap and corresponding slider to a 3.8 inch James projectile.  Both pieces are perfect with a smooth, green patina.  It is quite a rarity to recover both of these parts.--$165.SOLD

  10. Nice condition, excavated, 12 pound, solid shot cannonball.  This ball was recovered about 40 years ago just down from the shop here at the Battle of Stones River.  A huge church sits on the site now.--$195.SOLD

  11. ANOTHER Excellent condition, 12 pound size, Confederate wood drive-in fuse type cannonball.  This shell was recovered years ago a few hundred yards behind the Federal Battery that was firing down on McFadden’s Ford here at Stones River.  It has been cleaned, coated, Super Nice, and is ready for display.  Many years ago, I recovered one just like this one about 50 yards from where this one was found.--$295.SOLD

  12. Beautiful condition, excavated, 12 pound size, Federal Bormann cannonball.  This projectile was are covered many years ago here at Stones River.  The site where this cannonball was recovered is currently covered by a giant Baptist Church.  This ball has been cleaned, coated, and disarmed and is ready for display.  You can easily still read the "second numbers" on the Bormann fuse.  The fuse is punched at 4 1/2 seconds which is a fairly long shot.  Artillery projectiles as nice as this one are rarely being recovered anymore.--$395.SOLD

  13. Quite rare and in very pretty condition, "dropped" and unpunched Confederate 6 pound size Bormann cannonball recovered by Wade Buchanan about 45 years ago among the limestone out-croppings directly in rear of our relic shop.  These woods were all private property back in that era of time.  This cannon ball has been disarmed, cleaned, coated, and is ready for display.--$425.SOLD

  14. Beautiful condition, excavated, 12 pound size, Confederate polygonal cavity, wood drive-in fuse type cannonball.  The ball was in an Arkansas Civil War museum for several years and still has the old museum number painted on the side.  This cannonball was recovered near Hoovers Gap, Tennessee, and has been cleaned, coated, and is ready for display.--$375.SOLD*

  15. Beautiful condition, excavated, copper time-fused, 12 pound Confederate case shot cannonball.  This ball has the iron side-loader plug clearly visible.  The ball has been cleaned, coated, and is ready for display.--$450.SOLD

  16. Excellent condition, 12 pound size, Confederate wood drive-in fuse type cannonball.  This shell was recovered years ago a few hundred yards behind the Federal Battery that was firing down on McFadden’s Ford here at Stones River.  It has been cleaned, coated, and is ready for display.  Many years ago, I recovered one just like this one about 50 yards from where this one was found.--$295.SOLD

  17. Group of ten assorted sizes of canister balls in an old tin that were picked up around the turn of the century in a cotton field here at Stones River.--$145.

  18. Excavated, lead/pewter, Bormann time fuse.  This fuse was recovered from here at Stones River about 30 years ago a few hundred yards in rear of the shop and was punched at about 3 seconds.  You can still read several of the numbers.  It has been ages since I saw a nice condition Bormann fuse recovered here.  This example is warped a little but is otherwise a nice Bormann fuse.--$79.SOLD

  19. MASSIVE, wood drive-in fuse, 10 inch cannonball picked up at Vicksburg, Mississippi, immediately following the battle there.  For the past 150+ years, this cannonball has been sitting in an historic home in Vicksburg.  The ball remains slick enough to be fired today and has been stored indoors the entire time since the Civil War.  This "big boy", as you can see, weighs just shy of 100 pounds.  Don't even think about us shipping - you are going to need to back up to the porch, and we will put it in your trunk!!!--$395.SOLD

  20. Excellent condition, unopened packet of "Frankford Arsenal" 1864 date, 5-second artillery fuses.  This packet is pink in color and has all five opening ribbons still in place.  These packets have become very difficult to find in nice condition and unopened.--$110.

  21. REALLY PRETTY excavated drop 3-inch Confederate Read-Broun.  This shell was recovered many years ago near Five Forks, Virginia.  These are only recovered at relatively late war sites.--$650.

  22. Very nice condition, excavated, dropped, Confederate used, imported, long pattern, 3-inch Armstrong projectile.  What make these shells different and stand out are the large copper studs that are imbedded in the shell that engage the rifling upon firing.  This projectile was recovered many years ago near Wilmington, North Carolina, and to this day, remains rusty and dirty just as found.  These are only found in a relatively small area and are quite rare to recover.--$695.

  23. Very nice condition, excavated, dropped, Confederate used, imported, short pattern, 3-inch Armstrong projectile.  What make these shells different and stand out are the large copper studs that are imbedded in the shell that engage the rifling upon firing.  This projectile was recovered many years ago near Wilmington, North Carolina, and to this day, remains rusty and dirty just as found.  These are only found in a relatively small area and are quite rare to recover.--$695.

  24. Mint condition original unissued "red" Federal Artillery hat cord for the "Hardee Style Hat".--$48.

  25. Really cool artillery display from here at the Battle of Stones River consisting of small case shot balls all the way up through 1.5 inch canister balls.  There are seven balls total with each a different size.--$95.SOLD*

  26. Excavated, single layer of canister for a 3 inch bore size cannon.  These were recovered on private property here at Stones River and could be either Union or Confederate, because both Union and Confederate projectiles were found in the area.--$95.SOLD

  27. Nice condition original Civil War artillery "Lanyard".  It has signs of being somewhat cruder than most that I'm used to seeing, and think that it very well could be Confederate.  It shows clear signs of actual field use.--$375.

  28. Artillery "gimlet" out of a local estate and is very crude with a wooden handle.  It shows handling and use and could very well be Confederate.--$95.

  29. A bit rare to come by - "LONG RANGE" 30 second Civil War Artillery Time fuze.  In 30 seconds you could almost send a Civil War Projectile into the next time zone !!--$38.

  30. Top "caps" off of 2 cast brass Schenkl percussion fuzes.  These were recovered years ago here at Stones River, and both are nicely "J. P. SCHENKL" marked, and are "1861" dated.--$45. for both.SOLD

  31. Original non-excavated Civil War Artillery Flame Concentrator.  These were used to channel the flame and hot gases from being fired toward the paper time fuzes that were filled with fulminate.  These were intended to reduce the number of time fuze shells that the paper time fuze didn't light and were duds.--$48.

  32. Very nice condition excavated 12 lb. Bormann cannon ball recovered years ago from the battlefield here at Stones River.  It was recovered from what was known for years as the Homer Gannon farm.  I, personally, recovered many shells from this farm, and found 8 in one hole one time.  I'm sure that it was battlefield clean-up as there were 4 different kinds of shells in the one hole, and all were fired.  I disarmed about 30 shells for this family that they had picked up farming over the years.  Happily, members of the Gannon family still come by to visit me (Faye and Ray) from time to time now.  A mega-church sits on the site now.--$250.SOLD

  33. Excavated Hotchkiss brass percussion fuse plug from the Second Day fightlng - Battle of Nashville, TN.  It appears that upon impact the top of the fuze plug sheared off when the internal fuze slider hit it.  Neat artillery relic !!--$38.

  34. Three excavated, partial, pewter Bormann time fuses.  These were recovered many years ago here at Stones River.  One is a standard Federal Bormann fuse, and two are rare "tall lip" Confederate Bormann fuses.  All three for--$45.

  35. Beautiful condition, excavated, 12 lb. size, Confederate wood drive-in fuse cannonball.  This was recovered about 40 years ago on private property here at Stones River.  It is disarmed, cleaned, coated, and ready for display.--$295.SOLD

  36. Excavated, 12 pound size, Bormann fused, Civil War cannon ball.  This ball was recovered near Spring Hill, Tennessee, on the way to the Battle of Franklin.  When recovered, this cannon ball had an open fuse hole, and we have included a correct Bormann fuse to display with the cannon ball.  Very nice relic, uncleaned, just as dug.--$275.SOLD

  37. Excavated Confederate copper Bormann fuse under plug.  This CS under plug was recovered on private property at the Battle of Nashville, Tennessee.--$65.

  38. Early battlefield pick-up, "raised rib", 3.67 inch Shenkl fragment.  This was picked up long ago here at Stones River and almost appears non-dug.--$25.

  39. Pretty, green, excavated top portion of a J. P. Schenkl percussion fuse.  The markings, including the October 16, 1861, patent date remain clear as can be.  This was recovered many years ago along the stone wall at the Battle of Nashville, Tennessee, 2nd day fighting.--$45.SOLD

  40. Set of four excavated iron balls ranging in size from canister ball size and on up to a Naval grape.  Quite nice little artillery display.--$75.

  41. Beautiful condition, virtually non-excavated, quite rare, Confederate "side-loader" brass time fused, case shot, 12 pound cannon ball.  This rare Confederate ball was found being used as a barn door counter-weight in a log barn located near Petersburg, Virginia.  You couldn't ask for a nicer condition, rare, Confederate side-loader cannon ball.--$450.SOLD

  42. Large fragment of a Confederate mortar ball recovered near Vicksburg, Mississippi, with several different size canister balls displayed within it.  This would make a fantastic Civil War desk display.--$95.

  43. Very nice condition, one complete excavated layer of 7 canister balls correct for the 12-pound Napoleon.  The circle of canister balls would measure 4.5 inches in diameter across.  These were extensively used here at Stones River as well as most other battles of the Civil War.--$95. for the entire layer.SOLD

  44. Excavated, exploded, copper, Confederate time fuse probably from a 12-pound size Confederate canon ball.  This was recovered years ago on private property near the Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia.--$38.SOLD

  45. Excellent condition, 6 lb. gun size, CS fired canister ball and one 12 lb., Napoleon gun size, Federal canister ball.  Both these balls were recovered on private property here at the Battle of Stones River, have been cleaned, coated, and are ready for display.--$45. for both.

  46. Excavated set of 3 Naval Grape - The larger balls are roughly 2 inches in diameter.  These were recovered on private property at Vicksburg, MS. many years ago.-- $65. for all three

  47.  Nice condition, original, Civil War Artillery lanyard.  No artillery display is complete without a lanyard.--$425.SOLD*

Middle Tennessee Relics
Larry Hicklen

Shop:  (615) 893-3470
