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  1. Is it just me, or does everyone get this level of requests for donations?  This is one single day!!!  I donate to about half a dozen things - Civil War Battlefield Trust, St. Jude, ASPCA, etc. and wonder how in the world so many organizations get my name and address.  Do those that I do donate to sell, trade, barter, etc. my information???

  2. I am very fortunate to have three individuals in my family that are interested in and collect Civil War artifacts.  What is a bit unusual is that I am the only "guy" interested.  The other two are female cousins.  One of my cousins, Marcia Hicklin, is the owner and curator of "Hicklin Hearthstone", a museum and working farm dating the Civil War Era.  A couple of years back, I disarmed a family hand-me-down Parrott artillery shell from the plantation home.  We today received an order from Marcia adding a powder flask to the museum collection.  I am very proud that our family is doing what we can to honor our heritage.


  4. I just had a Good Buddy invite me up today for some fishing for "3 EYED CARP" in the Susquehanna River.  Word has it that you mostly catch them just below the old "3-Mile-Island" plant, and they are about to fire that Baby up again !!!!!   I Think That I Will Pass - I Really Do Like Fish With Only Two Eyes, And THAT "DO NOT" Glow In The Dark Better !!!!  Thank You Kindly For The Invite, Terry !!!

  5. DID YOU KNOW !!  The original purpose of "masks" at Mardi Gras was to erase the constraints of class, status, and social standing - so that just for a little while a person could be anyone, or anything that they secretly wanted to be !!!

  6. I recently read some - what I consider - really good advice.  Our world today has a way of wanting to go faster - faster - faster !!!  Try setting aside a "dedicated" 30 minutes at some time each day to SLOW DOWN, and think about things that you enjoy, and about people who are dear, and important to you.  It is like allowing your body and soul to just pause and take a deep breath !!!  JUST TRY IT - IT'S FREE, AND IT WORKS !!!!

  7. Coy Kitchens, our good friend in Civil War collecting over the last 30 - 40 years, has just put up his own website.  It's name is "BAMA RELICS" and has some very rare Confederate items as well as plenty of entry level relics.  Coy has been an active Civil War collector pretty much his entire life.  He also has looked for and collected Native American artifacts, and his website has plenty of each.  You have my word that Coy is a "straight-up" good person to deal with.  He will treat you right, and you can depend that he will tell you the whole story as best he knows it.  Go take a visit!!! --- (I HEARD THAT IF YOU HAPPEN TO BE A "VANDY COMMODORE" -- YOU MIGHT VERY WELL GET AN "EXTRA SPECIAL" DEAL !!!) HA !!

  8. When you are at a Civil War show anywhere around Nashville or Franklin, you never know who you might run into!!!  I think "I hear that train a comin', rollin' round the bend."  What a talent this man was and a devoted Civil War collector!!!

  9. James Claiborne Johnson was the great-great grandfather of my friend Jim Johnson.  James C. Johnson was in several engagements, and one was the Battle of Stones River where he was bayoneted in the mouth during the Confederate charge on December 31, 1862.  This occurred almost within sight of where we are currently sitting.  He was with the 5th Arkansas Infantry.  I cannot imagine getting bayoneted in the mouth!!!

  10. Our good friend, Wayne Bryan, each year on Memorial Day remembers his Confederate ancestors and neighbors by placing a Confederate Flag on each Confederate Soldier's grave.  He has worked his way up to placing the Confederate Flag on about 30 soldier's graves in and around Grundy, Marion, and Franklin counties.  I salute Wayne and hope that we all continue to remember our ancestry.

  11. Take a good look at these.  We do not relic hunt much during the summer months.  Can you guess why??

  12. Here are an interesting series of pictures following our Relic Shop all the way back to 1929 when it was a little country grocery store servicing visitors to the Stones River Park and Cemetery.  The older pictures are the old store around 1930, and the pictures with the red arrows are showing various things that can be seen in the current pictures.  The sign pole out in front of the store I dug up and moved to the edge of the parking area, but it is the same pole.  The front of the store originally extended out further allowing vehicles to drive underneath it.  I cut it back to "porch size" which allowed room for parking in front of it.  Notice in one of the old pictures you can see an awning that could be raised up and provide an open counter toward the park.  I have been told that they made sandwiches and lunches for park visitors.  Originally, there was a train platform that unloaded visitors beside the cemetery stone wall, and they walked down the wall to the cemetery entrance which brought them right to the front of the store.  Over the years, I have been told and read many interesting accounts relating to the park and cemetery.  One story that I have been repeatedly told is that for a number of years, people travelled a good distance to avoid coming through the park area in July and August.  It is estimated that 8,000 - 10,000 mules and horses were killed in the battle, and to a great degree with the help of vultures, decayed on the field.  It is sobering all the history that remains here surrounding us.  The first picture is the current shop which incorporates the old original general store.

  13. If some of you have never visited the Carter House at the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee, AT NIGHT, you are missing a jaw-dropping experience.  The "farm office building" which sits on the south side of the Carter House lawn from the main house took the brunt of fire power from the afternoon of November 30, 1864, when the Confederate Army of Tennessee made a desperate charge (actually according to some accounts - six separate charges) on the Federal line just south of the Carter House.  The farm office building is one of the most battle scarred standing structures in the United States.  There are over 1,000 holes.  I was privileged one afternoon to be in the office farm house when rays of light came through the bullet holes.  It was unbelievable, and there was practically no place you would not have gotten hit.  For me, this is somewhat like seeing the great Redwood trees in California.  Until you stand there and see it in person, it is impossible to grasp the magnitude.

  14. I took the grandbabies, Lila Magnolia and Isabella Rose, relic hunting yesterday.  Even though it was a little cool and misty, they hung tough.  We were able to recover one bullet each for them.  We found one dropped .54 cal. 3-ring Confederate Minie ball for the Mississippi rifle and one .69 cal. musket ball for the old smooth bore muskets the Confederates were forced to use.  Then, wouldn't you know it, we ran into another relic hunter in the woods - Old Big Foot!!!

  15. After almost 50 years, I am now semi-retired, EXCEPT when an eight-year-old boy that is super interested in the Civil War and Civil War artifacts shows up at the door.  At that point all bets are off, and the important thing is to help stimulate the young person's interest in Civil War heritage, history, and artifacts.  Will Wilde is the young man, and I hope that he indeed does "always remember his visit".  If there were very many like Will, I would probably have to consider opening back up again!!!

  16. Here is a set of four of the very rarest buckles ever recovered here at Stones River and the camps just south of here.  I recovered the oval Alabama Map on Tree from the camp of the 1st Alabama Cavalry located just south of Murfreesboro, near Midland, Tennessee.  The cast brass "Map on Tree" sword belt plate was recovered by Bobby Moon at a hospital site here at Stones River.  The small oval AVC cartridge box plate was recovered by Richard Bodenhammer among the limestone out-croppings on private property actually here at the battlefield of Stones River.  And the large oval AVC was recovered from the same 1st Alabama Cavalry camp where I recovered the large oval Map on Tree.  It is a super rarity to see these four plates together!!!

  17. We started our water garden project back in June of 2022.  It has been a fun and challenging project that is at last coming into final focus.  Here are some pictures that follow us along the way.  We enjoy sitting by the water garden sipping wine, watching the fish and birds, and listening to the wind chimes.  Calms the soul!!!

  18. Soon to be married "73 years" (TOMORROW - NOW PASSED) - DEC. 8) - Dad is 93 and Mom is 92.  The secret to such longevity begins with a love for life and love for each other as well as dogged perseverance in the face of every challenge life brings.  Instead of "growing old gracefully", they are fighting it each step of the way!

  19. Exactly 50 years ago this year (make that 51 now !!), I began mailing out my first "mail order" Civil War relic catalogues.  The year was 1973, and the catalogues largely consisted of relics that I had personally recovered, or items my relic hunting buddies found and sold me.  An early local Civil War mail order dealer - Mr. John Heflin - helped me get going, and sold me large groupings of Civil War letters that I poured over, and sold them "one at a time" to those interested in specific content and units.  In ways that seems centuries ago, and in other ways it seems like just yesterday.  In 1976 we bought the Relic Shop, and had it open by 1977, and from then to now has literally been a blurr.  Here I sit - right where it all started 50 years ago, and I'm still writing descriptions of cool Civil War Relics  !!!!  Back in 1976 my Dad came over and helped me remodel the old 1920s grocery store into a Civil War Relic Store.  He came and helped me even though he had grave reservations about me giving up my chemistry job with Textron to "sell Civil War bullets" !!!  It has worked out OK though !!!!

  20. After over 50 years of relic hunting, this display case contains some of my favorite finds.  I have been fortunate to recover 69 Confederate buckles over that 50-year time span.  This case contains one of the nicest Western Theater CS Round Corner Sardine type plates that you could hope to see.  It has all three hooks intact.  Next is a "coin type" CS Tongue & Wreath buckle and top row to the right is a really nice Breckenridge style CS oval.  In the center on the left is a cast-brass Army of Tennessee "Round Corner CS", and on the right in the center row is a beautiful, thick, Atlanta Arsenal CSA rectangle.  On the bottom row left is a cast pewter, Noble Brothers CSA rectangle, and center bottom row is a super nice CS Rope Border with all three hooks intact.  And, on the bottom right is an Alabama Map on Tree oval.  There are some really sweet buttons in this case as well.  You can only imagine the relic hunting memories this case holds.

  21. Our buddy, Ralph Abbruzzese, is visiting us for a few days, and he brought along some super nice Civil War artifacts.  The Ohio State Seal breast plate is one of the most beautiful plates of the Civil War Era, and this one is top notch.  You can't help but enjoy a case of artifacts of this quality!!

  22. This beautiful case of excavated buckles and buttons belongs to Mike Hunt and daughter Beth.  This case of artifacts represents some of the nicest finds from 30 plus years walking and relic hunting.  We have been friends since Beth was tiny!!

  23. Our colors this year "2023" seem to be running a couple of weeks behind, but they are in full splendor now.  Too bad they only last for a few days and then cold weather follows.  On the bright side, goodbye ticks and snakes until next year!!!

  24. Here is an excellent display of Confederate Central Government plates from the collection of Ronnie Webb, a relic-hunting buddy since we were ten years old.  You won't find a prettier display case of artifacts than this one!!!  (As a result of this picture my buddy, Ronnie, is no longer the owner of this beautiful collection !!!!  (But, he now owns a whale of a nice antique "NOVA SS" !!!!!!  We do keep life interesting around here !!!)

  25. A new Civil War collector is born.  Matthew Tucker just received his first Civil War Cavalry saber.  It is a Model 1840 "Old Wristbreaker" heavy Cavalry saber, and he is now officially "one of us", a CIVIL WAR COLLECTOR!!!  CONGRATULATIONS MATTHEW!

  26. Here is an absolutely incredible collection of New Orleans patterned, round loop, Confederate local, two-piece tongue and wreath sword belt buckles.  This collection belongs to Wayne Bryan and features the three classic style round loop buckles being 1) Die Struck Star on disc concentric ring wreath, 2) Die Struck "CS" on disc with concentric ring wreath, and 3) Die Struck Louisiana Pelican disc with concentric ring wreath.  And, added to these basic types are assorted, very rare, solid cast brass variants.  This is no doubt the most complete grouping of the assorted, super rare buckles with the rounded belt loop there is around.  I think you guys will enjoy seeing this grouping as much as I did.  Wayne has for a good many years pursued these type plates and putting this display together, and it is certainly a display anyone would be proud of.  Congratulations to Wayne on methodically running down all these super hard to get plates.

  27. It is time for our first Youth Civil War artifact Give-Away Display of 2023 - "OUR 9TH CONTEST"- and our winner is "BRIELLE PREBECK" !!! This is a beautiful white oak, custom display case with a colorful $5 Civil War Era note in the center, portions of a Spencer and a Burnside cartridge and seven other projectiles, a Confederate "I" (Infantry) uniform button, three Federal Eagle buttons, a brass Cavalry spur part, a portion of a US cartridge box plate, a Kepi chin strap buckle, and numerous other genuine Civil War artifacts including a soldier's pipe bowl.  There are a total of 28 artifacts in a custom-made oak frame.  We plan to have the drawing for this display on June 1, 2023.  We have carried all entries forward, and we invite and encourage any young folks age 14 and under to send us a letter telling us why they would like to win this Civil War display, and we will get you entered into the contest.  The following individuals, along with Nita & myself have contributed artifacts to make these youth relic give-away displays possible: Eric Lawson - Ted and B. J. Campbell- David Hadden - Russ and Dottie Wunker - Jerry Emberlin - Tom Stone - William Briner - Jody Wright - Ed Heck - Charlie Williams - Kenny Brown - Jeff and Theresa Ruth - Gerard Simoneaux - Gary Strobel - Jeff Anderson - Lael Nelson - Ken Fleming, and Justin Simpson.  We sincerely thank you !!!  IF YOU GUYS HAPPEN TO KNOW ANY YOUNG FOLKS THAT REALLY LIKE HISTORY - PLEASE MAKE THEM AWARE OF THESE CONTESTS !!!  I'D REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP IN SPREADING THE WORD !!! BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE !!!

  28. HAVE YOU NOTICED - That almost everything works better if once in a while you just unplug it and let it sit for a little while, and this includes us !!!

  29. A couple of days ago, we got a visit from someone very special to us.  Lorenzo Grover-Rizzo and his twin brother Iniko apprenticed in the relic shop here for several years.  Lorenzo took a deep interest in Civil War history and military in general.  After reaching 18, Lorenzo joined the military, and to this point is really enjoying the experience.  He was recently home for a few days on Christmas leave and came by to visit.  What a treat it was to get to see Lorenzo and a great opportunity to let him know how proud of him we are.  Salute!!  Lorenzo's twin brother, Iniko, has been on a mission in Georgia (country, not state) and has learned it's language fluently.  We have not seen him recently, but hopefully in the near future, he can return to share his experiences as well.

  30. This past weekend (several months/years ago now !!) -12-3&4-2022, was our annual Civil War Show at Franklin, Tennessee.  Much to my surprise, I received a "Lifetime Achievement" award.  I was pretty much speechless as this award comes from my fellow collectors and dealers.  I truly love what I do and am privileged to get to make a living all the while honoring my heritage.  Love of ones Southern Heritage is taking a beating these days, but as long as I'm alive, I, as well as all of you, will be proud of both our Southern and Northern Civil War Heritage.  I am very proud of my award.

  31. It is throw-back relic time again.  About 40 years ago, we recovered these two buckles from the camp of the 1st Alabama Cavalry that was destroyed in March of 1863 by General David Stanley’s Federal Cavalry out of Murfreesboro, TN.  The 1st Alabama Cavalry CSA was camped near Midland, Tennessee, and in March of 1863, General David Stanley’s Federal Cavalry struck the Confederate Cavalry camp at the break of dawn.  If you’d like to read about this event, you can find it in Volume 23, Part 1 of the Official Records under the heading, “Expedition to Middleton, Tennessee, March 1863”.  The Federal Cavalry surprised and overran the Confederate Cavalry camp and captured or destroyed most of the contents.  These are two of the nearly 20 Confederate buckles that our group found at this site.  I recovered the Alabama “Map on Tree” State Seal buckle, and one of my early hunting buddies found the large oval “AVC”.  In addition to these buckles, we recovered several “egg-shaped” CS oval waist belt plates, several solid-cast Army of Tennessee CS round-corner buckles, one rectangular pewter CSA, and several frame-style buckles.  Those are some WONDERFUL relic hunting memories.

  32. It is time to congratulate our 8th Youth Relic Display winner.  The winner of this display is Delaney Hickox of Arlington, Virginia.  We hope this Civil War artifact display encourages Delaney's interest in heritage and history.  This is an especially nice display including an original, excavated Federal breast plate, an original Confederate $20 note, a nice excavated North Carolina Confederate uniform button, and numerous other genuine Civil War artifacts.  This is a display that even a seasoned adult Civil War collector would be excited to receive.  The collection would have a retail value of somewhere in the neighborhood of $400.  We have carried all entries forward, and we invite and encourage any young folks age 14 and under to send us a letter telling us why they would like to win this Civil War display, and we will get you entered into the contest.  We will draw the winner on August 1, 2022, and best of luck to everyone.  The following individuals, along with Nita & myself have contributed artifacts to make these youth relic give-away displays possible: Eric Lawson - Ted and B. J. Campbell- David Hadden - Russ and Dottie Wunker - Jerry Emberlin - Tom Stone - William Briner - Jody Wright - Ed Heck - Charlie Williams - Kenny Brown - Jeff and Theresa Ruth - Gerard Simoneaux - Gary Strobel - Jeff Anderson - Lael Nelson - Ken Fleming, and Justin Simpson.  IF YOU GUYS HAPPEN TO KNOW ANY YOUNG FOLKS THAT REALLY LIKE HISTORY - PLEASE MAKE THEM AWARE OF THESE CONTESTS !!!  I'D REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP IN SPREADING THE WORD !!! BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE !!!


  34. Here is a picture sent to us by our buddy, Bob Ward, taken 52 years ago here at the Cemetery at the Battle of Stones River.  The Boy Scouts are still active on Memorial Day here at the Battlefield.  We have taken a current picture in basically the same location as it appears today.  The stone walls around the cemetery remain visible in both images.  We believe this to be especially meaningful now with Memorial Day coming up.  Our thanks to Bob Ward for the photograph.  The last picture is "Decoration Day" in Columbus, Mississippi, many many years ago.

  35. This is a very special "Throwback" relic digging memory.  This was my very first cast brass rectangular "CSA" to recover, and it was a thick, Atlanta style.  I dug this buckle exactly 50 years ago this year.  I dug the buckle on private property literally about 20 steps from Columbia Pike along the route that the Army of Tennessee charged over on November 30, 1864, at the famous Battle of Franklin, Tennessee.  This buckle has never even been under a water faucet and to this day, 50 years later, I could go back to within one foot of the dig hole !!!  What an exciting day !!!

  36. About 40 years ago, my hunting buddy, Claiborne Lytle, and myself were able to find the line of Confederate sharp shooters along the Brentwood hills at the 2nd day Battle of Nashville fighting.  Over a period of a couple of years, I was able to recover 136 dropped Whitworth bullets, and Claiborne recovered a similar number.  There was a point in time that I could spell out "Whitworth Rifle" with dropped Whitworth bullets.  During that era, I had two little girls at home as well as house and shop payment - insurance payment - and lots of other payments.  Every so often "lean months" came along, and I would need to sell a few Whitworth bullets to make that month's payments.  I don't have 136 Whitworths anymore, but I do still have a few and some very exciting memories.  I had one "12 Whitworth" day where they were all dropped in close proximity to each other.  Both Claiborne and myself always wondered why there were over 200 Whitworths lying on the ground rather than fired at the Yankees??  The area now has million dollar homes and electronic gates.

  37. Throw-Back DIGGING Time !!!!  I dug this beauty 42 years ago almost to the day !!!  They sure don't come out of the ground looking like this anymore !!!  I almost needed sunglasses !!!

  38. Here is another "throw-back" relic.  I recovered this WESTERN THEATER type CS "sardine style" waist belt plate at a Confederate hospital site on private property here at Stones River over 40 years ago.  It is absolutely perfect and has all three original hooks remaining intact.  This jewel will rank VERY high on being one of my "Lifetime Best Finds", and was beyond exciting to recover !!!

  39. Here is another "throw-back relic digging" memory.  Back in the fall of 1975, (47 years ago) my buddy Bob Ward and his hunting partner Wayne Read hit this "battlefield clean-up" glory hole.  This was here at Stones River and, at the time, was in a private property rock glade thicket.  The site is unfortunately now under a motorcycle dealership.  This find included seven Union plates, four musket barrels, four bayonets, two canteens, one smashed brass bugle, thirteen artillery shells, and a boatload of bullets.  Finds like this are memories worth their weight in gold !!!  (Second picture is current.)

  40. These are some fun memories from 35 years ago of one GREAT day digging at a newly found "Polk's Corp" Army Of Tennessee 1862 - 1863 winter camp located along the Duck River near Shelbyville, TN.  The day's finds include 2 nice arrow hook "U.S." oval waist belt plates - one C.S. manufacture plain face pewter waist belt plate - one very rare "Rope Border" style C.S. oval waist belt plate - A beautiful Leech and Rigdon style "CS" marked Confederate Cavalry Officer's spur - and over 100 bullets and buttons.  Now those are some priceless memories !!

  41. We first want to send a huge thank you to Robert Hooven of Madison, Alabama, for his hard work and prompt attention to my Great Grandfather's grave stone.  My Great Grandfather is buried in the very old cemetery at the Madison Crossroads Presbyterian Church located near Huntsville, Alabama, near the Tennessee Alabama line.  A while back, one of the pieces of maintenance equipment at the cemetery hit our Great Grandfather's head stone and broke it loose from the base it was anchored to.  Robert was kind of enough to, the very next day, go and find the damaged stone, thoroughly clean and reseat it.  Our entire family send our heartfelt gratitude to Robert for taking care of this for us.  We could sure use more folks like Robert!!!

  42. Huge congratulations go out to 11-year-old Madison Brewer.  Madison is the lucky winner of our 7th Youth Giveaway - A Garrett Ground Hog metal detector.  We hope that it is the beginning of a very enjoyable hobby and that Madison has lots of fun looking for Civil War relics with her Grandfather who has done it for many years.  (This really makes us happy!!!)  Madison is ready to go Civil War relic hunting with her Granddad -- Charlie Adams.  VERY IMPORTANT:  What time is it - what time is it???  It is Youth Relic Giveaway time again.  And this time, we are stepping up our game.  We are giving away a used Garrett Groundhog VLF/TR metal detector complete with a new high fidelity set of headphones and also a new Whites Bullseye pinpointer for locating your target.  This detector is several years old but still works perfectly and even comes with experience as this detector has already recovered a US belt buckle and a Confederate belt buckle.  The "Groundhog" takes some practice in getting used to, but even though it's a few years old, will still dig relics perfectly well.  Several years back, this detector was cutting-edge technology, but today there have been numerous improvements.  It is our hope that this detector will help inspire some young person toward many years of coin and/or relic recovery.  We have carried all entries forward, and we invite and encourage any young folks age 14 and under to send us a letter telling us why they would like to win this Civil War display, and we will get you entered into the contest.  We will draw the winner on October 2, 2021, (my 70th birthday) and best of luck to everyone.  The following individuals, along with Nita & myself have contributed artifacts to make these youth relic give-away displays possible: Eric Lawson - Ted and B. J. Campbell- David Hadden - Russ and Dottie Wunker - Jerry Emberlin - Tom Stone - William Briner - Jody Wright - Ed Heck - Charlie Williams - Kenny Brown - Jeff and Theresa Ruth - Gerard Simoneaux - Gary Strobel - Jeff Anderson - Lael Nelson, and Justin Simpson.  IF YOU GUYS HAPPEN TO KNOW ANY YOUNG FOLKS THAT REALLY LIKE HISTORY - PLEASE MAKE THEM AWARE OF THESE CONTESTS !!!  I'D REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP IN SPREADING THE WORD !!! BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE !!!

  43. Congratulations to the winner of our 6th Youth Civil War Relic Contest, "Tennessee Smith", of Mineral, Virginia.  This display is in a beautiful walnut display case and consists of an excavated Federal Eagle breast plate, four original Civil War uniform buttons, an original excavated Civil War domino, five different types of Civil War bullets, and an original $100 Bank of Louisiana Civil War note.  We hope this display helps to encourage Tennessee's interest in Civil War artifacts, history, and heritage.  We have carried all entries forward, and we invite and encourage any young folks age 14 and under to send us a letter telling us why they would like to win this Civil War display, and we will get you entered into the contest.  The following individuals, along with Nita & myself have contributed artifacts to make these youth relic give-away displays possible: Eric Lawson - Ted and B. J. Campbell- David Hadden - Russ and Dottie Wunker - Jerry Emberlin - Tom Stone - William Briner - Jody Wright - Ed Heck - Charlie Williams - Jeff Anderson - Gary Strobel - Justin Simpson - and Gerard Simoneaux.  IF YOU GUYS HAPPEN TO KNOW ANY YOUNG FOLKS THAT REALLY LIKE HISTORY - PLEASE MAKE THEM AWARE OF THESE CONTESTS !!!  I'D REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP IN SPREADING THE WORD !!! BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE !!!

  44. WINNER, WINNER - chicken dinner - We have just had our drawing for the FIFTH Youth Civil War Relic Display Giveaway, and our winner is LILLY HICKOX from Arlington, Virginia.  We send our congratulations to Lilly and we will carry forward all our Youth entries for the next relic display giveaway which will begin soon.  Once again, Congratulations to Lilly !!!  ------  It is once again Youth Relic Display Contest time in Tennessee.  This relic display is, in my opinion, one of the most attractive to this point.  The display consists of a Droop Wing Eagle Confederate Officer's button, a camp site recovered soldier's Crucifix, a very attractive excavated lead-filled Eagle breast plate from here at Stones River, a stamped brass Cavalry rosette with the raised heart, an original pair of soldier's reading glasses, an original 1862 Wilmington, North Carolina, Confederate note, an original Civil War era domino, several bullets, a musket gun tool, a canteen stopper pull, and a coat size Federal Eagle button all displayed in a professionally made oak display case.  This collection is easily worth over $400.  So, young folks, get busy and let me hear from you.  The following individuals, along with Nita & myself have contributed artifacts to make these youth relic displays possible: Eric Lawson - Ted and B. J. Campbell- David Hadden - Russ and Dottie Wunker - Jerry Emberlin - Tom Stone - William Briner - Jody Wright - Ed Heck - Charlie Williams - Jeff Anderson - Gary Strobel - and Gerard Simoneaux.  We will carry forward all entries from the first, second, third, and fourth giveaways.  We encourage ANY other interested youths (14 years of age and younger) who have not yet entered to send a letter telling why you would like to win the Civil War artifact giveaway display, and you will be entered as well.  We want to do our part to encourage our youth to be interested in our heritage.    IF YOU GUYS HAPPEN TO KNOW ANY YOUNG FOLKS THAT REALLY LIKE HISTORY - PLEASE MAKE THEM AWARE OF THESE CONTESTS !!!  I'D REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP IN SPREADING THE WORD !!!  This contest has ended October 31, 2020.

  45. AND THE WINNER OF OUR FOURTH YOUTH RELIC DISPLAY CONTEST IS JAX BLEVINS (WHO CAN BE SEEN ABOVE WORKING ON HIS LETTER).  We will soon have our fifth Civil War display put together and a new contest underway.  All entries will be carried forward to the next contest, so if you haven't won so far -- Keep the faith - You might very well win the next one !!!  CONGRATULATIONS JAX !!!  IT IS TIME FOR OUR FOURTH YOUTH RELIC GIVEAWAY.  This display contains a genuine, excavated, lead-filled, Federal Eagle breast plate, a brass bayonet scabbard tip, a $15 coupon from a Confederate Loan Bond, an original Civil War domino, a .54 cal., ring tail Sharps Cavalry bullet, a coat size Federal Infantry Officer button, and a gilted cuff size New York State Seal button.  The following individuals, along with Nita & myself have contributed artifacts to make these youth relic displays possible: Eric Lawson Ted and B. J. Campbell- David Hadden - Russ and Dottie Wunker - Jerry Emberlin - Tom Stone - William Briner - Jody Wright - Ed Heck - and Charlie Williams.  We will carry forward all entries from the first, second, and third giveaways.  We encourage ANY other interested youths (14 years of age and younger) who have not yet entered to send a letter telling why you would like to win the Civil War artifact giveaway display, and you will be entered as well.  We want to do our part to encourage our youth to be interested in our heritage.    IF YOU GUYS HAPPEN TO KNOW ANY YOUNG FOLKS THAT REALLY LIKE HISTORY - PLEASE MAKE THEM AWARE OF THESE CONTESTS !!!  I'D REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP IN SPREADING THE WORD !!!  This contest will end July 31, 2020

  46. AND WE HAVE A WINNER - OUR FIRST YOUNG LADY - MS. CASTIBELLE SCHWEINFURTH !!!  EVEN AT HER TENDER YOUNG AGE CASTIBELLE IS A FAMILIAR FACE AROUND THE CIVIL WAR LIVING HISTORY COMMUNITY, AND THAT IS THANKS TO THE DELIGENT EFFORTS OF HER MOM AND DAD - (BRET AND KELLY).  MY CONGRATULATIONS TO A VERY DESERVING YOUNG LADY !!!  IT IS YOUTH RELIC DISPLAY GIVEAWAY CONTEST TIME AGAIN !!!  This is our THIRD youth relic display give-away, and this beautiful display consists of an original VIRGINIA Confederate note - several bullets - one beautiful gilted Federal Infantry officer button - one bayonet scabbard tip - one sword belt length adjuster - a right and a left Civil War knapsack J-hook - a baggage trunk key - and a harmonica board.  I would like to thank Eric Lawson - Ted and B. J. Campbell- David Hadden - Russ and Dottie Wunker - Jerry Emberlin - Tom Stone - William Briner - Jody Wright - Ed Heck - and Charlie Williams who along with Nita and myself made this display possible.  We encourage ANY other interested youths (14 years of age and younger) who have not yet entered to send a letter telling why you would like to win the Civil War artifact giveaway display, and you will be entered as well.  We want to do our part to encourage our youth to be interested in our heritage.    IF YOU GUYS HAPPEN TO KNOW ANY YOUNG FOLKS THAT REALLY LIKE HISTORY - PLEASE MAKE THEM AWARE OF THESE CONTESTS !!!  I'D REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP IN SPREADING THE WORD !!!  THIS CONTEST WILL END MARCH 31, 2020.  If any of you old time relic hunter/collectors would like to help support these youth relic give-aways, please just send over any relics to help us out.  Your help will certainly be appreciated and go for a good endeavor !!  TRIVIA QUESTION -- CAN ANYONE GUESS WHY CASTIBELLE IS HOLDING THE CANNON !!!  (HINT -- THE ANSWER IS IN THE QUESTION !!) - (ANOTHER HINT - WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE PART OF THE CANNON THAT CASTIBELLE IS HOLDING !!!)

  47. We just received the most current issue of "North South Trader", and, low and behold, there is Adian on page 19 - Youth Division.  Apparently, when you're hot, you're hot!!!   CONGRATULATIONS!!!  We have just held our drawing for our SECOND Youth Relic Giveaway, and our winner is - ADIAN HARWICK - from Lititz, PA.  Soon after the Thanksgiving holiday, we will begin our third Youth Relic Giveaway, and we will carry forward all entries from the first and second giveaways.  This is a fantastic display, and we congratulate Adian on his win!!!  We appreciate all of the youths who entered the first and second drawings.  We encourage ANY other interested youths (14 years of age and younger)  who have not yet entered to send a letter telling why you would like to win the Civil War artifact giveaway display, and you will be entered as well.  We want to do our part to encourage our youth to be interested in our heritage.  IF YOU GUYS HAPPEN TO KNOW ANY YOUNG FOLKS THAT REALLY LIKE HISTORY - PLEASE MAKE THEM AWARE OF THESE CONTESTS !!!  I'D REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP IN SPREADING THE WORD !!!  ADIAN - YOUR PRIZE IS ON THE WAY TO YOU !!!

  48. ATTENTION - OUR "FIRST" YOUTH RELIC GIVE AWAY !!! - I was asked by a friend (MR. DICK TIMPANO) to give away this nice starter Civil War Bullet collection to a deserving young collector.  If you are 14 years old or younger and are really interested in Civil War history - please send me a letter as to why you would like to have this collection, and in a couple weeks we are going to have a drawing from all the names of young folks that sent me a letter wanting this collection.  We will show pictures of the drawing and post the WINNER on the page here !!!  GOOD LUCK !!!  SEND LETTER TO:  Larry Hicklen -- 3511 Old Nashville Hwy. - Murfreesboro, TN. -- 37129  (WE ARE GOING TO ACCEPT ENTRIES ARRIVING IN PERSON OR THROUGH MAIL DELIVERY ON OR BEFORE SEP. 30, 2019 !!!)  IF YOU ARE AN OLD SCHOOL CIVIL WAR COLLECTOR AND WOULD LIKE TO DONATE RELICS IN SUPPORT OF THESE RELIC GIVE-AWAYS TO YOUNG FOLKS -- PLEASE LET ME HEAR FROM YOU !!  THIS CONTEST IS NOW OVER AND WE WILL VERY SOON HAVE THE DRAWING.  BUT --- WE WILL SOON ANNOUNCE THE NEXT CONTEST, AND EVERYONE THAT ENTERED INTO THIS CONTEST WILL BE CARRIED OVER, -- SO YOU ARE ALREADY REGISTERED !!  MANY THANKS TO MR. DICK TIMPANO FOR THE ARTIFACTS !!!  AND OUR WINNER IS - JONATHAN PRIOR - 5TH GRADE, AGE 10!!!  CONGRATULATIONS, JONATHAN.

  49. A little while earlier today (7-12-19), I had a couple of fellows in the shop from near Perryville, Kentucky.  In the course of looking at relics and discussing various battlefields, one of the gentlemen said, "I visit your nature area at the Battlefield of Perryville quite often."  I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.  A good many years ago (25 to 30 I'd say), I purchased a 54-acre farm on the Battlefield of Perryville, Kentucky, that was in danger of being developed.  I held the farm for several years until the Civil War Preservation Trust was in a position to acquire it.  Little did I know that in appreciation for saving that part of the Battlefield, I have a pond and nature area marked with our family name.  How cool is that!!!

  50. Here is an interesting set of 4 photographs contrasting the panther and the bobcat.  These four photographs were taken by the same game cam at the same location a few days apart.  Notice aside from the obvious (the panther has a long tail and the bobcat has virtually no tail), that they are structurally different as well.  The panther is overall larger, more muscular, especially in the front shoulders, than the bobcat.  The bobcat has a more slender profile with his back legs almost appearing longer than his front legs.  Also, the two cats make very different screams.  On the bright side, one would think that we shouldn't have a mouse problem on the mountain!!!

  51. We are headed to the mountain today, and hopefully there will be some cool new trail cam pictures to share !!  For the past couple of months, our neighbors and ourselves have been hearing the cry of an unusual animal.  About a month ago, I caught sight of what appeared to be a large cat moving through the woods.  Several weeks ago we installed a game cam to be able to see what type animals were passing.  One of the locations of the game camera was where several roads and paths came together.  At this location, we saw more different type animals than any other location of the camera.  We have been scattering corn and cut the Halloween pumpkins into and placed them in front of the camera.  We have seen many different type mountain animals including deer, armadillos, red fox, coyote, and raccoons.  A couple of nights ago, we captured a couple photographs of this huge Mountain Bobcat - (We at first thought Panther, but markings suggest a LARGE male Bobcat rather than Panther.)  As you guys can now clearly see - WE DEFINITELY HAVE A PANTHER (aka Eastern Mountain Lion) - (as well as a Bobcat) !!!  We have no doubt that he was drawn to this location by the smell of the presence of all the other wild animals that had been there eating.  To give a size reference, the pumpkin halves beside the cat are ten inches in diameter.  Notice the power and muscle mass of this big cat.  We will likely think twice now about taking night walks through the woods!!!  A few nights ago our next door neighbor found a deer slain, and litereally shreded - I wonder who might have done THAT !!!  Outside "MAN WITH GUN" - This guy really is "King Of The Woods" !!!

  52. Extremely rare, Leech & Rigdon, Memphis, Tennessee, Confederate manufactured Foot Officer's sword.  This is the Confederate sword along with a partial leather scabbard.  The blade remains clean, just beginning to darken with age.  It has the typical Confederate unstopped fuller.  The cast brass guard is 100% Memphis Novelty Works all the way with the distinctive Leech & Rigdon Officer's sword motif on both top and bottom.  This is a super rare Confederate Officer's sword, and in nearly 50 years, I could count the number of these that I have had in my two hands.  Better not let this one get away, because it could be many years before you see another one.--$5,950.

  53. Very pretty condition fully cased 1/6th plate WELL EQUIPTED Federal Infantryman literally ready to head to the front.  This image is out of an Ohio estate and the young man has his "US" waist belt rig complete with US buckle, cartridge box, over the shoulder sling, and cap box, and is "at attention" with his musket with bayonet at his side.  This is very close to being your absolute classic Federal soldier of the Civil War "ready to go".  It is housed in a super nice thermoplastic hard case made by "Littlefield, Parsins, and Co. - UNION CASES - 1857".  This is a "SMOKING NICE" little image.--$450.

  54. Absolutely beautiful, cast brass, excavated, Memphis Novelty Works CS Officer's spur.  This spur was recovered by Doug Hayes on October 10, 2019, on his own property in Cleveland, Tennessee.  It was at that time purchased by Charlie Harris and has been in his personal collection until his recent death.  It has a beautiful, uncleaned, brown/green patina and just do not come much prettier.--$2,850.

  55. Absolutely beautiful condition, excavated, Richmond Arsenal pattern "CS" tongue and wreath sword belt plate.  The two pieces were dug together by Jerry Headley approximately 40 years ago.  The buckle was recovered from a Confederate Cavalry camp located near Brock Road at the Battle of the Wilderness.  This buckle is a beauty and remains just as dug with no repairs whatsoever.  They just aren't being dug this nice anymore.--$3,250.

  56. Beautiful condition, Federal Cavalry Shell jacket with bright, vivid colors and absolutely zero mothing.  The jacket has a full compliment of Eagle buttons and bright, vivid yellow piping.  In addition, the jacket has a complete, perfect, butternut liner with both sleeve liners completely intact.  To complete the jacket, there is a set of excellent condition original brass epaulets in place.  This is without question a museum quality Federal Cavalry shell jacket, and all it needs is a nice mannequin.--$2,750.

  57. This just came into the shop yesterday - dark blue Federal frock coat that dates BARELY into the Indian War Era rather than Civil War.  This frock coat has a "raw edge" around the bottom, has a low 1 1/2 inch stand-up collar, and has 8 inches across the elbow sleeves, which are all good Civil War traits.  It does, however, have the pin striped sleeve liner, and also has raised shield Indian War era buttons.  This frock coat literally misses being Civil War by "maybe" 5 to 10 years, and is going to look great on a maniquin all decked out with equipment !!--$650.

  58. Excavated, Model 1839, small oval US waist belt plate.  This one was recovered from a Confederate trash pit located near "The Narrows" of Duck River near Shelbyville, Tennessee.  Confederates were clearly using old outdated Union surplus equipment.  I personally recovered five or six of these in the Confederate camps around Shelbyville.  This example has the lead melted out, but the hooks are present, and the plate displays very nicely.--$75.

  59. Excellent condition, excavated, small brass "acorn" device.  This was recovered from a Federal 14th Army Corp camp located near Atlanta, Georgia.  It is very rare to recover "corp badge" devices.  The "acorn" was the representation for the Federal 14th Army Corp.--$75.

  60. Excellent condition, unused, Federal Patriotic cover picturing an Eagle perched on a shield marked, "Union".--$38.

  61. Civil War date legal document dated January 30, 1865.  In this document, Andrew Payne of Wilson County, Tennessee, is claiming to hold a note on Edward Patton for the amount of $14.  The real problem here is that the $14 note had been due for almost a year, and Andrew Payne was unable to locate the note but did have witnesses to attest that was the case.  It appears the ruling was that Edward Patton owed Andrew Payne $14.--$20.

  62. Quite rare, $1 Texas Treasury Warrant dated July 2, 1862, issued out of Austin, Texas.  The note has a couple of small holes caused by the quill ink.  Still a very rare and a very nice note to display.--$75.

  63. Very attractive, 8 inch, military motif, Civil War powder flask.  The flask has a nice, aged patina but does have a couple of small dents and an old seam repair.--$150.

  64. Four excavated belt buckle hook device portions recovered on private property among the limestone out-croppings here at the Battle of Stones River.  This is really a pretty cool display.--$75.

  65. Nice excavated coat and cuff size Eagle "C" (Cavalry) uniform buttons.  This set of buttons was recovered years ago at "Camp Stanley" here at Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  This was the Federal Cavalry Corp's camp for the first half of 1863.--$48. for the pair.

  66. Non-excavated Civil War token.  On one side  is the Flag and the slogan "The Flag of Our Union".  On the reverse is, "If Somebody Attempts to Tear It Down, Shoot Him on the Spot".--$48.

  67. Quite rare, excavated, small caliber foreign rifle bullet.  These small projectiles have been recovered in several Confederate camps in this area, but we really do not know what gun this bullet goes to.  They are pretty rare to recover though.--$35.

  68. Three inch size, Confederate Read shell recovered from near the railroad bridge at Sulpher Branch Trestle, Alabama.  This shell was fired by John Morton's Confederate artillery of N. B. Forrest's Cavalry forces.  I personally recovered the lower 1/2 of a Confederate three-inch Brooke projectile near the same place.  The projectile is cleaned, coated, disarmed, and ready for display.--$650.

  69. Very nice condition, Confederate manufacture, "DOG RIVER", regulation, CS Cavalry saber with scabbard.  This saber has the classic Confederate hand-forged unstopped fuller blade and has with it the original brass mounts, lap seam, Confederate manufactured scabbard.  This saber is out of a local estate and is in very nice condition, but does show honest, in-the-saddle wear.--$4,250.SOLD

  70. Really pretty, Confederate manufacture, Foot Officer's sword with original gilted sword knot and gray/brown unstopped fuller Confederate blade.  This sword has original brass scabbard mounts, but the leather was replaced a number of years ago.  I believe this sword could be a product of E. J. Johnson of Macon, Georgia, but am not 100% certain which maker it is.  This sword displays beautifully.--$3,850.

  71. Excavated large size "Forked Tongue Frame" Confederate waist belt plate.  This Confederate buckle was recovered about 40 years ago from a Confederate camp located on the banks of Duck River near Shelbyville, TN.  Polk's Corp, Army of Tennessee, spent many months, from Jan. 3, 1863 until June 25, 1863, encamped here.  I have several frame buckles in my own collection that I recovered from these same camps.  This example has an attractive green-brown patina.--$850.

  72. Beautiful condition, Model 1858, .44 cal., Starr double-action Army revolver.  This revolver has beautiful case colors remaining in a number of areas.  It has a matching serial number of 21302.  It has a strong main spring and excellent bore, and the action works perfectly.  The military inspector's cartouche can still be seen on the base of the grip.  This revolver pretty much looks exactly as it did when issued during the Civil War.--$1,850.

  73. REALLY PRETTY excavated drop 3-inch Confederate Read-Broun.  This shell was recovered many years ago near Five Forks, Virginia.  These are only recovered at relatively late war sites.--$650.

  74. Nicely engraved, 8mm, Belgian produced, 6-shot pepperbox revolver.  This small size revolver was made to be able to be carried in a vest pocket or behind the belt.  It has a folding trigger and a checkered walnut grip.--$595.

  75. Smokingly beautiful, non-excavated, Richmond Arsenal pattern, CS two-piece sword belt plate with a portion of the original "bullet stitch", brown leather, Confederate belt.  This CS buckle and partial belt is part of a display that also consists of (6)six excellent condition, coat size, Civil War issue, Superior Quality, "C.S.A." uniform buttons and (2) two coat size Federal Staff Officer buttons of the type frequently worn by Confederate Officers.  Also in the display is a $50 Confederate note also from Richmond, Virginia.  This display is in a very nice quality, hand made, 12" by 18" walnut display case.  This would be a beautiful addition to even a museum display.--$6,495.

  76. Complete Burnside carbine cartridge recovered about 40 years ago in Granny White Gap at the Battle of Nashville, TN.  Back when I was a 20 year old, I used to park my 1971 Corvette StingRay at Jeannie C. Riley's (Harper Valley P.T.A.) House, and dug complete Burnsides, Spencers, Henrys, and Maynards on the ridge right behind her house !!!  Let Me Tell You -- J. C. R. was one fine looking lady even in gardening clothes !!!!--$48.

  77. A beautiful albumen photograph of "FEDERAL" MAJOR GENERAL JOSEPH C. WHEELER taken during the Spanish American War.  General Wheeler was, of course, a "CONFEDERATE" MAJOR GENERAL of Cavalry during the Civil War.  General Forrest once stated that he hoped that he was in attendance "TO WATCH THE DEVIL BURN THAT BLUE UNIFORM OFF GENERAL WHEELER" !!!--$75.

  78. 4 1/2 by 7 inch albumin photograph of a standing Federal Master Sergeant taken during the Spanish American War era.  This is a full standing view taken in front of his tent (with many other tents in the background).--$48.

  79. C.D.V. of a young Federal 2nd Lieutenant.  This was purchased out of an Ohio estate sale, and still has the orange 2 cent Revenue Stamp on the reverse.--$48.

  80. Very attractive Jan. 1, 1864 "State Of Alabama" $50. note.  This note is complete and very sound, but does show signs of moderate circulation.  It is serial number "1039"--$95.

  81. Excavated "Bust" half Dime that was being worn around a soldier's neck and lost in camp.  I once read in a soldier's letter that the soldiers did this so that they always had money for one meal !!  I can't read the date, but these were only minted from 1796 to 1837 !!  The coin was recovered from the camp of the 1st Alabama Cavalry.--$35.

  82. This came out of a local family a good number of years ago, and came with a very interesting tale.  It is unusual for a soldier to bring home "ONE" playing card !!  According to family legend, this is how many confirmed kills he had in battle !!  Now, the down side - the family had several members in the Civil War, and we just do not know "which relative" as the family has lost that information !!!!--$25.

  83. Extremely rare and in very nice condition "Boyle & Gamble" Richmond, Virginia, saber bayonet.  The bayonet has a beautiful, never cleaned, high copper alloy, bronze grip and a hand-forged, unstopped fuller blade.  This is out of the Tom Bain collection, and you about couldn't ask for a prettier example.--$1,595.

  84. Extremely rare, Confederate manufactured, Roman style short Artillery sword with “CS” in the center of the cross guard and a star on the pommel.  These swords are thought to have been made at the Selma Arsenal in Alabama, as a couple of partially cast guards have been found in the river there.  This example has a brown/black, aged patina blade with scattered pitting.  The high copper content, heavy cast brass guard has spiraling ribs and a “CS” and star cast into each side.  This style Confederate sword is known for its crudity of manufacture (which is one of the factors that makes Confederate collectors love it).--$3,250.

  85. Beautiful condition and super rare, "Kraft, Goldsmith, & Kraft", Columbia, South Carolina, Confederate Cavalry saber with distinctive wooden scabbard, iron mounts and brass hardware.  This saber has an original Civil War Era, brown ink presentation on the wooden scabbard.  It reads, "Presented to Commodore John H. Sta??? by his friend, General George B. Dand???".  It is very rare to find a K G & K Cavalry saber with a nice original scabbard, and this one is a beauty.  The blade has a smooth, gently aging, gray/brown patina.  The original grip and wire remain intact and in nice condition.  This saber came into the shop about 40 years ago and has been in the collection of Dr. Joe Boyd ever since.  I have no doubt this is one of the nicest condition K G & K Confederate manufactured Cavalry sabers remaining in existence today.--$8,950.

  86. Quite rare and in very nice condition, Model 1860 light Cavalry saber and scabbard.  The blade has a gently aging, gray/brown patina and is marked, "US - 1861 - Mansfield & Lamb".  The grip and wire remain 100% intact, and the scabbard ring mounts are deeply worn, indicating lots of time in the saddle.  This saber came out of a central Kentucky estate and stands an equal probability to have been either Union or Confederate carried.  Lots of John Hunt Morgan's Cavalry are known to have carried swords of this nature.  This saber will be a museum quality addition to any Civil War collection.--$975.

  87. Very nice condition, non-excavated, .50 cal., Maynard carbine cartridge.  This would be an excellent compliment to display with your Civil War Maynard carbine.--$48.

  88. Excavated grouping of artifacts recovered in Nashville, Tennessee, back when they were excavating for the football stadium.  Many of these artifacts were sandwiched in straw which appeared to have helped preserve them.  There were brogans and boots recovered as well as sections of uniform and several near complete leather cartridge boxes.  Biodegradable items like these are rarely ever recovered anymore.--$75.

  89. Excellent condition, excavated drop, .577 cal., Enfield projectile recovered here at Stones River with the a raised "57" in the base and the original boxwood plug still intact.  This comes in a small Riker case.--$20.SOLD

  90. Excellent condition, unused Confederate States of America Treasury document.  This document has the Confederate "droop wing" Eagle embossed in the upper right corner.--$45.

  91. Riker display case containing three nice condition, dropped projectiles recovered on private property here at the Battle of Stones River.  The bullets are a .577 cal. Enfield, a .69 cal. musket ball, and a .58 cal. 3-ring Minie ball.--$25.SOLD

  92. Absolutely beautiful condition UNUSED Confederate Postal cover with the "STARS AND BARS" CONFEDERATE FIRST NATIONAL FLAG in full color in the upper left corner, and am including an original Confederate blue Jeff Davis postal stamp to display with the Confederate cover.  Now, all you need to do is address it, and take it down to your "LOCAL CONFEDERATE POST OFFICE" !!! and mail it !!!--$225.

  93. Group of three buttons recovered during the grading for what is now "Thompson Lane" here at the Battle of Stones River.  The grader appeared to have cut through a field burial in the area of what is now a large church.  The buttons are a Federal Eagle button with a good size plug of thread and cloth on the back, a hand-made button from a mussel shell, and a gold gilted, flat "penny" button.  This was almost certainly a Confederate from where the site was located, and you would virtually never see a Union soldier wearing a hand-made button from a mussel shell.  This is a historic little set of buttons.--$75.

  94. Very nice display containing a total of four Confederate postal stamps.  Two of the stamps are 10 cent stamps and remain attached together, and two of the stamps are Jefferson Davis 5 cent stamps, and one has a a partial post mark.  All four Confederate stamps and glass display case --$89.

  95. Small tin of excavated Civil War projectiles containing 100 bullets recovered here at Stones River over the last 40 years.  About 80% of the projectiles are drops, and about 15% - 20% are fired.  There are numerous different types and calibers.  In our current world, it would take many, many hours of hard work and permission getting to recover this many bullets here at Stones River.  Here is a super bargain at only $1.90 per bullet.  There is currently no way on earth you could dig them for that.  The batteries would cost more than that!!!--$179.

  96. Excavated soldier's smoking pipe bowl.  This pipe was recovered from a Confederate trash pit located along Duck River near Shelbyville, Tennessee.  The stem is broken off where it intersects the bowl.--$20.

  97. "EXTREMELY RARE" - Postal cover "SELF - ADDRESSED" by Alexander Stephens (GA. Congressman AND Vice President of the Confederacy) to his younger half-brother Col. Linton Stephens who would later become "Lt. Col." Linton Stephens commanding the 15th GA. Inf. during the Civil War.  This cover is dated Feb. 3, 1851.  Alexander Stephen's signature alone often sells for $200. or more.  This is a very cool item from "numerous" standpoints.--$195.

  98. "1860" dated Tax Document  from Frederick Co, VA listing all the things that you were taxed for including Land Tax, State Levy, County Levy, Parrish Levy, Personal Property, AND # of SLAVES TAX !!!--$45.

  99. This is a short Confederate order directing that $6. be paid to Emeline Pathson, whose husband was a member of the 15th VA REGT - C.S.A. and is dated Sept. 14th, 1863.  The order doesn't say "why" she is to receive this payment ??--$38.

  100. Just brought into the shop out of the local area, very attractive, Model 1860, light Cavalry saber and scabbard.  The blade has a smooth, dark, attic patina and is marked, "Ames Mfg Co. - Chicopee Mass".  The date is not visible, but I suspect that it is under the leather boot at the top of the blade.  The scabbard is missing the two ring mounts but is full length and nice otherwise.  This will make someone a great "first saber" from the American Civil War.--$595.

  101. Original brown paper wrapped packet of five and ten second Civil War Artillery fuses.  These were used by both Union and Confederate Artillery.--$75.

  102. Very nice condition, original 8 - page New York Tribune newspaper.  This newspaper is dated Tuesday, December 6, 1864, and has updates from all the different armies around the country including General Thomas and General Schofield at the Battle of Franklin, TN. on November 30, 1864.  This extensive newspaper has tons of interesting reading.--$35.

  103. Original packet of 14 "Lucifers".  These were of course Civil War matches and were highly sought after in the field and on the march, because a good, warm fire was invaluable.  Nita & I were relic hunting a Confederate camp at the base of Monteagle Mountain, and she recovered a "match safe" with a strip of these type matches still inside!!!--$48.

  104. Excavated soldiers smoking pipe bowl.  This pipe was recovered from a Confederate trash pit located along Duck River near Shelbyville, Tennessee.  It still has a couple of inches of "stem" intact.--$25.

  105. Very nice condition, excavated, LARGE bore cannon friction primer.  This primer was recovered near Charleston, SC, and remains as solid as can be.--$55.

  106. Nice clear CDV of Federal Lt. General U. S. Grant.  Crisp definition.--$65.

  107. Quite rare, 1838 date, State of Connecticut Militia Tactics Manual.  This manual was published by Case, Tiffany, and Burnham in East Hartford, CT, October 10, 1837.  The manual remains in good, complete condition and would have been regulations during the Mexican War.--$75.

  108. Really nice collection of different type Civil War bullets recovered during the 1970s here at Stones River by Wade Buchanan.  There are 15 projectiles - all nice condition drops - including some rare ones like a Complete .56 Spencer - a complete French Pinfire Cart. - a rare .58 cal. buck and ball - a .69 cal. buck and ball - A Williams Cleaner - a Confederate Gardner - an Enfield, a Ringtail Sharps, and others.  A diagram on the reverse IDs each bullet.--$98.

  109. Original Civil War newspaper, the "Boston Evening Transcript", for Wednesday, February 26, 1862.  In this issue, "The Surrender of Nashville is Confirmed".  Some reports out of Nashville say that the Rebels intend to make another stand at Murfreesboro (which, of course, proved to be exactly correct).  There is lots of interesting reading in this newspaper, including some very interesting ads.  One ad says, "Oysters - Those who would indulge in the luxury of Oysters should visit the establishment of Atwoods, where will be found the finest flavored bivalves ever brought into this city.  Arrived this day from the richest beds in Maryland."  Hours and hours of very interesting reading.--$38.

  110. Beautiful condition pair of GAR and UCV postcards.  Both are very colorful and in excellent condition.--$25. for both.

  111. Nice condition, actually used and postmarked, Federal Patriotic cover mailed to Mrs. Nancy Clark in Mercer County, Ohio.  Postmarked US 3 cent stamp intact.--$25.

  112. Excavated, coat size, "puff rim", Confederate block "I" (Infantry) button.  This button was recovered from a road bed through a Confederate camp near Tullahoma, Tennessee.  The "I" is clearly visible, but the button is flatter than its normal state would be.--$48.

  113. Very attractive .58 cal. Model 1855 Civil War cartridge box.  This box remains nice and pliable with the original cartridge tins intact, and also the original large size U.S. lead filled cartridge box plate intact.  The 2 small iron roller buckles were removed back during the Civil War era as they often were.  It is marked "J. E. Condict - New York"--$495.

  114. Very pretty condition excavated large size lead filled U.S. cartridge boxplate.  This plate was recovered at Ashland, Virginia, many years ago.  The plate has full lead and retains one original attachment loop.  The second is rusted into.  This is a nicer plate than is typical to dig now.--$165.

  115. Excellent condition, non-excavated, large size, lead-filled, US oval cartridge box plate.  The attachment loops on this plate measure 2 1/4 inches.  If you have a nice cartridge box needing a box plate, this one is about as nice as you are going to find.--$250.

  116. Smooth, brown, attic patina, Model 1855, Springfield triangular socket bayonet.  This bayonet came out of a Franklin estate sale several years ago and was no doubt left by the Union forces as they evacuated Franklin in 1864, following the Battle of Franklin on November 30, 1864.  The bayonet remains completely uncleaned with a visible "US" mark and the lock ring remaining intact.--$175.

  117. OK -- Definitely not Civil War, but quite interesting.  I recently purchased a Civil War collection, and for some crazy reason this original holder for a "Thomas Edison cylinder record" was in the collection.  The actual record that came in the holder was "The Liberty Bell March" but the record cylinder was not present.  Believe it or not, I actually had one of these years ago that was a patriotic song !!  Edison invented this thing, and it dates about 1904.  Not everyone has one of these !!  (Just for fun, did you know that you might be quite familiar with the "Liberty Bell March" as it is the theme song of "Monty Python's Flying Circus")--$35.

  118. Very attractive, arrow hook pattern, large size, US oval on original black leather waist belt and with original percussion cap box still intact on the belt.  This will be an excellent addition to any Civil War display.--$595.

  119. Super Cool Artillery display recovered at Vicksburg, Miss.  This desk display is composed of a large 4 lb. size (2 1/2 inch) "Naval Grape" shot, and a single cannister shot from a 12 lb. size cannon (1 1/2 inch).  A beautiful wood work job milling out the seats for the two projectiles, and a soft felt bottom for sitting on a desk.  This is a "steal" when you consider the time and expense relic hunting - the time cleaning the balls - the time "cutting out, sanding, and clear coating the stand.  BUT, how can you put a price on the fun of completeing each step (YEP PRICELESS) !!!--$95.

  120. Quite rare style saber bayonet, but unfortunately in somewhat relic condition.  This bayonet is for a Merrill Navy rifle, Model 1862.  It has a massively long 25 inch blade and is serial number 2341.  It has the tiny "G" marking this style bayonet is known for.  This is a style saber bayonet that does not come along very often.--$275.

  121. Excavated, large size, 1840/1850 era, puppy-paw hook style, US oval waist belt plate.  This buckle was recovered over 40 years ago from a fire pit on private property along the line here at Stones River.  It appears that the buckle broke the front hook and was tossed in the fire as being no longer serviceable.  Once in the fire, the lead filler got melted out, and the brass face and hooks remained.  A really neat yet inexpensive artifact.--$65.SOLD

  122. Beautiful condition, non-excavated, stamped brass, Federal "French Horn", Infantry insignia.  This particular hat insignia was on display for many years in an Arkansas museum.  If you have an Infantry kepi needing a hatpin, you couldn't ask for nicer.--$115.

  123. Absolutely beautiful Model 1851 cast brass Federal eagle sword belt plate.  The buckle is just perfect, and shows nice wear where the keeper was hooked and unhooked MANY times.  Although these were Federal produced, many saw Southern service, and this one is out of the local area, and could very well have been Southern used.--$375.

  124. Quite attractive excavated coat size Confederate Local 2-piece block "I" (Infantry) uniform button.  This button was recovered from General Breckenridge's November, 1862 Army Of Tennessee Confederate Infantry camp located near Readyville, TN.  It has an "E. M. L. - Richmond, VA" backmark.  The button has just a little bit of chipping at one spot along the rim, but remains very pretty, and solid as can be with NO DENTS !!!  (My first weekend in this camp when we first found it, I got a gutter back GA. Frame, a regular large size Forked Tongue Frame, a large size Confederate rare "Double Tongue" Frame, one Federal eagle Breast Plate, one arrow hook large size U.S. oval, and several Confederate "I" buttons (like this one), a couple coat size "Droop Wing Eagle" CS staff buttons, one 1853 silver quarter, an 1854 silver quarter, and A Boat Load Of Bullets.  The sad fact is that with all these nice items, I did not have one of the three best items found that weekend !!!!!!  Single Best Item Found -- Beautiful 1861 date $20. gold coin (Yes, I was a little jealous !!)  #2  Beautiful Leech and Rigdon "C.S. on the back" spur, and #3 Beautiful "Egg Shaped C.S. oval Confederate belt plate !!!)  So much for living in the past -- Back to now.  Confederate "I" button--$95.

  125. Excavated, cast brass, Federal Cavalry carbine sling buckle and matching belt tip.  This was recovered many years ago at "Camp Stanley" here at Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  The belt tip still has some of the original leather belt attached.--$125.

  126. Original, .577, triangular socket Enfield bayonet and leather scabbard.  If you have an original Enfield musket, this is the compliment you need to make it into a museum caliber display.--$295.

  127. Nice clear 1/9th plate early war glass ambrotype of a young Ohio Officer.  This image was purchased about 30 years ago from a central Ohio estate sale.  This is a seated pose with his arm resting on a table.  His 2nd Lieut. rank straps are clearly visible.--$135.

  128. Absolutely beautiful, excavated, chocolate brown, Federal circular Eagle breast plate.  This breast plate was recovered here at Stones River about 40 years ago and remains nearly nice enough to still wear.  It has full lead and both attachment loops remaining intact.--$225.

  129. Absolutely beautiful condition, excavated, Confederate solid cast brass "I".  This button was recovered in a lawn off Lewisburg Pike at the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee.  You just won't find a prettier one.--$165.

  130. Excavated, "J. P. Shenkl - 1861", cast brass percussion fuse.  This fuse was recovered near the stone wall at the Battle of Nashville, December 1864, 2nd day fighting.  The threads are still good on the fuse and would very likely screw right back into a shell.--$75.

  131. Excavated, chocolate brown, coat size, Eagle "R" (Rifleman) uniform button.  This button, like many other Eagle "R" buttons, dates pre-war and was recovered from the camp of the 51st Alabama Cavalry.  The button is dented, but retains good detail and has gold gilt around the "R".--$48.

  132. Super rare style, excavated cast brass, thick rectangular CSA waist belt plate.  This style plate is often referred to by diggers as a "claw hook Atlanta style" rectangular CSA.  I remember when this buckle was found as I recovered one of the exact same type within a few days later.  It was recovered at a hospital site at the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee.  I recovered mine about 300 yards south of where this one was recovered.  Most rectangle CSA buckles have a rarity level of "5".  This style rectangle carries a rarity of "7".  It is the style buckle pictured on page 47 of Steve Mullinax's original buckle book.  With this buckle comes an LOA from the "Horse Soldier" (Gettysburg) dated 2014, and additionally, I will include an LOA as well.--$3,850.SOLD

  133. Just brought in, .58 cal., Model 1861 Savage Arms Company 3-band rifled musket.  This musket is dated "1863" and was likely issued here at Stones River during the Federal Army of the Cumberland's 6-month stay here at Murfreesboro from January 3, 1863, to June 25, 1863.  The musket has a smooth, never cleaned, attic brown patina overall and has crisp lockplate markings of "1863 - Savage F. A. Co. - Middletown CT".  The musket still has sharp, crisp action and locks firmly into both half-cock and full-cock positions.  The long-range site, both sling swivels, and ram rod all remain intact.  The military inspector's cartouche remains clearly visible opposite the lockplate.  The musket was likely left here when the Federal Army moved south in June of 1863.  We are including with the musket a display case containing a dropped .58 Minie ball and percussion caps recovered here at Stones River.--$1,450.

  134. Very rare, excavated, complete 3-inch percussion fused Hotchkiss projectile recovered about 20 years ago from along York Road at the Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  It is extremely rare to recover this type shell complete.  Either the brass fuse is blown out, or the lead sabot is flung off, or the cup is missing.  That is not even to mention that it is a Gettysburg recovery.  The shell has been disarmed and is safe, and comes with a C.O.A. from the "Union Drummer Boy" Relic Shop in Gettysburg..--$495.

  135. Extremely rare "Boyle and Gamble" - Richmond, Virginia, Confederate Field and Staff Officer's sword and scabbard.  The sword remains in very nice condition with full engraving down both sides of the blade with the "CSA in shield" completely readable in the blade engraving.  The well known Boyle and Gamble "blade fault line" is clearly visible.  The cast brass guard with "CS" in the wreath with the star above is in excellent condition with a rich, aged patina.  The sword has the original wrap and wire on the grip, and it has 95% of the original leather intact.  The sword has been in this leather scabbard since the Civil War Era, but the scabbard is a Civil War date import rather than a Boyle and Gamble product.  The original scabbard was likely damaged.  This Confederate Officer's sword and scabbard is nice enough for about any museum and would be a fine addition to any Confederate collection.--$7,950.

  136. Really pretty, shadow boxed display, ready to hang with a complete Spencer recovered at Winchester, Virginia, an excavated .58 cal. Minie ball from Shiloh, a .44 cal. Colt from Arkansas, a excavated Federal Eagle button from Vicksburg, Mississippi, some sewing needles taken off of the sunken CSA Blockade Runner Georgiana, some percussion caps, and some letter sealing gum.  Items are nicely shadow boxed in a 12 x 12 ornate display case.--Entire display--$100.

  137. Very nice condition set of Civil War Era large size binoculars.  The binoculars are "Paris" marked.  The optics still work well, and the mechanics screw in and out freely.  Both sun shades remain intact.  They are ready to be on display in a museum or private collection.--$150.

  138. .50 cal., paper and foil cartridge by Poultney for the Gallagher carbine.  Excellent, complete condition.--$65.

  139. Excavated sardine ration can and shards of dinnerware recovered from Confederate trash pits along the Duck River near Shelbyville, Tennessee.--$20.

  140. Quite rare and very attractive, "We Drank from the Same Canteen" souvenir canteen from the 1900 Chicago GAR convention.  The enamel appears to be hand-painted.  This canteen came out of the estate of a Union Soldier who is said to have actually attended this reunion.--$195.

  141. Excellent condition, small size Officer's whiskey flask.  This flask has the leather covering intact on the top and the removable pewter cup intact on the bottom.  The threaded pewter cap remains perfectly intact.  (Could possibly come with a small amount of Tennessee moonshine!!)--$125.

  142. Super nice, framed shadow boxed relic display consisting of a soldier's folding fork from Gettysburg, a very pretty excavated circular lead-filled breast plate from Culpepper, Virginia, a Confederate buck and ball from City Point, Virginia, a gilted coat size Eagle button from Second Manassas, a UCV Confederate Reunion pin flag from Mobile, 1905, a non-excavated Union Artillery hat insignia (crossed cannons), and an excavated 1863 Indian Head Cent.  All nicely shadow-box framed.--$250.

  143. Excellent condition, excavated, regulation cast brass, Federal Cavalry Enlistedman's spur.  This spur was recovered about 40 years ago from Camp Stanley which was the Federal Cavalry's 1863 winter camp located just south of Murfreesboro, Tennessee.--$89.

  144. Civil War and pre-Civil War cannon "port fire".  This was used to touch off cannons in the early days when a wick was used to touch off the cannon rather than the Civil War Era brass cannon friction primers.  This one remains in excellent, unused condition.--$75.

  145. Display of excavated artifacts including a cuff size Eagle button, two percussion caps, a dropped .58 cal. Minie ball, a fired musket ball, and a broken piece of dinner china, as well as a Civil War Era business advertisement.  Very nice little display.--$25.

  146. Smokingly beautiful, non-excavated, Richmond Arsenal pattern, CS two-piece sword belt plate with a portion of the original "bullet stitch", brown leather, Confederate belt.  This CS buckle and partial belt is part of a display that also consists of (6)six excellent condition, coat size, Civil War issue, Superior Quality, "C.S.A." uniform buttons and (2) two coat size Federal Staff Officer buttons of the type frequently worn by Confederate Officers.  Also in the display is a $50 Confederate note also from Richmond, Virginia.  This display is in a very nice quality, hand made, 12" by 18" walnut display case.  This would be a beautiful addition to even a museum display.--$6,495.

  147. Very attractive, .69 cal., 1841 Harpers Ferry musket originally flintlock but converted to percussion using the Butterfield Conversion System.  The musket has a smooth, brown, aged patina tip to tip with lockplate markings of, "Harpers Ferry - 1841 - US - and the Eagle".  These muskets were considered somewhat obsolete, and many were stored in the Harpers Ferry Arsenal.  They were, of course, captured and distributed to Confederate Infantry.  This example shows extensive service with dings, marks, and wear in the wood and a crack running just behind the tang of the barrel.  Southern Infantry fought much of the war with this exact type musket using buck and ball.  We are including a buck and ball round that we recovered here at Stones River with the musket.  You might not be able to afford a $12,000 Richmond musket, but here is a weapon extensively used by the South at a very realistic price of--$1,295.

  148. Beautiful condition, non-excavated, coat size, CS5 Confederate Staff Officer's button.  This button has a "Treble Gilt - Extra Rich" backmark with the shank intact and near 100% bright gold gilt.  It is ready to sew back on a uniform!!!--$275.

  149. Very nice condition, 12 1/2 inch overall Confederate dirk with an 8 1/4 inch blade.  This knife appears to have been constructed from a file and has a silver "S-shaped" hand guard.  The wooden grip is hand-crafted American walnut.  This knife is out of a north Alabama estate and is as Confederate as Robert E. Lee and N. B. Forrest.--$895.

  150. Absolutely beautiful uncirculated 1863 date "State Of North Carolina" $20. note.  This note is dated Jan. 1st, 1863, is serial number 1565, and was printed in Releigh, N.C.--$125.

  151. Reproduction, 3 ft. x 5 ft. Confederate Battle Flag.  I stumbled across a couple of these from when we used to have the store open daily.  Every place USED TO carry these in stock even including lots of truck stops.  They are long gone now and even difficult to find to order.--$20.

  152. Very pretty condition Scott #11 Confederate blue 10 cent stamp.  This is an unissued stamp and remain in perfect condition with bright, vivid color.--$38.

  153. 1949 - 1955 UNITED STATES 30 cent Robert E. Lee Postal stamp.  This is a nice condition, unused stamp.  Can you imagine this stamp in circulation today!!!--$20.

  154. Excavated cast brass keeper for a 4-piece Rifleman's buckle.  This keeper was recovered from a crop field here at the Battle of Stones River where an Alabama Infantry unit had been positioned.  At some point along the way, it has been struck by an agricultural disc and bent some.  It remains complete though, and I'm sure would straighten if desired.--$25.

  155. Excavated, .56 cal. Spencer carbine/rifle cartridge.  This cartridge was recovered many years ago from the position held by Wilder's Lightning Brigade at Hoovers Gap, Tennessee.  Excellent to display with your Spencer rifle or carbine.--$45.

  156. Very pretty condition, French manufactured, 9 mm pinfire revolver.  The revolver is serial number 568.  The action still works nicely, and the ejector rod and loading door both remain intact.  Many Confederate Officers carried imported French and Belgian pinfire revolvers.--$595.

  157. First patented March 31, 1857 and then re-patented in 1865 - "THE DAVIDSON SYRINGE" which was a CASED medical instrument first produced by the Davidson Rubber Co. in Boston, Mass. for use in giving Enemas.  Everything is all still here in the cased set, BUT you can now drive nails with the rubber !!  In almost 50 years I think that I have had only 3 of these complete, so pretty rare !! - YOU ARE GOING TO NEED TO REPLACE THE RUBBER HOSES BEFORE USING !!!!  HA !!   "Instructions" are included !!!--$95.

  158. Quite rare and in beautiful condition, "1862 date", D. J. Millard, Model 1861, Cavalry saber.  The blade remains clean as can be, and the scabbard is in very nice condition with a chocolate brown patina.  The original grip remains 100% intact along with the original wire.  Now the cool part:  The soldier's name is inscribed in the back face of the guard with a pin knife.  The soldier's name is "J. N. Wood".  There are a couple of different possibilities as to exactly who the soldier is that carried this saber.  A very likely candidate is James N. Wood of the 1st Alabama Cavalry (Union), Co. F.  There is lots more research that could be done.--$1,150.

  159. Very pretty condition, excavated, circular, lead-filled Eagle breast plate.  This plate was recovered many years ago by Ken Bream on private property of the 1st days fighting at the Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  This plate has a super nice, uncleaned face with full lead and both wire attachment loops intact on the reverse.--$350.

  160. Very pretty condition, Revolutionary War Era, wooden drum style canteen.  This canteen was on display for many years in the private museum of Ann and C. W. Webb of Lowell, Arkansas.  The canteen is dated "1814" on one side and has the initials "O A" carved into both sides.  The canteen came out of an Arkansas estate and is believed to have been carried in the Revolutionary War Era and by a Confederate in the Civil War Era.  This is truly a museum level artifact.--$495.

  161. Nice condition Model 1858 smooth type Federal canteen with complete butternut cover, complete sling, and original stopper.  This canteen shows clear signs of actually being carried.  There are soldier initials cut into the pewter spout, and I may be able to figure out who carried it, but I don't know right now.  Every Civil War collection needs to have a nice original canteen in it !!--$425.

  162. Excavated Confederate State Seal wreath with the decorated inner belt loop.  This wreath is correct for several Confederate states such as "Georgia, Virginia, South Carolina, etc.", but this one probably had a "Georgia" in that it was recovered near the camp of the 1st GA. Cavalry.  BUT - If you have any of the states that take this wreath, here is your chance to finish your buckle.  The wreath has a really pretty brown-green patina.--$895.

  163. Fresh out of a deep south estate, import Model 1860 light Cavalry saber and scabbard.  Both the saber and scabbard remain in nice condition just beginning to darken with age.  The blade has the "Bleckman" mark and is crisply dated "1861".  The grip remains in very nice condition, and the scabbard is excellent with an aged brown patina and is without a single dent.--$795.

  164. Smoking beautiful large size "U.S." oval lead filled Union cartridge boxplate.  This was recovered in 1978 by Wade Buchannan among the limestone outcroppings along Stones River near the current Bumpus Harley Davidson store.  This plate is an "11" on a scale of 10 !!!!--$250.

  165. Very pretty condition, Model 1840, Light Artillery saber and scabbard.  The saber has a nice, clean blade marked, "US - 1862 - Ames Mfc. Co. - Chicopee Mass".  The sword has original leather and wire 100% intact, and the brass guard is perfect with a gently aging patina.  The original scabbard remains in excellent condition with an aging, gray patina and a "JE" inspector mark on the drag.  This is a quality artillery saber nice enough to be in any museum.--$975.

  166. Very nice condition, Model 1860, Federal Naval Cutlass with a nice clean blade marked, "Ames - USN - 1862".  This Naval sword has a large brass hand guard and is just beginning to patina with age.  The leather scabbard is complete and original with brass rivets completely down the side.  It is only missing the very tip where there was a large brass rivet.--$850.

  167. Very rare to come by, Confederate manufacture leather holster correct for the 6 inch barrel, Model 1849 Colt pocket model revolver.  The holster come with a "wooden" revolver that is used to keep the holster's shape.  The holster does have some flaking but only about what is normal and average for Confederate leather.  This would be a perfect compliment to display alongside your Colt pocket model revolver.--$795.

  168. Very nice condition, excavated, low convex, one piece, coat size Virginia Militia button.  This button dates manufacture between 1820 and 1835.  It has a light brown patina with traces of gold gilt.  The button is backmarked, "Young, Smith, & Co. - New York".  It remains in very nice condition and was recovered on private property at a hospital site at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.--$375.

  169. Very pretty, excavated, coat size, Confederate lined block "C" (Cavalry) uniform button.  This button was recovered from a Confederate Cavalry camp located near Richmond, Virginia, and has a slick brown patina with the shank intact.  There is a tiny, tiny press in the center of the "C" (almost cannot be seen) but is otherwise a beautiful, perfect, excavated Confederate "C" button.--$395.

  170. Very pretty condition, 1863 date, Navy Artillery fuse pouch.  The pouch is complete and remains very pliable with no surface flaking.  It is marked, "Navy Yard - Phila - 1863" in an oval on the outside flap.  Rare to find in nice condition.--$425.

  171. Very pretty 1/6th plate fully cased tintype of Asa Carter, of the 5th KY INF - CSA.  He enlisted in Oct. of 1861, and was discharged in March of 1865.  Asa fought at Chickamauga and through the entire Atlanta campaign.  After the Atlanta campaign, the 5th Kentucky Infantry was reorganized and became the 5th Kentucky Mounted Infantry.  They harassed Sherman to Savannah, Georgia, and then into North Carolina where they surrendered at Greensboro in April of 1865.  This is a nice, clean image in a "A. P. Critchlow & Co." thermoplastic case.--$695.

  172. Excavated, 3-inch size, J. P. Schenkl percussion artillery shell.  This projectile was recovered about 30 years ago from private property on the battlefield of Fredericksburg, Virginia.  The brass J. P. Schenkl percussion fuse will easily screw completely out of the shell.  It is a very rare thing to find a Schenkl percussion fused shell nice enough to screw the brass fuse out.--$450.

  173. Nice, clear, fully cased, 1/9th plate, "Ruby" ambrotype of a young ARMED Confederate soldier.  This image is out of a Middle Tennessee family.   He is wearing a "shell jacket" with shoulder tabs and has a European dirk slid through two buttonholes on the front of his uniform.  I do have some family information but am not certain who this young fellow is.--$550.

  174. Very nice condition, private purchase, Confederate used, cast brass Cavalry spur.  This spur is out of the Dibrill family from near Sparta, Tennessee.  There was a half dozen members of this family in the 8th and 13th Tennessee Cavalry CSA.  We are unsure as to which family member actually used the spur.  From the wear pattern, it appears the spur was worn on the right hand boot, and the rowel is hand-carved from a silver coin (likely a half dollar).  A small piece of the leather attachment strap is still with the spur.  This is a REALLY cool artifact.--$295.

  175. Very attractive, complete Model 1864, .58 cal. cartridge box with over-the-shoulder sling.  This box is the style with the embossed US oval rather than the earlier lead-filled cartridge box plate.  The box itself remains pliable with one cartridge tin remaining intact.  The leather closure tab remains present but is broken on one side.  The over-the-shoulder sling remains quite pliable but has an old break right where it goes through the cartridge box strap.  The sling also has one area that is narrower than the rest of the sling apparently due to a mouse needing material for a nest.  We are offering .58 cal. cartridge box complete with the over-the-shoulder sling.--$475.

  176. Model 1850, Ames Federal Field and Staff Officer's sword and scabbard.  This sword has one of the most beautifully engraved blades that I have seen in ages.  It literally has 98% engraving and frosting as bright and vivid as when it was produced over 150 years ago.  The brass guard and scabbard mounts all retain near 100% gold gilting.  The top mount of the scabbard is stamped, "Ames Mfg. Co.", and Ames Manufacturing Company is actually part of the blade engraving.  This sword would without question be a $3,000 sword if it were not for a couple of factors.  The first factor is that there is some pitting on the metal scabbard due to the high humidity in Florida where this sword has been stored for a good number of years.  The second factor is also due to Florida heat and humidity, and it is the fact that some pieces of the shark skin sword handle grip have flaked off.  In spite of these couple of issues, this is still quite a stunning Civil War Officer's sword and scabbard.--$1,495.

  177. Very attractive, 1st Model Kenansville, NC, Confederate Cavalry saber.  The high copper content North Carolina style guard has a rich, uncleaned, aged patina.  The blade has the typical unstopped Confederate fuller and is turning gray/brown with age.  The grip was down to wood and was restored several years ago.  This is a very nice Confederate sword (without scabbard) at a very reasonable price.--$1,850.

  178. Very interesting Confederate saber and scabbard out of a local estate.  The South is famous for always having a lack of suitable weapons for the entire Civil War.  This saber and scabbard was blacksmith created by using parts from three separate Cavalry sabers.  The saber has a guard and pommel cap from a 2nd Model Kenansville, NC, Cavalry saber.  The blade has the pen knife style trait common to Tennessee produced "College Hill Arsenal" sabers.  The scabbard which was with the sword when it came out of the family here is an iron import style saber scabbard.  The saber is an excellent example of how the South was forced to create weapons from what they had, because throughout the entire Civil War, the Confederacy had a difficult time keeping their forces armed.  On this particular saber, the outside branch of the guard is bent forward, indicating at some point, the horse went down and sandwiched the saber between the horse and the ground.  I am sure this saber could tell many war stories.  I have a fair guess as to who likely carried this saber.--$2,650.

  179. Rare, rare Richmond Arsenal pattern CS Enlistedman's Cavalry sword belt rig.  This belt rig was a part of the nationally known Steve Mullinax collection for many years.  The CS two-piece sword belt plate buckle is a regulation Richmond Arsenal product and has a rich, never cleaned, aged bronze patina.  The belt itself is an original "bullet stitch" Confederate Richmond Arsenal belt but was in an attic for many years and gradually became hard as a rock.  We have used Picard (lots of Picard) to get the belt in a state to display.  The belt displays nicely but has numerous cracks and a couple of breaks.  You will likely never see an original Richmond Arsenal CS belt plate on an original "Bullet Stitch" Confederate belt at a price like this again.  We are pricing it at pretty much the value of the non-excavated CS two-piece buckle alone.--$4,500.

  180. Super rare, "College Hill Arsenal", Nashville, Tennessee, Confederate Field and Staff Officer's sword and scabbard.  This sword has the same "CSA" cast into the brass guard as the Nashville Plow Works.  The ribbon that is cast into the guard has nothing cast into it whereas "Nashville Plow Works" is integrally cast into the products of Nashville Plow Arsenal.  This beautiful sword is out of the local area and has been in one of the most advanced local collections for the past 40 years.  The blade of the sword has visible Confederate engraving from top to bottom.  The engraving has an "open mouth serpent" as a part of the engraving, and this is known to be an example of "Cunningham" engraving.  The sword has a nice condition, original grip and is in a correct style import leather scabbard.  This was often the case as original Confederate scabbards were often made of poor quality leather and did not last.  This is the nicest College Hill Field and Staff Officer's Confederate sword that we have had come through in a number of years.--$8,500.

  181. Nice condition, regulation, Federal Enlistedman's arrow hook waist belt plate on original, black bridle leather belt, complete with the brass adjustor and also the original percussion cap pouch.  This belt rig is out of a central Ohio estate sale and is becoming more and more rare to surface.  The belt remains very pliable, and the US buckle is perfect and has never been cleaned.  The percussion cap box still has some of the wool inside as well as some original percussion caps.  This would be a very nice addition for anyone's collection.--$695.

  182. Absolutely SMOKINGLY BEAUTIFUL excavated GILTED coat size Confederate 23mm "CS-7" Staff Officer's button.  This is a truly fantastic button with a "W. Dowler/Superior Quality" backmark.  It has the shank intact, and was recovered many years ago from a Confederate camp near Fairfax, VA.  In an entire Relic Hunting career, you will be able to count on your fingers the number of Confederate buttons that you recover this nice.--$875.

  183. Absolutely beautiful condition, quite rare, "accentuated serif" style Richmond Arsenal CS tongue and wreath sword belt plate.  This buckle was recovered many years ago near Brandy Station, Virginia.  Both pieces were dug together and have not even been washed off.  You will not find a more beautiful, perfect CS two piece tongue and wreath.--$3,250.

  184. Very pretty condition, and a quite desirable saber.  This is an 1863 date , Model 1860, Emerson & Silver - Trenton, NJ, light cavalry saber and scabbard.  This saber is out of a central Kentucky estate, and actually stands a good chance of having been Confederate carried.  This is a nice quality saber, literally pretty enough to be in a museum.--$975.

  185. Very attractive condition, original, Federal, Civil War "carbine cartridge box".  This box is appropriate for any of the .54 cal. Civil War carbines including Sharps, Starr, Merrill, Perry, and others.  The leather attachment tab has at some point been replaced but looks fine on the box.  This is a perfect accessory to display with your Civil War carbines.--$350.

  186. Model 1840, non-commissioned Officer, "NCO" sword in original scabbard complete with white, over-the-shoulder sling with breast plate intact.  The sword has a clean, bright blade marked, "Ames Cabotville 1848" and remains in its original scabbard.  The scabbard is unfortunately missing the brass drag, but these are reasonably easy to obtain.  It is very rare to find this sword complete with the over-the-shoulder leather intact.--$975.

  187. Very rare, Federal, coat size, "Topographical Engineer" Civil War uniform button with war date, "D. Evans" in a ribbon backmark.  You will not see a more beautiful, perfect example.--$595.

  188. Quite rare to find, original 1861 printing of the tactics manual, "Handbook for Active Service" consisting of practical instructions in campaign duties, by Egbert L. Viele, printed in New York by D. Van Nostrand, 192 Broadway - 1861.  The manual remains in complete condition with the original front and back covers.  The covers have become disattached, and the leather backstrap is missing.  The manual would be a great candidate to be restored by one of the book restorationists.  This is one you hardly ever see.--$48.

  189. Smoking cool, shadow boxed display of a .69 cal., Model 1842, 3-band musket that was literally "wrapped around a tree" in order to disable the weapon.  This weapon was recovered many years ago near New Kent Courthouse, Virginia, and has been in the personal collection of Dr. Lawrence Pawl for many years.  I was recently able to purchase this display, and it is all framed and ready for a new home.  Now for the bad news - this display measures 21 inches by 51 inches and will need to be picked up here at the shop.  It is a whale of a nice display and deserves a good home.--$650.

  190. Really pretty, high grade, single-shot, percussion pistol with blued barrel and intricately engraved solid silver frame.  This absolutely beautiful, single-shot pistol is Civil War maker marked, "Van Wart & Son Co. London".  The action works perfectly, and it is 100% museum grade.--$1,150.

  191. Extremely rare, Confederate manufactured, Roman style short Artillery sword with “CS” in the center of the cross guard and a star on the pommel.  These swords are thought to have been made at the Selma Arsenal in Alabama, as a couple of partially cast guards have been found in the river there.  This example has a brown/black, aged patina blade with scattered pitting.  The high copper content, heavy cast brass guard has spiraling ribs and a “CS” and star cast into each side.  This style Confederate sword is known for its crudity of manufacture (which is one of the factors that makes Confederate collectors love it).--$3,250.

  192. Fresh in out of the local area, Confederate carried, .69 cal. carbine made from a standard .69 cal., Model 1842, 3-band rifled musket.  This carbine has been tastefully contoured to nearly match a normal Civil War carbine much like a Sharps.  The lockplate is marked, "Springfield - 1845" and has a Wm. Glaze marking on the side of the barrel.  The Wm. Glaze marking does appear to have genuine age.  Due to lack of standard Cavalry weapons, Confederates were forced to "create" weapons from what they could acquire.  The carbine still has good tight action and a strong main spring and would probably still fire today.  We are including a display containing two .69 caliber buck and ball rounds which was a favorite ammunition for this type weapon.  When you put your ear up to the muzzle of the barrel, you can hear "Dixie" playing.--$1,150.

  193. Smokingly beautiful, non-excavated, Richmond Arsenal pattern, CS two-piece sword belt plate with a portion of the original "bullet stitch", brown leather, Confederate belt.  This CS buckle and partial belt is part of a display that also consists of (6)six excellent condition, coat size, Civil War issue, Superior Quality, "C.S.A." uniform buttons and (2) two coat size Federal Staff Officer buttons of the type frequently worn by Confederate Officers.  Also in the display is a $50 Confederate note also from Richmond, Virginia.  This display is in a very nice quality, hand made, 12" by 18" walnut display case.  This would be a beautiful addition to even a museum display.--$6,495.

  194. Extremely rare, Confederate manufacture, "Dog River" Confederate Cavalry saber and scabbard picked up on the battlefield and taken home as a war trophy.  The saber has original, single strand iron wire on the grip and some of the original leather.  The cast high copper content brass guard has a rich, never cleaned patina.  The saber has the original unstopped fuller Confederate blade, and it is snapped into about ten inches up from the tip.  The Confederate lap seam "Dog River scabbard" could not be more perfect and has an excellent soldered lap seam with brass mounts.  This is a beautiful, museum quality artifact.--$2,850.

  195. Really pretty condition, Colt .318 caliber Pocket Model, 6-shot revolver.  This revolver has an all-matching (even the wedge) serial number of 275262 which is most desirable Civil War date 1863 - 1864 production.  The revolver still functions perfectly and has the original walnut grips with original varnish still on them.  With the revolver comes an original factory "Colt marked" bullet mold.  This is a museum condition Colt revolver and mold.--$1,650.

  196. Very pretty and quite rare, "Presentation grade", Model 1840, NCO (Non-commissioned Officer) sword in original engraved brass scabbard.  I have only had a few of these over the years.  The blade has crisp engraving with "US" and stars, vines, and leaves.  The brass scabbard is also nicely engraved.  Unfortunately, at some point, the blade got bent and was straightened leaving a line and slight ripple at the site.  This is quite a rare sword and scabbard to ever even see.--$1,450.

  197. Just brought in the shop, nice condition, Confederate carried, Model 1840, "Old Wristbreaker" heavy Cavalry saber in original scabbard.  The blade has a smooth, aging, gray patina and is maker marked, "W. Clauberg - Solingen".  Model 1840 Cavalry sabers were extensively carried by Confederate Cavalry throughout the Civil War.  Even General Nathan Bedford Forrest carried one early in the Civil War, and a good portion of his Cavalry command was armed with 1840 heavy Cavalry sabers throughout the war.  This is without question the most commonly carried Cavalry saber among Southern Cavalry.--$895.

  198. Quite rare and in very nice condition, early war, puppy-paw hook pattern, lead-filled US oval on original leather waist belt.  The original cap box remains on the belt rig with an "H. W. Oliver - Pittsburgh" makers mark and 100% wool remaining intact.  The leather belt itself is "Newark, NJ", maker marked with brass adjustor remaining intact.  This belt rig was discovered in a central Ohio estate about 30 years ago.  Belt rigs this nice rarely turn up anymore.--$750.

  199. Very pretty condition small leather CONFEDERATE manufacture percussion cap pouch.  This CS capbox is made very much like a regular Federal box except that it has the little nail holes (common to C.S. manufacture), and very crude copper rivets.  It is out of a local family that had half a dozen Confederate ancestors.--$425.

  200. Absolutely beautiful condition, Model 1839, "baby US" on original white buff waist belt being worn upside down so as to read "Southern Nation".  This belt rig is out of a north Alabama family and has a very nice condition CONFEDERATE MANUFACTURE cap box on the belt rig.  You will not get more solid Confederate than this rig, and it remains in first-class, museum grade condition.--$1,450.

  201. Very pretty condition, and a VERY RARE saber.  This is an 1862 date Model 1860 "Providence Tool Co." cavalry saber and scabbard.  This saber is out of a central Kentucky estate, and actually stands a 50 - 50 chance of having been Confederate carried.  You won't see nicer even in a museum.--$1,150.

  202. Very nice condition, CONFEDERATE MANUFACTURE, small leather percussion cap box.  The box is all sewn with no brads and has the small nail holes common to Confederate manufactured boxes.  According to the family, this cap box was carried by Andrew Maxfield, Co. D, 25th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry.  The family lives in Overton County, Tennessee.  The box remains in nice, pliable condition with the soldier's initials and partial name on the outside flap of the cap box.  The box still has some original wool inside as well as a number of original percussion caps.  This Confederate cap box will be an excellent addition to someone's Confederate display.--$595.

  203. Here we have a beautiful "Hi-Grade" Model 1850 Federal Field and Staff Officer's sword and scabbard that was purchased in 1975 directly from the family.  The information that came with the sword indicated that the sword was carried by an ancestor by the name of Lt. Jacob Probst.  He was a member of the 21st New Jersey Infantry.  The sword has an ornate brass guard with "US" cast into the guard.  The engraving on the blade is really something having US, a drum, a shield, stacked arms, a flag, crossed cannons, a camp scene with tents, and a soldier on picket.  The leather scabbard is ornately tooled, and patterned, but does have an old repair just above the drag.  This sword has been carried A LOT as the drag has "TONS OF WEAR".  He served in the Fredericksburg campaign, as well as Salem Heights.  Lt. Probst was born in Bremen, Germany, April 20, 1841, and died February 13, 1901, at age 59 years.  He was very active in Veteran and community activities.--$2,150.

  204. Really pretty, fully cased, 1/9th plate, Ruby ambrotype of an armed Union Private.  The soldier is seated with his .69 cal., Model 1842 musket across his chest and is wearing a US belt rig with the cross belt and breast plate visible.  The image has nice clarity, but unfortunately, has a scratch that runs right between his eyes.  The case is a beautiful Patriotic case with a spread-wing Eagle over an American Flag and the motto "Union Forever".  The case is in excellent condition except for one piece of the rim broken out about one inch long.  I have someone that can restore this break perfectly if so desired.--$295.  (This would be a $650 image and case if it were not for the scratch and small piece broken.)

  205. Drop dead stunning 23 mm CS 130 excavated Confederate coat size "Script "C".  This was recovered about 45 years ago from near Fredericksburg, VA., and has a "baby butt" smooth chocolate brown patina with "Isaacs and Campbell" backmark, and shank intact and straight.--$495.

  206. Beautiful condition, excavated, solid cast brass, coat size CSA.  This button was recovered about 35 years ago from a Confederate camp near Fredericksburg, Virginia.  It has a smooth, brown/green patina with shank intact.--$595.

  207. Nice, crisp, clear, 1/6th plate tintype of a young Federal Sergeant seated wearing a 9-button, Enlistedman's frock coat with his Sergeant stripes clearly visible as well as a nice, clear, 20th Corp "5-pointed Star" on his chest.  The image is cased in a beautiful thermoplastic hard case made by "Littlefield Parsons & Co." manufacturers of "Union Cases" and dated 1857.  This is a museum quality little image and case.--$450.

  208. Very nice condition, regulation, Civil War issue, black leather waist belt with large size, lead-filled, arrow-hook, US oval waist belt plate.  This buckle has a very nice, uncleaned, rich, aged patina, and the brass belt adjustor remains intact.  The belt is maker marked, "R. Nece - Phila".  The belt has a little normal surface flaking, but remains completely pliable.--$595.

  209. Just brought in by a local family, Model 1854, 3-band, .58 cal., rifled musket that appears to be an Austrian or some other similar import musket.  It is .58 cal. with the original long-range flip-up block site intact.  The wood appears to be English walnut.  I feel relatively sure the musket was Confederate carried due to the family from where it came.  The musket displays very nicely with good action and will still lock in both half-cock and full-cock.--$1,150.

  210. This ranks as one of the absolute rarest and most sought after Confederate Officer's sword of the American Civil War.  It is a superb Firmin & Sons "Dolphin Head" Confederate Naval Officer's sword and is THE VERY ONE pictured in Albaugh's book, Photograph Supplement of Confederate Swords.  It is pictured on pages 78 - 80 and is attributed to John McIntosh Kell, Executive Officer of the CSS Alabama.  This sword is in excellent overall condition with amazing, fine etching including a Confederate Flag and crossed cannons.  The grip is shark skin and remains completely intact.  This sword comes with a professionally made contemporary replacement scabbard that is perfect in every detail.  With this sword comes a framed family albumin photograph of John McIntosh Kell.  Civil War relics just do not get much better than this.  It has been in a local collection for many years.--$32,500.

  211. Beautiful condition and extremely rare, Confederate manufacture, Naval Cutlass and scabbard.  Although the sword is unmarked, it has several New Orleans characteristics.  The guard is solid cast, high copper content brass with no rivets.  The sword as a whole, although unmarked, has several Thomas, Griswold traits.  It would be hard to find an example  of a Confederate Naval Cutlass in scabbard in nicer condition.--$4,500.

  212. Absolutely beautiful condition, excavated, "Richmond Arsenal" style CS two-piece, tongue and wreath sword belt plate.  This buckle was recovered about 40 years ago from a Confederate Cavalry camp near Brandy Station, Virginia.  The two buckle halves were a belt length apart.  You couldn't ask for a nicer two-piece CS sword belt plate.--$3,250.

  213. I've just purchased an additional several thousand bullets to go with the original 10,000+ mixed excavated Civil War bullets that we already had.  Bag of 50 mixed dropped and fired U.S. and C.S. bullets (Approximately 2/3 dropped and 1/3 fired) - each bag includes a variety of different type bullets at a low cost of $1.78 per bullet.  I can guarantee that it is progressively becoming much more difficult both to secure permission and to recover Civil War projectiles.  They are for sure not going to remain at the dirt-cheap price of $1.78 per bullet very much longer.--$89. per bag of fifty.

  214. Extremely Rare, and beautiful condition COMPLETE UNCUT SHEET of 21 State of North Carolina 10 CENT 1863 date fractional notes.  What makes this one SO RARE is the fact that it is NOT a printed, but "unissued" sheet of notes (which is very rare in its own right !!), BUT, each note is signed and serial numbered for ACTUAL issue AND DURING WARTIME !!!  All that remains is being cut and distributed !!!--$750.  (This is around $37. per mint note !!)

  215. Absolutely beautiful condition, Model 1840, "Old Wristbreaker", heavy Cavalry saber and scabbard.  This saber was brought in by a local family and was almost certainly Confederate carried.  The saber has very nice condition original wrap and wire.  Model 1840 sabers were extensively carried by both Union and Confederate Cavalry, especially early in the Civil War, although for the most part, Federal Cavalry changed over to the Model 1860 light by 1863.  Confederate Cavalry continued to carry the Model 1840 "Old Wristbreaker" throughout the Civil War.  Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest carried one early in the war, and many in his command carried Model 1840 sabers throughout the Civil War.  This example remains in very nice condition and would be a quality addition to any Civil War collection.--$895.

  216. Just brought in by a local family, .32 cal., 5-shot, pocket model Bacon revolver.  This revolver is serial number 257 which is early 1860 - 1861 production.  The revolver remains in very attractive condition with the original walnut grips.  The action works sometimes and doesn't work sometimes.  Very attractive little revolver and very likely Confederate carried.--$695.

  217. Very pretty condition, Model 1840 Heavy Cavalry saber and scabbard.  The blade has a smooth, chocolate patina, and it is marked, "Horstmann - Phila."  The brass guard has a rich, aged patina and remains perfectly intact.  The leather grip remains intact, but the wire is not present.  The original scabbard is in very nice condition and remains with the sword, but for some reason, lacks about 2 - 3 inches from completely seating in the scabbard.  I suspect there is some debris down in the scabbard.  This saber is out of a local estate and without question saw Confederate service.  This would be an $850 saber, but since the scabbard needs a little TLC, it is bargained priced.--$750

  218. Beautiful condition and quite rare, Confederate manufactured, small leather percussion cap box.  The box has all sewn on belt loops and closure tab.  It also has the small nail holes that were used for construction.  The box is out of a local estate, and I have a fair idea of who likely carried it.  Confederate manufactured cap boxes in this nice condition are rare to come by.--$595.

  219.  Absolutely "Smoking Nice" .36 cal. "Savage" Navy Model Percussion Revolver.  This revolver still has excellent crisp action, and retains some case colors down in the recessed areas.  The serial number (18192) is stamped into the frame (under the grips), and is written in pencil on the back of the grips.  These revolvers were produced between 1860 and 1863.  The revolver has deep, crisp manufacturer marks on the frame directly over the cylinder, and a deep, sharp inspector cartouche on the left grip.  The Savage has a complicated action with the "Figure 8" triggers, and often give trouble and get out of time.  This weapon remains very tight and operates perfectly.--$2,650.

  220. Extremely rare, fully cased, 1/4 plate ambrotype of two seated Confederate Cavalrymen.  One has a Colt Army across his chest, and the other has a Colt Pocket model across his chest.  Both are wearing bow ties and high top Cavalry boots and spurs.--$1,150.

  221. Very nice condition, 4th Model, Burnside carbine with a matching serial number of 2055.  The action remains tight with lots of rifling remaining.  The main spring remains nearly as strong as when issued.  Both front and back sites remain intact, and it has a clearly visible military inspector cartouche on left hand side of the shoulder stock.  There are traces of original finish in some of the recessed areas.  Although the weapon remains in very nice condition, you can see wear indicating actual field service.  Many Federal Cavalry units, including the 1st US Cavalry, 1st Maine Cavalry, 1st New Jersey Cavalry, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry, 1st and 2nd Indiana Cavalry, and 1st and 2nd Rhode Island Cavalry were armed with Burnside carbines.--$1,450.

  222. Very nice condition PAIR of Smith & Wesson, Model #2 "Old Model Army revolvers".  These revolvers remain in very nice condition with traces of bluing still visible.  Both are the more desirable "6 inch" octagonal "long barrel" model.  This model Smith & Wesson was a very popular side arm with many Civil War Officers and Enlistedmen during the Civil War on both sides.  One of the revolvers is serial number 30151 which places it firmly as Civil War production.  The second Smith and Wesson revolver is serial number 31475.  Civil War production of the Smith and Wesson went to 35731.  Both revolvers came out of Middle Tennessee and could very well have been Southern carried.  The very top of the hammer on 31475 is broken, but could be easily repaired.  The example in the published magazine picture above was being carried by Amos V. Going.  He was a member of the 12th Louisiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment.  The standing soldier in the first picture is a North Carolina Infantry Volunteer.  Revolver 30151 functions perfectly, has some case colors remaining, and has excellent original walnut grips.  Revolver 31475 has a smooth, chocolate brown patina and original walnut grips.  The action on 31475 advances the cylinder properly sometimes and sometimes not.  The two revolvers display very nicely together as a set.--$1,650. for the set

  223. Beautiful condition, .58 cal., Model 1863, Springfield rifled musket type 2.  This musket has deep, sharp rifling and virtually no burn-out around the nipple area indicating it wasn't fired a whole lot.  The metal has a smooth, gently darkening, aged patina with lockplate markings of, "US Springfield - 1863", and the musket has a matching 1863 barrel date.  The inspector cartouche in the stock opposite the lockplate remains clearly visible.  The original ram rod, both sling swivels, and long-range site all remain intact.  The soldier's initials, "S. V." or "S.Y.", are nicely cut into the rear of the stock with a pen knife.  This musket has been test fired at 300 yards and is deadly accurate.  You will wait a long time before you see another mid-Civil War date Springfield musket this nice for sale.--$2,250.

  224. Quite rare, "D. J. Millard", 1862 date, Federal light Cavalry saber and scabbard.  This is a nice quality saber with a clean blade and in very nice, original scabbard.  Early date Cavalry sabers like this one are hard to come by in nice condition, because they saw lots of service.  This one remains in excellent condition and a very rare maker to boot.--$1,150.

  225. Excellent condition small size pre-Civil War "militia" canteen complete with original butternut wool cover, and original linen sling.  This canteen has the original "tin spout" intact.  We recover remnants of these canteens in the 1863 Army of Tennessee Confederate winter camps here.  They are almost exclusively found in Confederate sites.  The canteen remains in excellent, museum grade condition.--$795.

  226. Model 1851, Officer's grade sword belt rig.  This belt rig has the Officer's style sword belt plate with the wreaths integrally cast with the buckle.  It has the narrow, early Civil War style keeper hook, and the leather belt remains complete with both leather sword drops.  The belt itself is complete and pliable, and both sword drops are intact with hooks in place but do have cracks and are somewhat fragile.  The buckle has a rich, aged, bronze/brown patina.--$795.

  227. Model 1851, cast brass, Enlistedman's sword belt plate with applied silver wreath on original leather belt.  This is a style belt and buckle appropriate for a Civil War NCO.--$595.

  228. Super rare, identified College Hill Arsenal Confederate Foot Officer’s sword and scabbard.  This sword and scabbard is the product of College Hill Arsenal in Nashville, Tennessee.  The sword was carried by Capt. Samuel A. Matthews, Co. E, 16th Regiment Mississippi Volunteer Infantry.  Capt. Matthews served for one year and was with his regiment encamped at Manassas, Virginia, when his term expired.  The sword remains in very nice condition with visible Confederate engraving virtually half the length of the blade and a large engraved “CSA” clearly engraved down the blade.  The sword’s scabbard is complete with all three original College Hill manufactured brass mounts.  On the top mount is engraved “Matt – Co. E 16th Miss”.  This is an extremely rare, firmly ID’d, Confederate Officer’s sword in original scabbard.  It originally came directly out of Capt. Matthew’s family estate.  A 50-page notebook comes with the sword detailing the history of the Regiment and Capt. Matthews.--$14,500.

  229. Extremely rare, 100% gold gilted, Confederate Staff Officer CS36A1.  I don't see how this button could possibly be any nicer.  The face is flawless with 100% bright gold gilt, and the reverse remains perfect as well and is marked, "H. T. & B. Manchester".  This is a Confederate button that you will NEVER, EVER need to upgrade.--$1,150.

  230. Excellent condition, thick Atlanta style rectangle CSA on original brown pigskin belt.  The belt remains in complete pliable condition, and the buckle shows nice service wear with all three attachment hooks present.  This is a museum grade Confederate waist belt rig.--$5,750.DB

  231. Just brought in by a local family, and is 100% untouched.  This is a very nice hand-me-down Confederate local made "CS DOG RIVER" Cavalry saber and scabbard.  The blade has a pretty gently greying aged patina, and the brass guard has a thick - never touched - brown patina.  The grip is down to the wood with only a few fragments of the leather and single strands of iron wire.  The scabbard is a classic lap seamed - brass mounted CS made scabbard.  This is a very nice, straight out of the Southern estate and untouched for the last 150 years, Confederate manufactured, "Dog River" CS Cavalry saber and scabbard.--$3,850.

  232. Extremely rare and in very nice condition, Confederate manufacture, short Artillery sword.  This style unmarked Confederate sword is a product of "E. J. Johnston & Company" of Macon, Georgia.  This company provided the Confederacy with many different types and models of edged weapons.  A few of the weapons of this type are actually maker marked, but far and away most are unmarked.  This example has a nice, clean blade, gently darkening with age, and the classic concentric ring cast brass guard that has a rich, aged never cleaned patina.  This is a nicer example than what most museums have.--$1,895.

  233. Excavated, EXTREMELY RARE, wreath portion of a Confederate State Seal, two-piece buckle.  This buckle was recovered from an 1863 Alabama Cavalry camp and very likely had a tongue like the Alabama tongue and wreath on page 107 in Steve Mullinax's Confederate Buckle book.  This "oak leaf" pattern wreath is correct for a number of different Confederate State Seals.  I have seen Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia all with wreaths of this type.  The center disc can be up to 1 1/4 inches in diameter.  The belt loop is 2 inches outside to outside and takes a 1 5/8 inch to 1 3/4 inch belt.  It has a pretty pea-green patina and could finish out one whale of a nice Confederate State Seal two-piece.  When recovered, this wreath had a break in the belt loop.  It has been expertly restored, and you 100% cannot find where the break was.  It has been many years since I last saw a loose wreath like this for sale.--$975.

  234. Very nice condition, complete Federal waist belt rig including original waist belt, original .58 cal. cartridge box, and the original percussion cap box.  The belt itself remains complete and pliable with a beautiful arrow-hook pattern US oval waist belt buckle, and the brass length adjustor remains perfectly intact.  The cartridge box is a Model 1864 with embossed “US” and both cartridge tins remaining intact on the inside.  The leather percussion cap box has both belt loops and closure tab intact and has an embossed “US” mark on the outside flap.  There are quite a number of original percussion caps remaining inside.  This belt rig was on display in an Arkansas museum for a number of years and would be an excellent addition to any Civil War collection.--$1,250.

  235. Absolutely drop dead perfect and beautiful non-excavated coat size Confederate stippled Old English "E" (Engineer).  This button literally has 100 % bright gold gilt - "H. T. & B. - Manchester" Backmark - and shank straight and intact.  It is "CS153A" in Albert.   I recently saw one of these sell for $2,000. - and was not one bit nicer than this one.--$1,450.

  236. Really pretty, excavated, BIG 24MM, CS36, Confederate Army Officer with "H. T. & B. Manchester" backmark.  This button has super nice eye appeal with the gold gilt perfectly outlining the Eagle and Stars.  The reverse is slightly pressed inward, but the shank remains intact, and the backmark is easily legible.  This is a button that there are only a handful recovered per years.--$895.

  237. Beautiful condition, excavated, coat size, Mississippi "Militia" button.  This is an MP5A with the plain star and the word "Mississippi" perimetering the outside edge.  I personally recovered this button about 40 years ago from a Mississippi campsite located near Tullahoma, Tennessee.  This button remains absolutely solid as a rock.--$850.

  238. Very nice condition, Model 1864, Federal belt rig complete with belt, US buckle and brass keeper, US marked percussion cap box with percussion caps still inside, and very nice condition, Model 1864, .58 cal. cartridge box with embossed US oval, "Oliver - PA." makers mark, and original tins inside.  It is rare now to find a Federal belt rig complete with both boxes.--$1,250.

  239. This was brought in by a local family that had an ancestor that served in the Confederate Cavalry.  The weapon is an import single shot horse pistol with a Southern conversion hammer like you have NEVER seen before.  The horse pistol has a hand crafted Southern lanyard ring to boot.  Hold this jewel up to your ear and all you hear is "Dixie" playing.--$895.

  240. Very nice condition, Model 1851, Federal Cavalry belt rig with original buff belt and original cast-brass, Model 1851, Eagle sword belt plate with applied silver wreath.  The buff, leather belt is complete and remains soft and pliable with no breaks or repairs.  The cast-brass Eagle sword belt plate has a rich, aged patina with the silver wreath remaining 100% intact.  This is a nicer than usual Federal Cavalry belt rig.--$695.

  241. Model 1860 Federal light Cavalry saber that was just brought in out of the local area and was believed to have been Confederate carried.  The saber is maker marked "Mansfield & Lamb" and is dated "1864".  The saber's brass guard  is clearly bent in a manner definately indicating that the horse went down On The Brass Saber Guard at least once.  The saber is a Model 1860, but the scabbard is a Model 1840 likely because the scabbard was damaged when the horse went down.  Here is your saber if you are looking for one that saw action, and has a story to tell !!--$895.

  242. Very nice, excavated, large oval, fat letter pattern, "SNY" (State of New York) oval waist belt plate.  This buckle was recovered in 1973 near Salem Church, Virginia.  It has full, smooth lead, and all three attachment hooks remain perfectly intact.--$895.

  243. Super rare, original die - counter die - and cut out die for the scarcest Sheridan Cavalry Corps badge.  These items have been in an old New England collection for many, many years.  They were originally purchased from Bannermann's Island, and I was able to purchase them as part of settling the estate.  I really don't have a clue how to price this, as in over 50 years - I have never seen one of these offered for sale.  SO -- I am just going to take a guess, and this price very well may be less than 50% of this group's actual value.--$1,500.

  244. A few days ago - April 10th, 2017 - was one of life's very best days.  My 3rd granddaughter (Isabella Rose) was born to my younger daughter Savannah Cynthia and her husband Luke.  Isabella Rose was born at 1:10 p.m. weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz. and was 19 1/4" long.  She appears very healthy and has a head full of dark brown hair.  To me, she looks like a near exact duplicate of her older sister, Lila Magnolia.  The birth went perfectly, and we hope to have both coming home soon.  Lila is very proud of her new baby sister, and we hope that sentiment lasts.

  245. lilapic1.JPG (83855 bytes)lila2poppy.JPG (18033 bytes)lila3asleep.JPG (20264 bytes)lila5profpic.png (771077 bytes)lila5wrapped.jpeg (262144 bytes)lila4andmomhosp.JPG (141046 bytes)lila6reaction.JPG (23590 bytes)lila7goodmorning.jpg (65573 bytes)lila8happytues.jpg (59827 bytes)lili10pinksocks.JPG (26317 bytes)lila11withana.JPG (27622 bytes)lili12cheerldr.JPG (93658 bytes)savannahcheer.JPG (36520 bytes)lila13easterbunny.JPG (118941 bytes)lilasheep.JPG (27660 bytes)lilasthrnbell.JPG (28647 bytes)lilakitchen.jpg (37664 bytes)lilainstrawberries.JPG (702058 bytes) volcheerleader.JPG (647692 bytes)Meet "Lila Magnolia Blackwelder" !!!  She is my younger daughter - Savannah Cynthia and her husband - Luke Blackwelder's first child.  She was born December 4, 2013 at 3:25 pm weighing 7 pounds 4 ounces and was 19 3/4 inches long.  She was born with a head full of dark brown hair and a fine set of lungs.  She has a wonderful disposition, and loves to smile and giggle.  I plan to do my best to spoil her beyond belief !!!!

  246. annasoccer.JPG (39064 bytes)poppyana&rachJPG.JPG (253237 bytes)anastasiaschool.JPG (25834 bytes)larrya.jpg (610641 bytes)NEW PICTURE !!!  Guess who is celebrating 1 year old today ??  Yep -- "Lady A - Anastasia" .  I  just got back from Houston, TX. visiting my first "Grandchild - Lady-A" {Anastasia}.  She is an absolute little doll and has everyone wrapped around her tiny, little finger.  She has arrived at the conclusion - "If I'm awake, somebody best be holding me if you know what's good for you" -- {otherwise I'll give you the business} !!!  She and I have a lot in common -- Two of our favorite things on earth to do is "Eat and Sleep" !!!!  Jonathan {the pup} is a wonderful "Big Brother" -- As a matter of fact - He has a little sweater that has "Only Child" crossed out and "Big Brother" written beneath it.  She is something like 11 months old and already weighs 23 lbs. -- Texas thing I'm told !!!   {Make that "5 YEARS" old now !!!!}  WOW --- Time sure gets away !!!!  And now ANOTHER year !!!!   I'm getting SOOO old, but beats the alternative !!!

  247. forrestprint.JPG (71374 bytes)Beautiful and tough to come by 1973 print of General Nathan Bedford Forrest that was done by the Sons of Confederate Veterans over 30 years ago.  The print is BIG measuring 24 inches by 30 inches before framing and is absolutely breathtaking once it's matted and framed.  I seldom get these in anymore.--$89.


Middle Tennessee Relics
Larry Hicklen

Shop:  (615) 893-3470
