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  1. Civil War date legal document dated January 30, 1865.  In this document, Andrew Payne of Wilson County, Tennessee, is claiming to hold a note on Edward Patton for the amount of $14.  The real problem here is that the $14 note had been due for almost a year, and Andrew Payne was unable to locate the note but did have witnesses to attest that was the case.  It appears the ruling was that Edward Patton owed Andrew Payne $14.--$20.

  2. Excellent condition, unused, Federal Patriotic cover picturing an Eagle perched on a shield marked, "Union".--$38.

  3. Excellent condition, unused Confederate States of America Treasury document.  This document has the Confederate "droop wing" Eagle embossed in the upper right corner.--$45.

  4. Absolutely beautiful condition UNUSED Confederate Postal cover with the "STARS AND BARS" CONFEDERATE FIRST NATIONAL FLAG in full color in the upper left corner, and am including an original Confederate blue Jeff Davis postal stamp to display with the Confederate cover.  Now, all you need to do is address it, and take it down to your "LOCAL CONFEDERATE POST OFFICE" !!! and mail it !!!--$225.

  5. Very nice display containing a total of four Confederate postal stamps.  Two of the stamps are 10 cent stamps and remain attached together, and two of the stamps are Jefferson Davis 5 cent stamps, and one has a a partial post mark.  All four Confederate stamps and glass display case --$89.

  6. Very cool little personal book (relic condition) carried by William Cook Daniels in the Campaign resulting in the capture of Santiago de Cuba in the summer of 1898.  This book is one of "The Temple Classics" entitled, Le Morte Darthur by Sir Thomas Malory - 1897.  It was carried during this campaign of the Spanish American War and is well known through the participation of Theodore Roosevelt and his "Rough Riders".  In almost 50 years, I don't think I have ever had a previous personally ID'd item to this campaign.  Quite a neat relic.--$79.SOLD

  7. Official cover that was addressed to Fort Lafayette (in New York Harbor) which exisited in New York Harbor from 1815, and wasn't torn down until 1960 to make room for a bridge, and served during the Civil War as a Confederate prison, and a prison for anyone who disagreed with President Lincoln !!!  It is very rare to see a New York artifact from Fort Lafayette.--$45.SOLD

  8. Quite rare soldier's discharge from service for disability due to a "wound" received at the Battle of Belmont, MO.  The soldier was private Johnson Thompson of the 7th Regt. Iowa Volunteer Inf.  This document is quite rare from two standpoints - You rarely see Civil War items related to the Battle of Belmont, MO. - and, you rarely see Civil War artifacts from the 7th Iowa Regt.--$75.SOLD*

  9. Absolutely beautiful condition UNUSED Confederate Postal cover with the "STARS AND BARS" CONFEDERATE FIRST NATIONAL FLAG in full color in the upper left corner, and am including an original Confederate blue Jeff Davis postal stamp to display with the Confederate cover.  Now, all you need to do is address it, and take it down to your "LOCAL CONFEDERATE POST OFFICE" !!! and mail it !!!--$225.

  10. "EXTREMELY RARE" - Postal cover "SELF - ADDRESSED" by Alexander Stephens (GA. Congressman AND Vice President of the Confederacy) to his younger half-brother Col. Linton Stephens who would later become "Lt. Col." Linton Stephens commanding the 15th GA. Inf. during the Civil War.  This cover is dated Feb. 3, 1851.  Alexander Stephen's signature alone often sells for $200. or more.  This is a very cool item from "numerous" standpoints.--$195.

  11. "1860" dated Tax Document  from Frederick Co, VA listing all the things that you were taxed for including Land Tax, State Levy, County Levy, Parrish Levy, Personal Property, AND # of SLAVES TAX !!!--$45.

  12. This is a short Confederate order directing that $6. be paid to Emeline Pathson, whose husband was a member of the 15th VA REGT - C.S.A. and is dated Sept. 14th, 1863.  The order doesn't say "why" she is to receive this payment ??--$38.

  13. Very nice condition, original 8 - page New York Tribune newspaper.  This newspaper is dated Tuesday, December 6, 1864, and has updates from all the different armies around the country including General Thomas and General Schofield at the Battle of Franklin, TN. on November 30, 1864.  This extensive newspaper has tons of interesting reading.--$35.

  14. Beautifully antique framed, 7 by 9 inch, hand gilted, United Confederate Veteran print of the First National Confederate Flag, Second National Confederate Flag, and the Battle Flag.  It says at the bottom, "Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, lest we forget, lest we forget.  This antique frame has a floral pattern surrounding, is extremely heavy and feels like it weighs five pounds.--$95.SOLD

  15. Quite rare, 1838 date, State of Connecticut Militia Tactics Manual.  This manual was published by Case, Tiffany, and Burnham in East Hartford, CT, October 10, 1837.  The manual remains in good, complete condition and would have been regulations during the Mexican War.--$75.

  16. Very nice condition, 6 full page Federal Soldier's letter dated May 13, 1864.  This letter was written by Daniel C. Currier of the 14th Regiment New Hampshire Infantry.  The Regiment was posted near New Orleans, LA, at Camp Parapet.  This is a quite unusual letter in that Daniel wrote the letter over multiple days.  Each time he started writing, he listed the new date which was basically from May 13 until May 15, 1864.  Daniel stopped writing because the ship was about to sail that he wanted his letter on.--$75.SOLD*

  17. Original Civil War newspaper, the "Boston Evening Transcript", for Wednesday, February 26, 1862.  In this issue, "The Surrender of Nashville is Confirmed".  Some reports out of Nashville say that the Rebels intend to make another stand at Murfreesboro (which, of course, proved to be exactly correct).  There is lots of interesting reading in this newspaper, including some very interesting ads.  One ad says, "Oysters - Those who would indulge in the luxury of Oysters should visit the establishment of Atwoods, where will be found the finest flavored bivalves ever brought into this city.  Arrived this day from the richest beds in Maryland."  Hours and hours of very interesting reading.--$38.

  18. Very nice condition, United Confederate Veteran magazine, May 1907 issue.  Lots and lots of interesting reading and news of the day.  One of the most significant things in this magazine that I noticed was the unveiling of the Davis Monument in Richmond that was just last year torn down.  This particular magazine was addressed to John M. Altaffer of the 12th Regiment Virginia Cavalry.  This issue has some excellent first-hand war stories.--$25.SOLD

  19. Beautiful condition pair of GAR and UCV postcards.  Both are very colorful and in excellent condition.--$25. for both.

  20. Nice condition, actually used and postmarked, Federal Patriotic cover mailed to Mrs. Nancy Clark in Mercer County, Ohio.  Postmarked US 3 cent stamp intact.--$25.

  21. Very pretty condition Scott #11 Confederate blue 10 cent stamp.  This is an unissued stamp and remain in perfect condition with bright, vivid color.--$38.

  22. 1949 - 1955 UNITED STATES 30 cent Robert E. Lee Postal stamp.  This is a nice condition, unused stamp.  Can you imagine this stamp in circulation today!!!--$20.

  23. Quite rare to find, original 1861 printing of the tactics manual, "Handbook for Active Service" consisting of practical instructions in campaign duties, by Egbert L. Viele, printed in New York by D. Van Nostrand, 192 Broadway - 1861.  The manual remains in complete condition with the original front and back covers.  The covers have become disattached, and the leather backstrap is missing.  The manual would be a great candidate to be restored by one of the book restorationists.  This is one you hardly ever see.--$48.

  24. Excellent condition, red 2-cent Andrew Jackson Confederate Postal stamp.  This example is uncanceled and in near mint condition.--$75.

  25. Civil War Era postal cover addressed to Emil Peterson.  Emil was a member of Co. '"I", 2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry and was wounded at the Battle of Bull Run, Virginia, on 7-21-1861.  He was discharged due to his wounds on 9-24-1861.--$45.

  26. Excellent condition, unused, Union Patriotic cover picturing a cannon smoking from both the muzzle and the vent having just been fired.  The American Flag is standing alongside with the slogan, "The Federal Union, it must be preserved".  Artillery covers are more rare to come by than many others.--$48.

  27. Extremely ornate, United States of America official Presidential Pardon to Thomas A. Hardy bearing the date November 12, 1865.  The document lists as "location" Greenville, North Carolina, which was where the Confederate Army of Tennessee surrendered.  This document remains in excellent condition and has the original Department of State Seal intact.--$250.

  28. Original autograph of Brigadier General Thomas Gamble Pitcher.  General Pitcher attended United States Military Academy and served honorably along with General Lee and others in the Mexican War.  He was in numerous battles during the Civil War and was severely wounded at Cedar Mountain.  After the Civil War, General Pitcher served as Superintendent of the United States Military Academy and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.--$125.

  29. 1860 dated, Civil War Era book entitled The Marriage Guide.  This book puts most current manuals to shame.  It is 467 pages long with tons of illustrations.  Too bad I didn't have this book about 50 years ago!  Some other Civil War Era books from Dr. Hollick include, The Matrons Manual of Mid-Wifery, The Diseases of Woman, A Popular Treatise on Venereal Diseases, as well as several others.  You won't often get a chance to own "this book"!!!--$150.

  30. Excellent condition, Civil War postal cover with cancelled 3 cent Civil War stamp.  The envelope is postmarked, "Alexandria, Virginia, February 3, 1862" and is addressed to Mifs. Ella M. Stone, East Berkshire, Vermont.--$45.

  31. Turn of the century stereo card of Round Top at Gettysburg.  This card was produced by Mumper & Co., No.25 Baltimore St., Gettysburg, PA.  This is the company located in Gettysburg that produced many different views of Gettysburg.--$55.SOLD

  32. Civil War date, published Union song entitled, "We Are for the Union (As Sung by our Volunteers)".  It remains in excellent condition and would be a very nice addition to a "camp scene" display.--$45.

  33. 1862 date, stamped and postmarked postal cover from the Watervliet Arsenal in New York.  The cover remains in perfect condition with stamp intact.--$35.

  34. Excellent condition, unused, Union Patriotic cover.  This cover has a flying Union Flag with a 4-line Patriotic poem beneath the flag.--$45.

  35. Original Confederate States of America $100 Loan Bond.  This bond is serial number 2479.  It was professionally framed by the Frame & Art Gallery in Franklin, Tennessee.  It has acid-free matting and light filtering glass.  This is ready to hang in your den or relic room.--$275. (which is about what it cost to frame it)

  36. Very nice condition "Pay Roll" for Co. "C" - 6th Reg't MO. State Militia Cavalry.  It is dated Aug. 9, 1862.  MO. Cavalry artifacts are scarce to come by !!  There are several extra pages of research on the listed soldiers.--$95.

  37. Very nice autograph from Federal Major General Charles Pelot Summerall.  General Summerall lived from 1867 until 1955.  He is best known for being President of "The Citadel" in Charleston, S.C. from 1931 until 1953.  You very seldom see his autograph offered.--$38.

  38. Excellent condition unused Federal Patriotic cover.  This one has the logo "Jeff Davis On the March" and in bright red ink pictures Jeff Davis trying to escape at the end of the Civil War.--$48.

  39. Very nice condition, original February 20, 1863, Confederate $500 loan bond.  This bond pictures President Jefferson Davis and the South Carolina Palmetto tree.  The last coupon clipped was January 1, 1865, and the remainder are intact on the bond.--$150.

  40. Excellent condition, unused, Union Patriotic cover picturing cannons and with the slogan, "Stand to your guns."  Artillery covers are more rare to come by than many others.--$48.

  41. Excellent condition, Union, original unused, "Patriotic" cover.  This cover pictures the 36-star American Flag in the upper left, and under the Flag is written, "Stand by the Flag!"--$45.

  42. Excellent condition, unused, Union Patriotic cover.  This cover features the American Flag with 34 stars and the slogan, "Obey the laws and support the Constitution of the United States."--$48.

  43. Collection of quality reproduced Civil War documents and currency.  There are a total of 23 items in a nice folding storage box.  These were published by Chronicle Books a number of years ago.--$25.

  44. Beautiful condition unused Federal Patriotic cover.  On the cover is a blue shield with  white stars, and the Bible verse "Fear Not Abram, I am thy SHIELD, and thy exceeding great reward." Gen  XV - 1"--$45.

  45. Really pretty Union Patriotic Cover showing a Federal soldier kissing his babies as he headed off for war.  Nice, bright colors.--$45.

  46. Beautiful condition, Civil War "Reunion Era" Patriotic Cover.  These are actually pretty rare to come by as they held communications about upcoming GAR Reunions.  This one is in excellent condition.--$28.

  47. Very nice condition, original 1888 regimental history for the 84th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry.  This regimental history was written by A. R. Howbert who was a chaplain with the unit.  I don't think this regimental was ever reprinted, so this is likely your only chance to get a copy.  In thumbing through this regimental history, I saw several camps that are not likely documented anywhere else.--$95.

  48. Nice condition, 1861 date, 2-volume set of Lt. Colonel W. J. Hardee's Rifle and Infantry Tactics - published by J. O. Griffith and Co., 1861, Nashville, Tennessee.  Both volumes remain in good, stable condition and show clear evidence of actually being carried.  This two volume set of tactics was carried by David Creger of the 51st Ohio Volunteer Infantry.  Interestingly, the 51st Ohio Volunteer Infantry was in line of battle here at the Battle of Stones River during the famous Breckinridge's charge.  In this charge, it is believed that over 1800 Confederates died in 60 minutes.  This is a very historic little set of tactic manuals.--$450.SOLD

  49. Original September 23, 1864, Special Order #149.  In this order, the 2nd Massachusetts Artillery was relieved from duty from an earlier order.--$48.

  50. May 31, 1863 date, inventory listing of Quartermaster stores received by the Medical Department at Young's Point, Louisiana.  The document lists having received one horse-drawn ambulance, two harness sets, ten "spawz" (spades we think), and two axes.  These were received by J. E. Quider - Surgeon USA.--$75.

  51. Seldom seen, unused Civil War Patriotic cover for the “State of Oregon”.  This cover is maker marked, “Upham – 310 Chestnut St. Phila.”--$48.

  52. Quite rare to come by -- Beautiful military commission from the governor of the State of New York to Henry C. Roome as "Lieutenant Colonel" of the 89 Reg. New York Infantry.  The interesting thing is that this Commission is dated May 15, 1865, AFTER THE END OF THE WAR, but perfect to receive a pension (with an extremely LOW RISK of being injured or killed !!)  Really nice frameable New York Commission.--$125.

  53. Excellent 3 Volume "Battlefields - Commanders - and Fighting Men" reference book series.  Almost all the pictures of relics are in color and are crystal clear.  I now use this set of reference books as much or more than any in my library.  These are the original "hardbacks".--$95. for the set of three

  54. Very Rare !!  First Printing of "CIVIL WAR PROJECTILES II  (With Supplement).  It remains in "Like New" condition !!--$85.  This is a SUPER Reference Book !!

  55. 1984 reprint of the 1906 Confederate Operations in Canada and New York, by John W. Headley.  Although the book is entitled Confederate Operations in Canada and New York, there are actually in-depth descriptions of operations all through the South.  This is a very interesting reference book.--$48.

  56. Confederate States of America newspaper.  This is the "Daily Journal" out of Wilmington, North Carolina, for Tuesday, July 30, 1861.  Some of the advertisements are the most fun.  Of particular interest is a service offered by "Dr. Johnson".--$95.

  57. Excellent condition, unused, Federal Patriotic cover.  This is a colorful cover picturing a Zouave with red pants and the motto, "Through Baltimore".--$45.

  58. This is a very touching "UDC" grouping of four pieces - (2) documents, and (2) photographs - all celebrating the "100 year anniversary" of the birth of Confederate General A. G. Jenkins.  Gen. Jenkins was killed at Dublin Station, Virginia on May 21, 1864 at the very young age of 33 years.  The photographs were taken Nov. 30, 1930.  General Jenkins was born Nov. 30, 1830.--$50. for all

  59. Original Civil War Soldier's Hymn Book distributed by "The United States Christian Commission".  This book shows lots of wear and was without question actually carried.  It has even had some Civil War Era stitching repair to the binding area.  These were extensively distributed and carried by many soldiers both US and CS.--$195.

  60. Very nice condition and quite colorful, unused original, Union Patriotic cover.  This cover pictures a soldier, with his sword drawn, standing alongside a 34-star American Flag.  The colors remain bright and vivid.--$35.

  61. Very pretty condition Scott #12 blue 10 cent CONFEDERATE postal stamp.  This one appears to be a perfect unused example.--$25.SOLD

  62. Extremely rare and in very nice condition, Confederate Tactics manual published in 1861.  According to the family, we believe this manual belonged to Capt. Joseph M. Peacher, Co. E, 49th Tennessee Infantry.  Capt. Peacher was captured at Fort Henry and was confined at Johnson's Island Federal Prison.  The manual was published by J. W. Randolph, 121 Main St., Richmond, Virginia, 1861.  In almost 50 years, this is the only Confederate Manual by this publisher that I have ever had.--$850.SOLD

  63. One page Civil War letter written January 15, 1863, from "Camp near Moscow, Tennessee".  In this letter, Captain Joseph Chugman, who was commanding Company A of the 46th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, documents the destruction of excess baggage and unserviceable equipment.  This letter is written in brown quill ink and is light and hard to read in areas.--$45.

  64. Scott #1 Confederate Jefferson Davis 5 cent postage stamp, crisp color, and very nice condition overall.  The stamp is postmarked Wilmington, North Carolina.--$95.

  65. New condition, Echoes of Glory, Volume "Arms and Equipment of the Confederacy".  This is a superb reference book published in 1992 by Time Life Books and has literally hundreds of beautiful color close-ups of Confederate artifacts.  This book is 311 pages of crisp, close-up color photographs, and the colors in the photographs are precisely true and accurate to the artifacts.  This is a wonderful book to have.--$25.

  66. Excellent reference book, Confederate Presentation & Inscribed Swords and Revolvers, by Daniel D. Hartzler.  This is an extremely helpful reference book clearly showing the engraving and inscription style on numerous Confederate weapons.--$45.

  67. If you Relic hunt, or are a Battle Of Stones River student of history - YOU MUST HAVE A SET OF VOLUME 20 -- PARTS 1 AND 2 of the "Official Records of the War of the Rebellion".  I have literally recovered multi-thousands of Civil War Artifacts from this set of books.  There may not be the amount of artifacts here at Stones River that there once was, but there are still relics to be found.--$79. For The Set

  68. Nice condition cancelled second pattern US Postal stamp of the American Civil War dating 1861 and 1862.--$38.

  69. Very pretty condition Scott #11 Confederate blue 10 cent stamp.  This is a rare "page edge" Stamp with nice detail and bright, vivid color.--$38.

  70. This is the "GENERAL INDEX" of the Official Records of the "War of the Rebellion".  It is the 1971 reprint by the National Historic Society.  I, personally, find this to be one of the more "research useful" books in the entire 128 vol. set.  It is hard to come by loose.--$45.

  71. REALLY NICE, Civil War Era, "Philopena Album" which is, in redneck terms, a "Civil War Era Autograph Album".  The album belonged to a young lady named, Sallie "Pierse" (?).  The autograph book runs through a good many years ranging from pre-Civil War to during the Civil War (with a few soldier's entries), and continues on to the post-Civil War years.  The book remains in nice condition with some poetry and artwork as well as autographs and well wishes.  Two of the soldier's entries are from the 7th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry.  There are many hours of fun reading and research to be had with this artifact.--$375.

  72. Excellent condition, United Confederate Veteran "Special Orders No. 27" dated May 7, 1914.  This would be a quality addition to any UCV collection or display.--$35.

  73. Scott #1 Confederate Jefferson Davis 5 cent postage stamp, crisp color, and very nice condition overall.--$95.

  74. Quite rare, unissued, Andrew Jackson Confederate Red two cent postage stamp.  This example remains in near perfect condition.--$75.

  75. One of the most sought after and useful set of reference books that are out there.  1) Confederate Faces, by William Albaugh 2) More Confederate Faces, by William Albaugh, 3) Even More Confederate Faces, by Bill Turner.  Confederate Faces is autographed by William Albaugh.--$395. for the entire set.

  76. Beautiful condition, original autograph of Confederate General N. B. Forrest.  This is a clipped signature.--$895.SOLD

  77. Very crisp Civil War date purchase document dated August 14, 1861, by Providence Tool Co. for 16 bars of iron weighing 2,187 pounds.  This iron was very likely going to be used for producing Providence Tool Co. muskets and sabers.  This would be an excellent accessory to display with your Providence Tool musket or saber.--$75.

  78. Child's illustrated book "The Story of Robert E. Lee", by Patricia A. Pingry, published out of Nashville, Tennessee, in 2004.--$6.95

  79. Group of 4 very nice condition "First Day Issue" United Confederate Veteran stamped, and Postmarked Postal covers.  Two of them are for THE LAST United Confederate Veteran Reunion in 1951, and one is for the 100 year anniversary of the Battle of the Wilderness, postmarked May 5, 1964, and one is for the 7th anniversary of the fight between the Monitor and the Merrimac.  It is postmarked March 9, 1937.  All four for --$65.SOLD

  80. Very rare signature with rank of Rear Admiral Hiram Paulding.  Admiral Paulding had a very distinguished Naval career with one of his crowning achievements the design and construction of the "USS Monitor".  This is an autograph that you rarely see offered for sale.--$195.SOLD*

  81. Very pretty condition Confederate Postal cover with nice "cancelled" Confederate "10 cent" stamp.  The cover is addressed to "Abingdon, VA.".--$125.

  82. Beautiful condition, September 3, 1862, Confederate cover that is dated, postmarked, and stamped.  This cover was postmarked "September 4, 1862", in Savannah, Georgia.  The stamp is an excellent condition, 10 cent, CS Blue Hoyer & Ludwig.  The cover is address to H. A. Crane, Esq. in Marietta, Georgia.  This is an exceptionally nice addressed, stamped, and postmarked Confederate postal cover.--$150.

  83. Excellent condition, Confederate postal cover addressed to Miss Henry Moore, Greenville Courthouse, South Carolina.  The cover has two blue Jeff Davis 5 cent stamps with a crisp Greenville, South Carolina postmark.  This is an excellent quality Confederate postal cover with stamps and postmark.--$125.

  84. Quite rare signature of Union General Montgomery Cunningham Meigs.  This is a clipped signature reading "M. C. Meigs - Qtr. Ms. General -19 July 1864.  Nicely mounted and ready for framing.--$175.

  85. New condition, The Illustrated History of American Civil War Relics, by Stephen W. Sylvia and Michael J. O'Donnell.  This is one of the best reference books around, and this copy has been well cared for.--$49.

  86. Very nice condition autograph of James Edmund Bailey who, during the Civil War, served as Colonel of the 49th Tennessee Infantry Regiment.  Signature is crisp and clear in old brown ink.--$150.

  87. Very rare, full page letter dated May 2, 1831, written by Andrew J. Donelson who is a member of the founding families of Nashville, Tennessee, and the family for whom Donelson Pike in Nashville is named.  Andrew Donelson was a trusted aide to General Andrew Jackson during the second Seminole War in Florida.  Two of his sons died in the Civil War, one at Chickamauga.  The other was murdered by an unknown assailant.  Andrew Donelson ran for Vice President with Fillmore of the "Know Nothing" party, but lost by a large margin.  This would be an excellent addition to an early Tennessee founding families collection.--$125.SOLD

  88. Collection of five North South Trader Civil War Artifact Price Guides.  This group consists of 8th edition, 9th edition, 10th edition, 11th edition, and 12th edition.  This grouping of price guides runs from 1997 until 2010 and is an excellent source of tracking price fluctuations on thousands of artifacts.  These guides originally sold from $30 to $40 each.  All five issues for--$95.

  89. Autograph of Union Rear Admiral Hiram Paulding.  Admiral Paulding was appointed in 1861 by President Abraham Lincoln to be in charge of building up the Federal Navy Fleet.  He personally took over the New York Navy yard and oversaw the destruction of several Federal ships in port at the Norfolk Virginia shipyard to prevent them from falling into Confederate hands.  This is a comparatively rare autograph with rank to find.--$195.

  90. Very rare signature of Confederate Brigadier General John Bullock Clark, Jr.  John Bullock Clark entered the Confederate service as a Lieutenant and was soon made Captain of the 6th Missouri Infantry.  He was later promoted to a Major and participated in the Battles of Carthage and Springfield.  Clark was then promoted to the rank of Colonel and commanded a Confederate Brigade at Pea Ridge (Elkhorn).  On March 6, 1864, John Bullock Clark was commissioned Brigadier General.  From 1864 forward General Clark served with Generals Marmaduke and Shelby in the Trans-Mississippi Department.  Following the Civil War, Clark was elected to Congress and served from 1873 until 1889.  From 1889 until his death in 1903, he practiced law in Washington where he died and is buried.  This is a very important autograph in Missouri history.--$195.

  91. Very sought after set of Civil War reference books in new condition.  The Unfinished Fight - Volume 1, by Craig L. Barry, and The Unfinished Fight - Volume 2, also by Craig L. Barry.  This rare set of books has in-depth information on Confederate material culture.--$95.for the set of two.

  92. The Illustrated History of American Civil War Relics, by Stephen W. Sylvia and Michael J. O'Donnell.  This is one of the "must have" Civil War reference books in new condition.--$65.

  93. Quite hard to come by - 3 out of the 4 Parts of Vol. 34 - Official Records of The War Of The Rebellion.  This is the Trans-Mississippi Set for April - May, 1864.  I can guarantee from personal experience that there are some GREAT Relic Hunting spots hidden within these volumes !!--$65. for all three-SOLD

  94. Huge Military Atlas that was originally published to accompany the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion.  The atlas has been reprinted several times and is an absolute must have in doing Civil War research.  Mine is so worn that some of the pages have become dis-attached.  This book was, at one point in time, fairly available to find, but in the last few years has become difficult to get.  This example remains in very nice condition.--$95.

  95. Long out of print - One of the relic hunter classic books detailing what Relic Hunting was REALLY like back in the very earliest days (and with lots of pictures of the finds).  This is "RELIC HUNTER - The field account of Civil War Sites, Artifacts, and Hunting" by Howard Crouch.  I guarantee this book will have you amped, and ready to go digging in the morning !!--$65.

  96. Very sought after, original 1889 printing of Volume XXIV in all three parts.  This is the "Vicksburg" set and is without question loaded with research information that would result in some good relic hunting locations.--$125.

  97. Original completely filled out Consolidated Morning Report Document for the 33rd Regiment New York State Volunteer Infantry.  A scarce New York document in very nice framable condition.--$95.

  98. Civil War date, August 9, 1861, receipt from Providence Tool Company for 3 bundles of iron weighing 353 pounds.  It is very likely that this wrought iron during the Civil War was on its way to becoming muskets, sabers, or bayonets.  Providence Tool Company itself produced both muskets and sabers during the Civil War.--$45.

  99. Very nice condition group of three "Day Orders" for the 33rd Regiment, New York State Volunteers.  All three documents remain in very nice condition and are dated the second half of 1861.--$150 for all three.

  100. Nice condition leather cartridge box with the brass device "MNG" which is believed to be Massachusetts National Guard, Maryland National Guard, or Maine National Guard.  This particular box came out of a Massachusetts estate sale, so we feel it likely to be Massachusetts National Guard.  This is a large, .58 cal. size cartridge box and is believed to have been used from 1860 through the 1870's.  It will make a very nice addition to someone's Massachusetts Civil War Collection.--$275.

  101. Regimental detail for duties at Camp Granger, July 22, 1861, for the 38th Regiment, New York State Volunteers.  All the camp guards and police for July 22, 1861, are detailed by name in this order.  This hand-written order is signed by R. F. Taylor, Col. commanding the Regiment.--$95.

  102. Very attractive, $500 Confederate States of America Loan Bond, dated February 20, 1863.  The bond still has seven interest coupons remaining intact.  It was folded for many years and has been supported along one fold line.  This bond is serial number 11125 and pictures a Confederate on Pickett, sitting by a fire.  It will frame up beautifully.--$115.

  103. Very rare Confederate preprinted ordnance document from Guinas Station, VA. dated April 15, 1863.  The document pretains to food and soap for Ramsiur's Brigade at Guinas Station, VA.  Guinas Station, VA. is most famous for being the site where Stonewall Jackson died.--$250.

  104. Very nice condition, original Centennial edition from the "Nashville Tennessean".  One hundred years ago, Battle of Nashville, the end came on Shy's Hill.  This particular paper is dated Sunday, December 6, 1964.  This issue has an in-depth breakdown of the Battle of Nashville along with a full page, color map that I have personally used many times in relic hunting at the Battle of Nashville.  Also found in the same old house, a 50-year-old Kurtz & Allison print of the Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas.  The print has aged to an attractive, cream/tan color and will frame nicely for your relic room.--$38 plus shipping for both items.

  105. Original, very nice condition, Confederate States of America newspaper.  This is the Friday, July 12, 1861, issue of "The Daily Journal - Wilmington, North Carolina".  Content is quite varied, including numerous medical miracle drugs and quite a number of "arms" for sale, including Smith & Wesson, Allen & Wheelock, pistols with bowie attached, and Maynard rifles all offered for cash.  With this newspaper, you are reading exactly the same news that a citizen would have been in 1861.--$125.

  106. Very, very rare, 206-year-old newspaper from Georgetown, District of Columbia, and dated October 20, 1813.  This newspaper is titled, "Federal Republican and Commercial Gazette".  The ads in this newspaper are truly eye-opening.  For example, "$50 reward for runaway near Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland.  A Negro slave who calls himself, Bill, about 5' 6" or 7" high, rather of a lighter complexion than the generality of blacks -- extremely awkward and ungraceful in his address and particularly his walk, and has a wild, suspicious stare when approached."  There are many more ads of this nature pertaining to slave runaways.--$95.

  107. Civil War Discharge and Pay Voucher dated March 12, 1862 for Private Edwin Teal.  Teal served from Jan.1, 1862 until  March 12, 1862.  He was discharged due to disability.  Private Teal was in Co. "B" - 4th New York Cavalry Regiment.  There are two documents.--$45. for both.

  108. Very interesting, hand-written letter from L. W. Webb who was the Official Auditor of the State of Virginia CONFEDERATE Senate written to a friend from the CONFEDERATE "Hall of the Convention" in Alexandria, Virginia, December 12, 1864.  This is actually a quite rare document in that it was written from the Convention Hall and is Civil War dated.--$125.

  109. Very nice condition, $50 Civil War Confederate Loan document.  The document is dated March 10, 1863.  This loan bond was actually issued and is serial number 2537, and the last interest coupon redeemed was January 1, 1865.  This is a very nice piece of Confederate and Civil War history and will frame beautifully.--$150.

  110. Very nice condition group of four Civil War documents pertaining to John Harner.  The documents consist of one military appointment document, two discharges, and one Treasury Dept. document.  John Harner was a member of Co. G, 4th Regiment, US Cavalry for most of the duration of the war.  John Harner, along with his regiment, was at one time posted here at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and also participated in both Battles of Franklin, Tennessee, on November 30, 1864, and Nashville, Tennessee on December 15, 1864.  All four documents remain in good condition, are easily legible, and will frame up beautifully.  For all four documents--$295.

  111. Very nice condition, March 1863, Confederate $50 Bond.  This bond was actually issued and interest coupons redeemed until the war's end, and the next available coupon was July 1865, and of course there was no need to go to the Treasurer's Office at this date as the war was over, and the Confederate Bond was worthless.  This bond will frame up beautifully.--$125.

  112. Quite rare, Civil War date (August 27, 1861), receipt from Providence Tool Company for the purchase of one bar of Zagnall iron weighing 225 pounds.  It is very likely that this iron would be used for the manufacture of muskets and sabers for the American Civil War as Providence Tool Company had contracts for both.--$48.

  113. Official document from the State of Rhode Island dated August 28, 1862, authorizing the purchase of 6 dozen iron hand cuffs to be purchased from Providence Tool Company.  This is a very nice condition, war date, State of Rhode Island document.--$75.SOLD

  114. Beautiful condition, 1840 land grant from President Martin Van Buren.  This grant contains 40 acres and is for land located near Edwardsville, Illinois.  This land grant retains the original Presidential Seal and is certificate number 19691 and is dated January 1, 1840.--$250.

  115. Small "1861" date book entitled Poems of Womanhood.  There are poems in this booklet that every woman should read, such as "She Was a Phantom of Delight" and "The Widow to Her Hourglass", or maybe "Be Gentle, Husband"!!--$75.

  116. Perfect like new condition, rare, out of print, Plates and Buckles of the American Military 1795 - 1874, by Sydney C. Kerksis.  This is one of the best and most sought after of all reference books.--$95.

  117. Quite scarce, original, first edition, "Confederate Edged Weapons" by William A. Albaugh, III.  This is an excellent example with the original dust jacket still intact.--$95.

  118. Excellent condition, January 24, 1862, "Providence Tool Company" document.  This document is a receipt to Providence Tool Company for freight charges for 45 bars of raw iron shipped from New York to Providence Tool Company on the Steamer Ospray.  Providence Tool Company was a manufacturer of both Civil War sabers and muskets.  This raw iron would, no doubt, eventually become Civil War weapons.--$85.

  119. Original 1921 imprint concerning the origin of Memorial Day.  This document was authored by Federal General Norton P. Chipman (who was Col. of the 2nd Ohio Infantry during the Civil War and was later Judge Advocate for the famous Andersonville Prison trial of Commandant Henry Wirz) and has an original "N. P. Chipman" autograph on the reverse of the document.  This is a very cool document and completely pertinent today.--$55.

  120. Original autograph of Brigadier General Ramsey Potts.  General Potts was one of America's most decorated and successful bomber pilots of the 2nd World War.  Interestingly, during his time, as a bomb group commander, the well know actor, James "Jimmy" Stewart, was his Operations Officer.  At age 27, Potts was promoted to full Colonel and assumed command of the 453rd Bomb Group based in Norfolk.  Among Potts' accolades, he was awarded "The Distinguished Service Cross", two Silver Stars, the Legion of Merit medal, three DFCs, the Bronze Star, five Air Medals, and was awarded the British "DFC" for his outstanding courage and heroism.  He retired from the Air Force as a Major General in 1972.  Major General Potts lived to age 89.--$50.


Middle Tennessee Relics
Larry Hicklen

Shop:  (615) 893-3470
