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  1. A beautiful albumen photograph of "FEDERAL" MAJOR GENERAL JOSEPH C. WHEELER taken during the Spanish American War.  General Wheeler was, of course, a "CONFEDERATE" MAJOR GENERAL of Cavalry during the Civil War.  General Forrest once stated that he hoped that he was in attendance "TO WATCH THE DEVIL BURN THAT BLUE UNIFORM OFF GENERAL WHEELER" !!!--$75.

  2. 4 1/2 by 7 inch albumin photograph of a standing Federal Master Sergeant taken during the Spanish American War era.  This is a full standing view taken in front of his tent (with many other tents in the background).--$48.

  3. C.D.V. of a young Federal 2nd Lieutenant.  This was purchased out of an Ohio estate sale, and still has the orange 2 cent Revenue Stamp on the reverse.--$48.

  4. Nice clear CDV of Federal Lt. General U. S. Grant.  Crisp definition.--$65.

  5. WE NEED HELP!!!  I recently purchased the collection of an old friend that passed away years ago, and his collection has been stacked in a closet for many years.  This super nice personal effects display no doubt had information with it at an earlier point in time.  That information has long since been separated from the display, and we hope to figure out who this soldier is from hints provided by the artifacts.  First of all, on his hat in the CDV, you can see "Co. G - Cavalry crossed sabers and 13".  On one of the medals you can see inscribed, "Co. G, 13th Illinois, crossed sabers (Cavalry)".  On the same medal is inscribed, "To Capt. J. C. Kennedy from his Comrades of Farragut Post #46 GAR, Denver Colo - 1883".  And on the front side is, "Pine Bluff, Sabine Crossroads, Monticello, and Red River Expedition".  This medal is beautifully inscribed and is very likely actually gold.  In addition, there is a Brigadier General's shoulder strap in the display.  Our suspicion is that this display belonged to Breveted General Joseph Warren Bell who was Commander of the Unit and received a promotion to General right at the end of the war.  There is a ton of mystery surrounding this grouping, and any help unraveling it would be greatly appreciated.  The plate that is inscribed with battles actually does appear to be gold.  At this point, without knowing the complete story, the price for the entire framed grouping is--$495.SOLD*

  6. Nice clear 1/9th plate early war glass ambrotype of a young Ohio Officer.  This image was purchased about 30 years ago from a central Ohio estate sale.  This is a seated pose with his arm resting on a table.  His 2nd Lieut. rank straps are clearly visible.--$135.

  7. Really pretty, artist color tinted, Civil War Era albumin.  The image is of a young lady in an off-shoulder Civil War Era gown.  The gilted brass frame dates the 1800's and is in super nice condition.  The rear of the frame is fabric covered.  One might consider replacing the image in the frame with a family member if one is available.--$95.SOLD*

  8. Fully cased, 1/9th plate "ruby ambrotype" of Jacob Sampson Gibson - 1861.  There are a couple of different candidates for which unit Jacob was in, but a little research will likely unravel it.  It is a nice, clear image in an excellent condition thermoplastic case by "S. Peck & Co. Union Cases".  This will make an excellent addition to someone's Civil War display.--$225.

  9. Very pretty 1/6th plate fully cased tintype of Asa Carter, of the 5th KY INF - CSA.  He enlisted in Oct. of 1861, and was discharged in March of 1865.  Asa fought at Chickamauga and through the entire Atlanta campaign.  After the Atlanta campaign, the 5th Kentucky Infantry was reorganized and became the 5th Kentucky Mounted Infantry.  They harassed Sherman to Savannah, Georgia, and then into North Carolina where they surrendered at Greensboro in April of 1865.  This is a nice, clean image in a "A. P. Critchlow & Co." thermoplastic case.--$695.

  10. Nice condition from life CDV of Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston.  This is an "Anthony - New York" photograph.  The corners are slightly nipped to go in the photo album it was in.  The image has nice clarity.--$175.

  11. Bust view CDV of Confederate General Bushrod Johnson.  This is a nice, clear "from life" image with an "Anthony - New York" backmark.  General Bushrod Johnson was in command of Ft. Donelson until he saw the "bad" hand writing on the wall and decided to clear out.  General Bushrod Johnson was later wounded at Shiloh and eventually surrendered with General Lee at Appomattox.--$225.

  12. Nice, clear, fully cased, 1/9th plate, "Ruby" ambrotype of a young ARMED Confederate soldier.  This image is out of a Middle Tennessee family.   He is wearing a "shell jacket" with shoulder tabs and has a European dirk slid through two buttonholes on the front of his uniform.  I do have some family information but am not certain who this young fellow is.--$550.

  13. Absolutely beautiful condition, 1/9th plate, folding red/brown, thermoplastic Daguerreotype case.  This case is manufacturer marked, "Littlefield Parsons & Co." and is patent dated October 14, 1856, and April 21, 1857.  If you happen to have a very nice 1/9th plate image worthy of a super-nice case, here it is.--$150.

  14. Nice condition, fully cased, 1/6th plate image of a Federal Enlistedman.  The interesting thing about this image is that the soldier has an Infantry cross-belt and buckle belt rig but is holding a Model 1860 light Cavalry saber by his side.  The image is nice and clear but is just a touch darker than what would be optimum.--$350.

  15. Fully cased, large 1/4th plate tintype of a standing Federal soldier at attention wearing his 9-button Enlistedman's frock coat and his kepi.  He is wearing a complete leather Federal accoutrement set with US buckle, brass breast plate on the cross-belt, cartridge box, and has his Springfield musket with bayonet in place standing alongside.  There is a Patriotic back-drop in rear of the soldier.  The image has good clarity but is slightly faded  due to light, but remains a very nice armed Federal Infantry image.--$250.

  16. Fully cased, large 1/4th plate tintype of a standing Federal soldier.  He is wearing a 9-button Enlistedman's frock coat, his kepi, and US belt rig with breast plate and buckle both visible.  He has his musket standing at his side.  The image, unfortunately, has been exposed to light and is now quite faded.  There is writing in the back behind the image which may be the soldier's ID, but we cannot make it out.  Here is a bargain on an "ARMED" cased tintype of a Federal Infantry Enlistedman.--$175.

  17. Civil War Era (1864), engraving of General John Sedgwick.  This was published by Johnson Fry & Co. - New York in 1864.  It remains in nice condition and will frame up beautifully.--$45.

  18. Absolutely beautiful condition Civil War Date "From Life" bust view CDV of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.  This image has crisp, sharp edges, and the image is literally as vivid today as during the Civil War.  A quality addition to any collection.--$295.

  19. Nice clear, "from life" CDV of President Abraham Lincoln.  This one is out of a Civil War photo album and has the corners slightly rounded to go in the album.--$65.

  20. Really pretty, fully cased, 1/9th plate, Ruby ambrotype of an armed Union Private.  The soldier is seated with his .69 cal., Model 1842 musket across his chest and is wearing a US belt rig with the cross belt and breast plate visible.  The image has nice clarity, but unfortunately, has a scratch that runs right between his eyes.  The case is a beautiful Patriotic case with a spread-wing Eagle over an American Flag and the motto "Union Forever".  The case is in excellent condition except for one piece of the rim broken out about one inch long.  I have someone that can restore this break perfectly if so desired.--$295.  (This would be a $650 image and case if it were not for the scratch and small piece broken.)

  21. Nice, crisp, clear, 1/6th plate tintype of a young Federal Sergeant seated wearing a 9-button, Enlistedman's frock coat with his Sergeant stripes clearly visible as well as a nice, clear, 20th Corp "5-pointed Star" on his chest.  The image is cased in a beautiful thermoplastic hard case made by "Littlefield Parsons & Co." manufacturers of "Union Cases" and dated 1857.  This is a museum quality little image and case.--$450.

  22. Very pretty condition fully cased 1/6th plate WELL EQUIPTED Federal Infantryman literally ready to head to the front.  This image is out of an Ohio estate and the young man has his "US" waist belt rig complete with US buckle, cartridge box, over the shoulder sling, and cap box, and is "at attention" with his musket with bayonet at his side.  This is very close to being your absolute classic Federal soldier of the Civil War "ready to go".  It is housed in a super nice thermoplastic hard case made by "Littlefield, Parsins, and Co. - UNION CASES - 1857".  This is a "SMOKING NICE" little image.--$450.

  23. 1/6th plate tintype of a fully equipped, Federal Infantry Enlistedman.  This is a standing view wearing a 9-button frock coat with US beltrig and cartridge box at his side.  His musket with bayonet stands in front of him.  The photograph is taken in front of a patriotic backdrop with tents, canons, and flags.  The image is out of an Ohio estate, and went through a house fire which literally began to melt the case, but the image itself remains in good condition but is a little bit darker than optimum.  This is a nice image, and the soldier is fully equipped, and ready to go to the front.--$195.

  24. Nice clear 1/6th plate tintype of a gentleman out of a North Georgia estate that - according to family lore was a Confederate officer.  He is quite distinguished looking, and comes in a 1/2 patriotic case.  I know the family name, and have a good guess who he likely is.  If you aren't quite ready for the $1,000. Confederate image yet - here is a nice honest Southern image to "fill the spot" until then !!!--$175.SOLD

  25. Very pretty, 1/6th plate tintype of a standing Federal soldier with a Patriotic tent scene in the background.  It is housed in a very ornate black thermoplastic case.  The case is marked, "Littlefield Parsons & Co. Manufacturer of UNION cases, Patented October 14, 1856, and April 21, 1857".  This is a very nice image and in a beautiful case.--$250.

  26. Very pretty condition, fully cased, 1/9th plate glass ambrotype of a seated Federal soldier wearing a 9-button Enlistedman's Federal frock coat.  His kepi is visible on the table beside him.  This image is housed in a beautiful, Patriotic, thermoplastic case with a cannon, a tent, and an American Flag on the outside of the case.  On the rear of the image there is a photographer's card that says, "Halls Gallery of Art - 142nd St. Lawrence".  This is a crisp, clear image in a killer Patriotic case.--$275.

  27. Bust view CDV of an Officer that looks like he could have been related to General Forrest.  It has a "Webster & Bro. Louisville" photographer's mark.  I am not sure if he is US or CS.--$89.

  28. Nice clear Civil War date bust CDV of President Abraham Lincoln.  This image is backmarked, "Henry Barrett - Natik, Mass."--$95.

  29. Quite rare, full length seated CDV of Brevet Brigadier General James Shaw.  General Shaw was commander of the 7th United States Colored Troops as well as several Massachusetts Infantry Regiments.  He joined the regiment November 12, 1863, in Maryland; was post commander at Jacksonville, Florida; commanded brigade in the expedition to Cedar Creek and Camp Melton; participated in the battle on John's Island; was commended for wisdom and bravery in action; returned to Virginia and moved on Richmond; he commanded First Brigade, Third Division, Tenth Army Corps, August 13 to 21, August 25 to September 25, and October 25 to December 4, 1864. Commanded First Brigade, Second Division, Twenty-fifth Army Corps, from its formation, December 4, 1864, until it was disbanded in 1866. Commanded Second Division, Twenty-fifth Army Corps, February 21 to March 13, 1865, and participated in the capture of Petersburg and the triumph at Appomattox. He commanded the sub-district of Victoria and Central District of Texas from February 21 to May 9, 1866, and was mustered out with his regiment November 16, 1866, bearing on his flag, by authority, the names of the battles of Cedar Creek, Baldwin, Kingsland Road, Fuzzel's Mills, White Point, John's Island, Fort Gilmer, Darbytown Road, Armstrong's Mills, Petersburg, and Appomattox Court House.--$150.

  30. Civil War Era 1/6th plate ambrotype of two young ladies we would guess to be about 4 and 10 years of age.  The older girl is wearing a necklace with gold broach and is holding roses.  The younger girl is holding roses as well, and both are wearing 1850 - 1860 off-shoulder style dresses.  These are almost surely Southern Tennessee girls and are on the verge of witnessing the great Civil War.--$25.

  31. Nice, clear, from life CDV of Ms. Jane B. Mitchell.  The photo as dated 1860 and was taken "for Aunt Ruth".  The photographer was "Y. Day - Memphis, Tennessee".  Ms. Mitchell is wearing a very pretty, off-shoulder cut, full skirt dress.  This photo is dated 1860, so this lady's world was about to change.  This looks like a good "sturdy" woman!!!--$35.

  32. Excellent condition, Civil War CDV of General George McClellan and wife.  The image remains complete and in very nice condition.--$69.

  33. Beautiful condition Civil War era "set" of CDVs of George Washington, and wife - Martha Washington.  Might better get these SOON, before it becomes "UNAMERICAN" to have them.  I understand that Thomas Jefferson is under scrutiny these days !!!--$75. For The Pair

  34. Nice crisp CDV of Admiral D. G. Farragut.  The image has a plain back.--$45.

  35. CDV "engraving" of Federal General Winfield Scott.  The image is marked, "L. Prang & Co. - Boston".--$35.

  36. CDV out of a family album from New York.  This young man is of Civil War age, and is IDed as being A. C. Coleman.The image was taken by A. H. Smith of Lima, NY.  Really nice little Civil War era image that can probably be IDed.--$45.

  37. CDV backmarked, "R. Grobe - Photographer, Cor. - Front & State Street - Fremont O."  The image pictures a man and woman with the man seated wearing what appears to be a GAR or UCV medal.  I suspect this photograph was likely taken just after the Civil War during the "Veteran Era".--$38.

  38. Civil War Era CDV of Major General Ambrose E. Burnside.  This is a seated view in full uniform with a rare "Brady - New York" backmark.--$89.

  39. Nice condition, Civil War engraving of the Nations' First Lady, Martha Washington.--$48.

  40. Civil War Era CDV of William Atkins from Florence, Massachusetts.  William was a member of the 19th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry.  The photograph is backmarked, "D. Murelless - No. 3 Pleasant St. Northampton Mass."  The 2 cent revenue stamp remains intact on the reverse.--$65.

  41. Full standing CDV of Walter Vann of New York.  The CDV is backmarked, "De Long and Robio - Photographic Gallery - Cooperstown, N. Y."  This image came out of an album with several soldier images from the same area.  It is very likely this young fellow was a soldier as well.--$38.

  42. Quite rare CDV of Confederate General Robert E. Lee with a San Francisco, California, backmark.  This image is backmarked, "Wise & Prindle Photographers, No. 417 Montgomery Street - San Francisco".  You just don't see many images coming out of California during this era.--$350.

  43. Group of three Civil War era images from the "Juda Family" of central ILL.  One of the images is a C.D.V. of John Juda, who was a member of Co. "C" - 45 Ill. Inf.  The 45 Ill. was one heck of a unit, and was at Fort Henry - Fort Donelson, Shiloh - Corinth - Port Hudson - Raymond - Champion's Hill - Big Black - Vicksburg - Meridan - Kennesaw - Atlanta - Jonesboro, - and Bentonville.  A nice little grouping for CHEAP !!!--$95. for all

  44. Civil War Era, leather bound CDV photo album.  This album will hold 38 CDV's.  It remains in good, complete condition, but the leather is separating some across the leather back strap.  The interior remains in nice condition, and both brass clasps remain intact.  This would be excellent to hold and display your Civil War CDV's in.--$79.

  45. Nice condition,"from life" bust view of "J. M. Baruard"??  This image was taken by Case & Getchell, Boston, Massachusetts.  Most of the images in the album where this one came were members of the 4th Massachusetts Cavalry. We were not able to locate him, but we were unsure of the correct spelling of his name.  If anyone can locate him, please send me what Company and Regiment.--$75.SOLD*

  46. Bust view CDV of Jackson Kilpatrick.  The image is backmarked, "S. H. Colesworthy - 92 Exchange St. Portland ME".  We believe Jackson to have been in the 28th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry.--$95.

  47. Nice clear "from life" CDV of Lt. J. H. Lathrop of the 4th Massachusetts Cavalry.  This photo was taken by "Mrs. Stuart - 258 Washington Street - Boston".  I don't think I have ever seen a Civil War Era CDV with the marking "Hair Jewelry made to order".--$125.

  48. Bust view C.D.V. of Federal General Philip Sheridan.  The image is backmarked "Joseph Ward - 125 Washington St. - Boston"--$95.

  49. Full standing view CDV of a young Indiana Volunteer wearing a "Zouave" type shell jacket.  The jacket has "Zouave" type sleeve trim.  The image was taken by H. G. Fetter - Photographic Gallery - Peru, Ind.--$95.

  50. Crystal clear, "from life" CDV of Federal Major General Alfred Pleasanton.  His General Stars are clearly visible.  General Pleasanton is best known for his being in command of Union Cavalry forces at the Battle of Gettysburg.--$195.

  51. Full standing view of Lt. C. C. Vance, Co. C, 9th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry.  It appears this Federal Cavalry unit spent a good deal of time in East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia.  Later in the war, the 9th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry participated with General Sherman in the "March to the Sea" and was with the Federal Army for the surrender in Greensboro, North Carolina.--$175.

  52. Nice, clear, full-standing pose of Col. Charles Griswold of the 56th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry.  Col. Griswold was KIA during the Battle of the Wilderness.  He was shot in the neck while rallying his troops.  Col. Griswold is buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.--$195.

  53. Very nice condition, small 1/9th plate size, red/brown "genuine improved Union Case - S. Peck & Co. Manufacturers".  If you have a "exceptionally nice 1/9th plate tintype or ambro.", here is your chance to pick up a very nice case for it.--$150.

  54. Quite rare "gem size" tintype of Homer E. Stone of Co. B, 4th Massachusetts Cavalry.  He enlisted 1-27-1864 and was fatally wounded at Broadway Landing, Virginia, on July 24, 1864.  The poor guy was only in service a few months.--$125.

  55. Nice clear CDV of Civil War musician, Frank H. Emerson, from Brattleboro, Vermont, and a member of Co. H, 7th Vermont Infantry.  The image was taken by "C. L. Howe - Union Block - Brattleboro, VT".--$55.SOLD

  56. 1/6th plate tintype of a seated Federal soldier.  He is wearing a 4-button sack coat and a Patriotic scene can be seen behind him.  This image was purchased years ago from a Central Ohio estate sale, so it is very likely that he is an Ohio Volunteer Infantry soldier.  The image remains clear, but is slightly darker than perfect.--$150.

  57. Quite rare bust view CDV image of Confederate General Sterling Price.  General Price served with distinction in numerous Trans-Mississippi Battles.  This image has a crisp "Anthony of New York" backmark.--$275.

  58. Very nice cased pair of Civil War 1/9th plate images.  One image is an ambrotype of a young, Federal Infantry soldier wearing 9-button, Federal Enlistedman's frock coat.  The second image is an older gentleman that we think to likely be his father.  The images were purchased years ago from a Central Ohio estate sale.  Case and both images--$250.

  59. Drop-dead beautiful condition, 1/9th plate, molded thermoplastic image case.  This case has the very ornate outer cover with the Eagle perched atop of the Constitution and surrounded by stars with the American Shield above.  It is dated 1857 and is maker marked, "Littlefield, Parsons, & Co. - Manufacturers of Daguerreotype Cases".  This will be perfect if you have a super nice 1/9th plate image needing a case.--$195.

  60. Extremely rare, large 1/4th plate, fully cased, outdoor multi-subject ambrotype.  In this image, you can see eight adults, one horse and bridle, and two children.  Two of the adults appear to have on military coats, and four of the adults have on tall, "stove pipe" hats.  There are buildings and a fence in the background.  This is a very cool image considering the number of subjects being outside and containing a horse in harness.--$550.

  61. Quite rare, 1/6th plate, fully cased tintype of a New York Zouave wearing his red cap with tassel.  He is also wearing a 4-button Union sack coat.  The image is cased in a scarce, molded thermoplastic "S. Peck & Co." improved "Union" case with an intricate military motif.  The image is somewhat dark but you can clearly see the subject.  The case is in very nice condition except does have one piece approximately 1 1/2 inch missing along one edge.  I do have a contact for restoring this break if wanted.  This is both an image and a case that you rarely see.--$395.

  62. Nice clear 1/6th plate fully cased tintype of a Federal soldier wearing his kepi and also his Federal enlistedman's 9-button frock coat.  The image is cased in a Patented "Union" red-brown Thermoplastic case.--$350.

  63. Nice condition, "from life", CDV image of Confederate General Benjamin Franklin Cheatham.  General Cheatham was a Western Theater Army of Tennessee Commander for most of the war.--$195.

  64. Really pretty fully cased 1/9th plate tintype of a young Federal enlistedman.  The soldier is wearing a regulation 9 - Button Federal .Enlistedman's frock coat.  The case is in really nice condition, and the image is very clear without even one little rust spot.  First class image.--$150.

  65. Very nice condition from life CDV of Federal General William Sherman.  This CDV is backmarked, "New York Photographic Co. - No. 458 Broadway - New York".  It has a nice condition revenue stamp intact on the reverse.--$75.

  66. Bust view from life CDV of a Union Officer.  He is wearing a single-breasted Officer's frock coat, and his rank strap looks to be a Lieutenant.  The image is backmarked, "J. B. Young's Photographic Gallery - 231 Baltimore St. Cor. of Charles" (we assume this means at the corner of Charles and Baltimore St.--$85.

  67. Full standing view CDV of a Federal officer wearing a double breasted Federal Officer frock coat.  He has his kepi in his hand with an embroided "infantry bugle", and has a regimental "6" in the hat pin loop.  This is a real nice image !!--$95.

  68. Fully cased, 1/6th plate tintype of a Union Corporal.  He is wearing an enlisted man's blue frock coat with his two Corporal Stripes visible.  This is a seated pose wearing his kepi, and his Smith and Wesson .22 cal. revolver is visible in his vest pocket.  The clear glass outside cover has an old crack across it.  It would be a very simple matter to replace the piece of glass.--$275.

  69. Absolutely beautiful 1/6th plate tintype of two seated Federal soldiers, both wearing Infantry frock coats and regulation blue trousers.  One of the men has his kepi resting in his lap.  This image remains crystal clear and is housed in an extremely ornate patriotic black gutta percha case.  The case has an Eagle in the center with wings outspread by an American Flag and also a shield and a cannon with cannon balls.  This style patriotic case is very rare to find.--$395.

  70. Quite rare, from life, bust view of Confederate President Jeff Davis.  The CDV remains in nice condition.--$195.

  71. Beautiful, crisp, clear, fully cased 1/6th plate tintype of a standing Federal infantryman with everything needed to march off to battle.  This is a full standing view wearing an enlistedman's frock coat, his 3-band musket with bayonet at his side, his full belt rig, and cross belt with breastplate, and has his kepi on.  This image is first class !!--$425.

  72. Extremely rare, fully cased, 1/4 plate ambrotype of two seated Confederate Cavalrymen.  One has a Colt Army across his chest, and the other has a Colt Pocket model across his chest.  Both are wearing bow ties and high top Cavalry boots and spurs.--$1,150.

  73. Beautiful photographic estate of Lt. Dan McConnell of the 99th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.  In this grouping is a crystal clear, fully cased, 1/6th plate tintype of Lt. McConnell.  This is a bust view, seated waist up, showing his frock coat, shoulder straps, and kepi with French Horn Infantry hat insignia.  Together with excellent military photograph of Lt. McConnell, there is additionally a fully cased 1/9th plate ambrotype of Lt. McConnell in civilian clothing.  In addition to these pictures is a half-cased ambrotype of Lt. McConnell in civilian clothing with his wife.  Also, there is a 1/6th plate ambrotype of Lt. McConnell's mother in a half-case.  In addition, there is a 1/9th plate ambrotype of a baby which we assume to be his child.  The 99th Ohio served all through Tennessee being at Stones River, Chickamauga, the drive toward Atlanta, and the Battles of Franklin and Nashville.  I purchased this group directly out of the family just days ago.--$495. for the entire five photograph estate.

  74. Tiny folding silver "book" that has two gem size images inside.  I believe both images to be of Civil War Generals, and although they have a familiar look, I cannot place their name.  A little help would sure be appreciated.  The small case itself appears to be solid silver.--$195.

  75. 1usinfantryman.jpg (27856 bytes)1/6th Plate tintype of seated Union Infantryman.  He is wearing a 9-button Federal enlistedman's frock coat...coat is open showing his military vest beneath ...this photo is in nice condition and quite clear -it is unfortunately a little bit dark however. $125.

  76. Extremely rare, 1/6th plate, ruby ambrotype of an armed Confederate soldier.  This image came out of a local Tennessee estate, and the soldier is holding a Colt Pocket Model revolver across his chest.  He is wearing an early war "roller buckle" style Confederate belt rig.  There is writing done with a pin knife in the upper left corner of the image.  It appears to likely be a name, but we are unable to decipher it.  This would be a fine Confederate image to add to any CS image collection.--$1,250.SOLD

  77. Civil War Era CDV (Carte De Viste) of General George B. McClellan and wife.  This is a "from life" photo.--$59.

  78. Quite rare "BRADY" image of Gen. Tom Thumb wedding.  The image remains in beautiful condition and is dated "1863".  I have in the past seen this "Brady" image priced at $150. and more.--$125.

  79. Nice condition CDV of Confederate General Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard.  This image is backmarked, "E. & H.T. Anthony - New York".--$195.SOLD

  80. Very odd Civil War Era CDV of General William Sherman.  In this CDV, the photographer took a picture of a Sherman image with the matting around the picture.  This CDV is actually a war date, published "picture of a picture".--$65.

  81. Nice condition, Civil War date CDV of Confederate Lieutenant General Simon Boliver Buckner.  This image was produced by "E. & H. T. Anthony, New York."--$150.

  82. Quite rare, Civil War date CDV picturing over 50 Confederate Generals with each numbered and identified.  The image remains in excellent condition.--$250.

  83. Beautiful condition, 1/6th plate tintype of a pair of Union soldiers, both fully equipped with frock coat, kepi, belt rig, cross belt plate, and musket with bayonet.  The two images are cased in an excellent condition, full thermoplastic display case.  This is a first class image with nice clarity and with both subjects having a musket.--$425.SOLD

  84. Crisp, clear tintype of a Federal Infantry soldier with his Springfield musket with bayonet across his chest and his colt revolver stuck behind his US belt buckle.  The soldier's cross belt with Eagle breast plate is also clearly visible.  The image is housed in a 1/2 hard case just as it came out of the estate.--$295.SOLD

  85. Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful, matted and framed portrait of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest.  This framed print overall measures 30 inches by 36 inches and is framed using acid-free matting and light filtering glass.  The framing job alone on this print costs almost $400.  Here is a super deal, BUT, you will need to pick it up here, because it is some-kinda big.  The print itself was published in 1973 by the SCV.--$350.

  86. Very nice condition, 6 1/2 inch by 4 1/4 inch albumin photograph of James H. Clanton taken by Moyston of Memphis, Tennessee.  On the reverse of the photograph, in very old period writing is, "James H. (Holt) Clanton - Lawyer - CSA Soldier - January 8, 1827 - September 27, 1871 - Killed in a gun fight on the street of the Lamar House Hotel - Knoxville, Tennessee, by a Yankee - A. Clanton."  We are unsure which James H. Clanton it is in the records as there are about three that served.  I have no doubt that with some diligent research this mystery can be solved and likely with additional information.--$48.SOLD

  87. Original stereo card of Mt. Vernon (home of President George Washington) photographed by Gardner of Washington, D.C.  The image has a pleasing, yellowing, aged tone but remains complete and in good condition.--$48.

  88. Clipped corner CDV of Private Ira C. Denise of Co. B, 10th Regiment, New York Infantry.  Private Denise was in the Army 1861, 1862, and until May of 1863 and saw numerous battles including Malvern Hill, Bull Run, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville.  The image is backmarked, "Photographed BY MOSES, 13 E. State Street, Trenton, N.J."--$75. 

  89. Very nice condition, seated view CDV of Private William J. Bodell of Co. D, 66th New York Volunteer Infantry.  This is an excellent photo, signed on the reverse with a nice clear "BRADY'S PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO" mark.--$95.

  90. Very pretty GAR grouping out of Crawford County, Illinois.  This grouping consists of a GAR pin remaining in perfect condition, a ribbon for the 1911, 31st Annual Reunion of the Crawford County Veteran Association, and a CDV of the owner wearing a GAR hat.  We unfortunately do not know the soldier's name, but this is a really nice, out of the bushes, GAR grouping.--$55. for all.

  91. Nice, clear CDV of Federal General William Rosecrans.  This image is particularly relevant here at Stones River in that General Rosecrans commanded the Federal forces here at the Battles of Stones River.  His CDV is one that you do not encounter as often as many of the others.--$95.

  92. Nice bust shot image of a Federal Officer (likely from Kentucky) taken at "J. C. Elrod's Gallery - 409 Main Street - Louisville, KY."  This is a Kentucky photographer that you rarely see.--$85.

  93. Very attractive bust shot C.D.V. of Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston, C.S.A.  This image has a plain reverse with no photographer's stamp.  It's a good solid Reb image.--$150.SOLD

  94. Very attractive and quite rare to find in complete condition, 1/9th plate, ornate black thermoplastic photograph case.  This is an "Improved Union Case" by "S. Peck & Company".  The case comes complete with patriotic brass matting and glass.  The brass matting bears the logo, "The Union Now and Forever.--$150.

  95. 1/6th plate, fully cased, Ambrotype of a Union soldier.  He is seated and wearing a 9-button frock coat.  The image remains in nice condition with good clarity and hardly any flaking at all.--$150.

  96. Nice clear, full standing pose CDV of Private David B. Parsels of Co. F, 107th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry.  This photograph was taken by J. E. Canfield and appears to be an early war photograph.--$75.

  97. Pair of Civil War Era Victorian Age ladies in classic 1850 - 1860 "off-shoulder" gowns.  I believe that these two ladies are likely sisters in that they have similar facial traits.  Both gowns are exquisite.  One of the images is backmarked, "J.W. Molton - Artist - 214 Essex St. - Salem, Mass".  The other is backmarked, "C. Seaver, Jr. - Photographer - 27 Tremont Rd. - Boston".--BOTH IMAGES--$48.

  98. Group of four Civil War/Victorian Era ladies.  Three of the four pictures are ambrotypes, two of which are ruby.  There is one tintype.  These images go from a young five-year-old girl to a 30-ish lady, and then to two elderly ladies.  I find the style of their clothing very interesting.  All four images--$125.

  99. Rare stereo card of a "Rice - Raft" with black plantation hands floating rice straw down the creek headed for Charleston.  Rice and rice straw was one of South Carolina's most valuable productions during the Civil War Era.  For over 200 years, there have been prolific rice fields all along the low land reaches of South Carolina.--$95.

  100. Nice, clear, wartime CDV of Confederate General P. G. T. Beauregard.  This image has the rare backmark of "G. W. Minnis - Photographic Gallery - Richmond VA".--$195.

  101. Fresh out of a Pennsylvania estate sale, crisp, clear CDV of a Federal Lieutenant in a Civil War Era, die stamped, black paper lacquered frame.--$175.

  102. Really pretty little lady's locket that is shaped like a bible and actually opens up and has Rare stereo card of a "Rice - Raft" with black plantation hands floating rice straw down the creek headed for Charleston.  Rice and rice straw wase are tintypes of George Washington - Grant - Scott - and McClellan.  The back cover of the locket is not present.  I only get one of these little book lockets about every couple years.  This little locket displays beautifully opened up to the pictures inside.--$195.

  103. 1/6th plate, ambrotype of two seated Union soldiers that look to likely be brothers.  One is wearing a standard kepi, and the other is wearing an earlier Mexican War era hat.  The image is out of an Ohio estate and remains nice and clear.--$150.

  104. Quite rare "From Life" CDV of Confederate Brigadier General Humphrey Marshall.  General Marshall was from Kentucky and was very active during the Civil War Era, both militarily and politically.--$125.

  105. 1/6th plate, tintype of a double-armed, young Union Infantry soldier.  He is wearing his US beltrig with a sideknife stuck behind his belt and his Springfield musket at his side.  This image is in a 1/2 hard case and has very good content, but is unfortunately darker than we would like for it to be.  Even though somewhat dark, it is still a very nice image.--$195.

  106. Quite rare "From Life" Anthony CDV of Confederate General Sterling Price.  The image is a bit faded and has been trimmed to fit a 1/6th plate hard case.  It may not be in perfect condition, but it is definitely one that is hard to come by.--$150.

  107. 1/6th plate, fully cased ambrotype of a young Union Private.  The image has some fading, but in good light, is all completely visible.  In the back of the case is written "August 10, 1862, age 23".  This is a seated pose, and he is wearing an enlisted man's 9 - button frock coat and also his kepi.--$150.

  108. Fully cased, 1/9th plate, tintype of a young Federal Soldier.  This is a bust view, and he is wearing an early war style military jacket.--$125.

  109. Beautiful condition original "Carbon Studio" albumin of Confederate General P. G. T. Beauregard.  The image measures 4" by 6" and was published by "M. Miley and Son - Lexington, VA (Michael Miley)."  It remains in absolutely perfect condition.--$295.

  110. bgratzbrown.JPG (38860 bytes)Civil War Era CDV of Benjamin Gratz Brown.  B. Gratz Brown was a well known Civil War Era legislator from Missouri.  Brown is most well known for his extreme - near radical anti-slavery position.  A rather scarce CDV to find.--$48.

  111. brigshields.JPG (29799 bytes)brigsheildsrev.JPG (37807 bytes)CDV of Federal General Jas. Shields.--$48.

  112. corporal1.JPG (80029 bytes)corporalclsd.JPG (94675 bytes)corporalrev.JPG (86173 bytes)Fully cased 1/6th plate tintype of a young Federal Corporal.  This is a seated outside camp view with his Corporal stripes clearly visible.  The case is a very cool Union Patriotic with the eagle and shield on both sides.--$275.
  113. Nothing less than "Drop Dead" mint beautiful 1/9th plate gutta percha "S. Peck & Co. - Improved Union Case".  If you have a killer 1/9th plate image - Here is a case worthy of it.--$150.
  114.  Quite rare hanging style ornate gutta-percha case for a 1/6th plate tintype or ambrotype.  It is an "Improved UNION CASE" with an "1859" patent date.  When this case came out of the estate sale some of the corners were chipped, and I have had them professionally restored.  Perfect for your "extra nice image.--$150.
  115. Very nice condition "E. & H. T. Anthony" backmark C.D.V. of "Maj. Gen. J. Bankhead Magruder".--$65.SOLD
  116. Nice clear Civil War era C.D.V. of "Little Mac" and his wife.--$85.
  117. Fully cased 1/6th plate tintype of a standing Federal Cavalry Trooper.  He is wearing his kepi,  his Model 1851 sword belt rig,  and has his cavalry saber standing right in front of him.  Nothing really fancy about this guy - Just your typical Federal Cavalry Trooper ready to mount up.--$275.
  118. Nice clear "from life" full standing pose of a young Massachusetts cavalryman.  Crisp backmark of "AB'M Fisher - Photographer - 89 Washington St. - Boston"--$69.
  119. Collection of 5 CDVs and one tintype.  This grouping includes two Civil War soldiers - two Civil War era clergy - and two Span-Am. War soldiers.  There are a variety of different backmarks including a rare San Francisco, Cal. one.--$175. for the entire collection - That's less than $30. per image.
  120. Beautiful and tough to come by 1973 print of General Nathan Bedford Forrest that was done by the Sons of Confederate Veterans over 30 years ago.  The print is BIG measuring 24 inches by 30 inches before framing and is absolutely breathtaking once it's matted and framed.  I seldom get these in anymore.--$89.
  121. 1/6th plate ambrotype of a young Union soldier seated with who I would guess to be his younger brother from his look and his age.  Both are seated, and the soldier is wearing a frock coat and his kepi.  The photo has nice clarity but is not in a case.--$115.

  122. CDV engraving of Commodore Nutt and Minnie Warren.--$45.

  123. Bust view CDV of a salty old Union veteran.  This old fellow looks serious enough to have seen it all.--$50.
  124. 1860s-1870s vintage CDV of a young Union musician.  The musician's lyre is clearly visible on his cap.  There is a light crease from an old bend across the top of the photo.--$50.


Middle Tennessee Relics
Larry Hicklen

Shop:  (615) 893-3470
