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  1. Original, .58 cal., Minie ball cartridge in its original paper wrapper along with an x-ray of the cartridge.--$95.

  2. Non-excavated, .69 cal., "bullet worm".  These are sometimes called "extractors" and were used for removing a projectile after a misfire.  They were screwed onto the back end of the ram rod which was threaded.  This extractor is in like new, as issued condition.--$48.

  3. Quite rare excavated .44 cal. Tranter projectile.  This was recovered years ago from a Hardee's Corp 1863 C.S.A. camp located near Tullahoma, TN.--$48.

  4. Excellent condition, complete .36 cal. revolver cartridge.  This cartridge is correct for .36 cal. Colt Navy, Remington Navy, Manhattan Navy, and several other .36 cal. Navy Model revolvers.  This will be an excellent compliment to display with your .36 caliber Civil War revolver.--$95.

  5. Excellent condition, .58 cal., long pattern bullet extractor, or "bullet worm".  This would be an excellent accessory to display with your .58 cal. Civil War musket.--$48.

  6. Excellent condition, .69 cal., original musket ball cartridge.  We recover about 90% of smooth bore musket ball ammunition from Confederate sites.  By the time of the Civil War, most Union troops were armed with rifled muskets, but in many cases, Confederates were forced to still use old smooth-bore flintlock conversions.  This would be an excellent compliment to display with your .69 cal. Confederate used flintlock conversion musket.--$150.

  7. Original complete .58 cal. musket ball in original paper wrap.  We pretty much only recover these from Confederate sites.  The projectile fit Model 1842 smoothbore .58 cal. cadet muskets, .58 cal. smoothbore fouling rifles, and could be fired from a .58 cal. rifled musket.  I have found a "good many" of these in the 1862 and 1863 Confederate winter camps here, and have found only a couple from the Federal camps here.  A cool cartridge for your Confederate display.--$150.

  8. Very attractive display containing six different kinds of projectiles including a complete Spencer cartridge, a Confederate .58 cal. Gardner projectile, a .69 cal. dropped Minie ball, a cleaner projectile, a .58 cal. Minie ball with a raised star in the base, and a .69 cal. Confederate buck and ball.--$65. for the entire case.

  9. Original, .58 cal., "Minie" ball with complete original brown paper wrap.  This cartridge was in a Confederate cartridge box and was quite likely a Confederate manufactured projectile.--$125.

  10. Nicely cased display containing three different caliber French pinfire cartridges.  Included in the display is a 7mm, a 9mm, and a 12mm.  This would be a super nice display to go with your French pinfire revolver.--$55.

  11. Excellent condition, excavated, PAIR of "Georgia Troops" Minie balls.  These have a very distinctive mold pattern and are Confederate produced.  One of these is .54 caliber, and the other is .58 caliber.--$45. for the pair.

  12. Excellent condition pair of excavated, dropped, imported French projectiles.  One of the projectiles is a .69 cal., single ring with triangle base.  The second projectile is a .58 cal., 3-ring Minie ball.  Both projectiles were recovered from Army of Tennessee Confederate camps along Duck River near Shelbyville, Tennessee, and are both very nice dropped examples.--$55. in glass display case.

  13. Excavated, .56 cal. Spencer carbine/rifle cartridge.  This cartridge was recovered many years ago from the position held by Wilder's Lightning Brigade at Hoovers Gap, Tennessee.  Excellent to display with your Spencer rifle or carbine.--$45.

  14. Excellent condition, excavated, drop, Confederate cap-nose mold, .58 cal. Minie ball together with an excavated, .69 cal., 4-piece Confederate buck and ball.  These were both recovered from a first week in August, 1863 camp on the Cumberland Plateau.--$35. for both bullets in a glass display case.

  15. Excellent condition shadow box set of three dropped Civil War projectiles (1) .58 cal. standard 3-ring Minie ball, (2) .69 cal. 3-ring Minie ball, (3) .69 cal. musket ball.  We have sets recovered at Stones River, Franklin, Nashville, Ft. Donelson, Shiloh, and Chickamauga.--$20. each or four cases for $60.

  16. Unusual find, .577 cal., Confederate Enfield projectile recovered on private property here at Stones River with the wooden plug still sandwiched intact in the bullet.  With some work, I'm sure the wooden plug could be removed to see what base mark the Enfield bullet has.  A fun project.--$20.

  17. REALLY NICE excavated set of three hand-made lead nipple protectors.  These were recovered on private property along the Confederate Battle line here at Stones River.--$48. for the case and set of three bullets.

  18. Very nice, excavated set of type 1, type 2, and type 3 Williams Cleaner bullets.  All are very nice dropped examples and were recovered from camps around Chattanooga, Tennessee.--$25.

  19. Ornately carved, .69 cal., 3-ring Minie nicely soldier carved into an intricate turtle head.  This guy looks like he is ready to bite you (guess he could be a snake???)!--$45.

  20. Quite rare, excavated, small caliber foreign rifle bullet.  These small projectiles have been recovered in several Confederate camps in this area, but we really do not know what gun this bullet goes to.  They are pretty rare to recover though.--$35.

  21. Very nice condition, non-excavated, .50 cal., Maynard carbine cartridge.  This would be an excellent compliment to display with your Civil War Maynard carbine.--$48.

  22. Really pretty, shadow boxed display, ready to hang with a complete Spencer recovered at Winchester, Virginia, an excavated .58 cal. Minie ball from Shiloh, a .44 cal. Colt from Arkansas, a excavated Federal Eagle button from Vicksburg, Mississippi, some sewing needles taken off of the sunken CSA Blockade Runner Georgiana, some percussion caps, and some letter sealing gum.  Items are nicely shadow boxed in a 12 x 12 ornate display case.--Entire display--$100.

  23. Excavated, .56 cal. Spencer carbine/rifle cartridge.  This cartridge was recovered many years ago from the position held by Wilder's Lightning Brigade at Hoovers Gap, Tennessee.  Excellent to display with your Spencer rifle or carbine.--$45.

  24. Excellent condition, excavated drop, .577 cal., Enfield projectile with raised "L" in the base for London.  This projectile still has the boxwood plug in the cavity, but it can be removed.--$20.

  25. Very "artistic", extracted, .58 cal., 3-ring Minie ball.  This projectile was recovered from a Confederate camp site here at Stones River.  The bullet was extracted using a "pointed ball puller" which left a threaded pattern down into the bullet.  The soldier carefully whittled the bullet away until it EXACTLY shows a cross-section of the bullet cavity and the threaded worm hole.  I have never seen this done by a soldier before.--$28.

  26. Very nice condition, excavated, original .54 cal., Burnside carbine cartridge.  This cartridge was recovered from Lytle Creek here at Murfreesboro where General David Stanley's Federal Cavalry was camped for the winter of 1863.  Many of the Federal Cavalry were armed with Burnside carbines, and we have found several complete Burnside cartridges in Lytle Creek.--$55.SOLD*

  27. Very attractive glass jar adorned with Stones River Battle scenes and containing about 225 Civil War bullets recovered over the years here at Stones River.  There are many different types and calibers consisting of about 80% dropped projectiles and 20% fired projectiles.  There are numerous $8 - $10 bullets including Confederate Selma Arsenal, assorted Enfields, various cleaner bullets, assorted carbines, and numerous other types.  These were for the most part picked up in crop fields here at Stones River after the rains had washed them off following cultivation in years gone by.--$450.

  28. Plastic display container with Battle of Stones River motif containing approximately 250 projectiles recovered here at the Battle of Stones River and being approximately 80% dropped and 20% fired.  The container of bullets weighs 15 pounds.--$475.

  29. Group of 15, nice condition excavated dropped .69 cal. 3-ring Minie Balls.  These were recovered from Confederate camps on private property here at Murfreesboro.  There are several different mold varieties in this grouping.  The display comes in a glass Riker display case.--$75.

  30. Excavated dropped .577 cal. Confederate used ".57" base marked Enfield rifled musket projectile with boxwood plug remaining in place.  This projectile was recovered among the limestone out-croppings on private property here at the Battle of Stones River.--$20.

  31. Very nice condition, excavated, drop, Confederate Richmond Lab High-Base Sharps.--$35.

  32. I've just purchased an additional several thousand bullets to go with the original 10,000+ mixed excavated Civil War bullets that we already had.  Bag of 50 mixed dropped and fired U.S. and C.S. bullets (Approximately 2/3 dropped and 1/3 fired) - each bag includes a variety of different type bullets at a low cost of $1.78 per bullet.  I can guarantee that it is progressively becoming much more difficult both to secure permission and to recover Civil War projectiles.  They are for sure not going to remain at the dirt-cheap price of $1.78 per bullet very much longer.--$89. per bag of fifty.

  33. Excavated, quite rare, .45 cal., Kerr rifle projectile.  This was recovered at Ft. Donelson many years ago.  The Kerr rifle was very accurate and sometimes used by Confederate sharp shooters.--$45.

  34. Very nice condition, excavated, complete .54 cal., Burnside carbine cartridge.  This cartridge was recovered from Lytle Creek which flows through camp Stanley here at Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  The cartridge almost looks non-dug, because it was actually recovered from the water of Lytle Creek.  This would be an excellent compliment to display with your Burnside carbine.--$55.

  35. Very attractive glass jar adorned with Stones River Battle scenes and containing about 19 pounds of Civil War bullets recovered over the years here at Stones River.  There are many different types and calibers consisting of about 80% dropped projectiles and 20% fired projectiles.  There are numerous $8 - $10 bullets including Confederate Selma Arsenal, assorted Enfields, various cleaner bullets, assorted carbines, and numerous other types.  We estimate there to be around 300 projectiles.  These were for the most part picked up in crop fields here at Stones River after the rains had washed them off following cultivation in years gone by.--$595.

  36. Excavated, .52 cal., Palmetto Arsenal Sharps projectile.  This is a ring tail type Sharps that was recovered from the river near the Palmetto Arsenal site.--$60.

  37. Quite scarce .56 cal "Blank" Spencer Cartridge.  These were used by Federal Cavalry in training the horses to be used to gunfire.  It remains in very nice unfired condition.--$48.

  38. Very unusual, .50 cal., solid base country rifle projectile.  This projectile was recovered by Otis Brown on private property at Ft. Donelson, Tennessee.  It is a style projectile that I am not acquainted with.--$45.

  39. Original, unopened packet of ten original Civil War musket percussion caps.  A packet of caps exactly like this was enclosed in each ten-round brown paper wrapped factory grouping of Minie balls and tied with a brown cotton string.--$38.

  40. Beautiful collection of 35 carved and whittled bullets from the Battle of Stones River and the 1863 Union and Confederate camps following the battle.  These were recovered about 40 years ago from Union and Confederate camps along Stones River and along Duck River near Shelbyville.  The carved bullet collection is displayed in a nice quality, hand-crafted oak display case.  Case and bullet collection--$295.

  41. Very nice condition, excavated pair of .52 cal. German Shul carbine projectiles.  In the display is a two-ring variety and a three-ring variety.--$35.

  42. Excavated, .69 cal., "triangle base" French produced Minie.  This example was recovered only a few hundred yards from our shop here among the limestone rocks on the Confederate line.  This is a projectile you do not often recover.--$35.

  43. Super-nice soldier made lead nipple protector.  This was made from a .69 cal. Tower projectile, and is as Rebel as you can get.  This was recovered on private property here at Stones River.--$20.

  44. During the mid-1970's, Claiborne Lytle, and I were able to find the position of the Confederate Sharp Shooters on the Brentwood Hills during the 2nd day's fighting at the Battle of Nashville, Tennessee.  The Confederate Sharp Shooters had a good many of the famous English Whitworth scoped sniper rifles.  Claiborne and I together found a good many (around 250) beautiful drop, .45 cal., Whitworth sniper projectiles.  This particular bullet is a beautiful example and is one that Claiborne recovered on this line.--$225.

  45. Excavated, very nice condition, drop, .577 cal., Enfield projectile with "L" (London) base mark.  This was recovered on private property along the Confederate battle line here at Stones River.--$25.

  46. Excavated, .56 cal. Spencer carbine/rifle cartridge.  This cartridge was recovered many years ago from the position held by Wilder's Lightning Brigade at Hoovers Gap, Tennessee.  Excellent to display with your Spencer rifle or carbine.--$45.

  47. A rare, complete, .58 cal., "compressed powder" musket cartridge.  These cartridges were produced with the intent of eliminating the paper wrap and therefore allowing them to be loaded faster.--$125.

  48. Excavated .58 cal. extracted Minie complete with extractor recovered from Triune, TN. on Aug. 2, 1975 by my old digging buddy - Forrest Maxwell.--$75.

  49. Very pretty condition, excavated, .52 cal., Spencer rifle/carbine cartridge.  This cartridge was recovered at Hoover's Gap, Tennessee, and would have been lost by one of Wilder's Lightning Brigade.  General Wilder's mounted Federal Infantry was armed with Spencer 7-shot repeating rifles.  This cartridge would be a nice compliment for your Spencer rifle or carbine.--$45.

  50. Excavated collection of carved and whittled bullets recovered from Confederate camp sites following the Battle of Stones River.  There are 15 bullets in the set and are displayed in a glass case.--$75.

  51. Excavated set of nine different caliber round balls recovered from private property here at the Battle of Stones River.  The balls range in size from .28 cal. to .75 cal.--$45.

  52. Nice condition, excavated drop, .69 cal., Italian Carcano projectile.  This projectile was recovered from a North Carolina Infantry camp near the Blue Ridge Mountains of West Virginia.--$55.

  53. Excavated, .69 cal., triangular base French Minie.  This is a dropped projectile found along the Confederate battle line on private property here at Stones River.--$38.

  54. Nice condition wood display case measuring 12 x 18 inches and containing 100 projectiles of several different types and calibers all recovered on private property here at the Battle of Stones River.  In order to ship them, we will remove them from the display case and wrap them separately from the case.--$350. (including the display case)

  55. Nice excavated drop .69 cal. Confederate "plug base" Towers bullet.  This was recovered from an 1863 Army of Tennessee camp located along Duck River near Shelbyville, TN.--$45.

  56. Excavated "lead pencil" made from a .69 cal minieball.  This was recovered on private property here at Stones River from where the Confederate advance stalled on the night of Dec. 31, 1862.  This lead pencil could have very easily penned a young Confederate soldier's last message home.--$35.

  57. Excellent condition, excavated, drop, .69 triangle base French Minie.  This projectile was recovered from General Breckinridge's Confederate camp located near Readyville, Tennessee, and occupied during November of 1862.--$38.

  58. Nice condition, quite rare, excavated drop, "US" base, .58 cal. Minie.  This projectile was recovered on private property near Gettysburg and is a type bullet virtually never found in our theater.--$85.

  59. Very nice condition, .58 cal., Confederate "New Austrian" projectile.  This is an MM108 in McKee & Mason.  It is an excellent example with visible mold mark.  It was recovered in Central Virginia.--$95.

  60. Extremely rare to recover, nice dropped, .36 cal., "RING-TAIL" Confederate Sharps projectile.  This perfect condition, super rare, Confederate used bullet was recovered from the November - December, 1862, camp of Wharton's Texas Cavalry located near Nolensville, Tennessee.--$89.

  61. Very rare complete excavated cartridge for a front loading .42 cal. Plant Revolver.  On this cartridge, the bullet is completely contained back into the cartridge.--$25.

  62. Quite rare to recover, dropped .36 cal., Starr revolver bullet.  This was recovered from a Confederate Cavalry camp near the Cumberland Plateau.--$25.

  63. 44 cal., excavated cartridge for the Civil War Era Frank Wesson rifle.  Very similar to a Henry but no "H" on the bottom.--$25.

  64. Not often encountered, non-excavated, .32 cal., "Flat Teat" cartridge for the National revolver.--$35.

  65. Nice condition excavated drop .69 cal. triangular base French minie.  This rare bullet was recovered from Gen. Breckinridge's Nov., 1862 CS camp located near Readyville, TN.--$38.

  66. Beautiful condition, excavated, extremely scarce, Lindner carbine projectile.  I recovered this projectile over 30 years ago from a US/CS Cavalry camp located near Huntersville, West Virginia.  This is the only site that I ever recovered Lindner carbine projectiles.  I was relic hunting with my old buddy Joe Hayworth at the time.--$45.

  67. Excellent condition excavated drop Confederate "Picket Bullet".  This was recovered from a n 1862/1863 Confederate Cavalry camp located near Fosterville, TN.--$28.

  68. Very nice cased display showing a .58 cal. Minie ball in its original paper wrap and an original bullet extractor for removing misfired bullets.  This would be a very nice compliment to display with your Civil War musket.--$125.

  69. Very nice glass display case containing two extracted Minie balls with extractors showing both the long and short variety extractors.--$95. for both.

  70. Very pretty condition, excavated, .52 cal., Spencer rifle/carbine cartridge.  This cartridge was recovered at Hoover's Gap, Tennessee, and would have been lost by one of Wilder's Lightning Brigade.  General Wilder's mounted Federal Infantry was armed with Spencer 7-shot repeating rifles.  This cartridge would be a nice compliment for your Spencer rifle or carbine.--$45.

  71. Very pretty condition, excavated, .52 cal., Spencer rifle/carbine cartridge.  This cartridge was recovered at Hoover's Gap, Tennessee, and would have been lost by one of Wilder's Lightning Brigade.  General Wilder's mounted Federal Infantry was armed with Spencer 7-shot repeating rifles.  This cartridge would be a nice compliment for your Spencer rifle or carbine.--$45.

  72. Excavated CARVED .69 cal., 3-ring Minie Ball.  This was recovered from a Confederate camp along Duck River near Shelbyville, Tennessee.  The bullet is carved to almost look like a space ship.--$25.

  73. Quite unique relic.  This is one compartment of a wooden block containing six Colt .36 cal. Navy size cartridges.  There is one complete, original .36 cal. Colt cartridge in the wooden block.  This would be an excellent compliment to display with you Colt Navy Model revolver.--$95.

  74. Perfect condition, non-excavated, 12mm pinfire cartridge.  This would be a perfect compliment to display with your pinfire revolver.--$25.

  75. Excavated drop, .69 cal., triangle base French Minie that the Confederate soldier has whittled on some around the base.  This was recovered from Breckenridg'e 1862 camp located near Readyville, Tennessee.--$38.

  76. Very pretty condition, excavated, dropped, .577 cal., Enfield projectile.  This bullet was recovered on private property along the Confederate battle line here at the Battle of Stones River.  The bullet has a raised, "57", mark in the base that many people erroneously think is ".57 caliber".  The "57"basemark actually refers to the patent pattern of 1857.  This will be a very nice addition to someone's bullet collection.--$20.

  77. This is a very cool bullet.  It is a Sharps carbine projectile that a Texas Cavalryman laid flatways over his carbine nipple and used the bullet as a home-made nipple protector.  The nipple is imprinted on one side of the bullet, and the hammer is imprinted on the other.  This "nipple protector" was recovered in the camp of the 8th Texas Cavalry.--$35.

  78. Excavated, drop "high-base", Confederate mold, .58 cal. Minie.  This projectile was recovered many years ago by Dr. Rees Buttram on private property near Chickamauga, Georgia.  Here in the Western Theater, we do not recover a great quantity of these type mold Confederate Minies.--$45.

  79. Excellent condition, excavated, dropped, .69 cal., Confederate "Towers" Minie.  This projectile was recovered on the western slope of the Cumberland Plateau where the Confederate Army of Tennessee crossed the plateau.  This is the plug-base variety.--$45.

  80. Very pretty, excavated, dropped, .58 cal., 2-ring German Suhl rifle projectile.  This quite rare bullet was recovered from General John Hunt Morgan's spring of 1863, Confederate Cavalry camp near Liberty, Tennessee.  This is a projectile that most bullet collections are missing.--$65.

  81. Very nice condition, excavated, .36 cal., Savage revolver projectile.  This was recovered from a Federal Cavalry camp near the base of the Cumberland Plateau.--$25.

  82. Quite rare to recover, nice drop, early Model, .54 cal., Confederate Selma Arsenal projectile.  This particular Confederate bullet was recovered from General Robert E. Lee's early War Confederate camps near Valley Mountain, West Virginia.  This is a beauty.--$38.

  83. Excellent condition, excavated, .69 cal., drop, triangle base French Minie.  This particular example has a nice "cold mold" line running all the way around the bullet.  It has a nice, cream white patina.--$38.

  84. Excellent condition, excavated, drop, rare 3-ring, .54 cal., Confederate used German Shul projectile.  This is actually a fairly rare bullet to recover especially in perfect condition.--$25.

  85. Very cool, excavated bullet from here at the Battle of Stones River.  This is a Confederate, .69 cal., triangular base, French Minie that is a "blow-through".  When this happened, the bullet was doing good to get out of the end of the barrel.--$28.

  86. Quite rare to recover, .69 cal., 2-ring British Sea Service projectile.  This projectile was recovered from an 1863 Confederate camp located along Duck River near Shelbyville, Tennessee.  The bullet is a drop, but it has a number of small gravel dings from being in the ground for many years.--$45.

  87. Quite rare, excavated, dropped, .69 cal., plug base, English Towers projectile.  This projectile was recovered many years ago on private property near Shiloh.  It is a type bullet almost always recovered from early war Confederate Infantry camps.--$48.

  88. A rare, complete, .58 cal., "compressed powder" musket cartridge.  These cartridges were produced with the intent of eliminating the paper wrap and therefore allowing them to be loaded faster.--$125.

  89. Very nice condition, excavated, drop, Confederate Richmond Lab High-Base Sharps.--$35.

  90. Excavated, complete, .56 cal., Spencer carbine/rifle cartridge.  This cartridge was recovered from Wilder's Lightning Brigade position at Hoover's Gap, Tennessee.  Interestingly, the base of this cartridge has some knife cut marks.  I am unsure of the reason for that.--$35.

  91. Pair of excavated, .69 cal., triangle cavity, French musket projectiles.  One of these projectiles is the standard base height projectile we typically recover.  The other projectile is a rarer medium/high base example.  Both were recovered along the Confederate battle line on private property here at Stones River.  Each projectile has a little damage on one side but retains one nice display side.--$48. for both.

  92. Very pretty, excavated, drop, Confederate, .54 cal., CS mold ring tail Sharps.  This rare style Sharps was recovered from a Confederate Cavalry camp near Richmond, Virginia.--$38.

  93. Excellent condition, excavated, perfect drop, .58 cal., "blob-top" 3-ring Minie.  This projectile was recovered from the 1863 camp of the 8th Texas Cavalry located near Unionville, Tennessee.--$38.

  94. Three nicely carved bullets recovered from an 1863 Confederate Army of Tennessee winter camp located along Duck River near Shelbyville, Tennessee.  Two appear to have been carved from Enfield bullets and one from a .58 cal. Minnie.  All three are displayed in a glass Riker case.--$48.

  95. Display containing two quite rare Confederate bullets.  These bullets were recovered from an 1862/1863 Army of Tennessee Confederate winter camp located along Duck River near Shelbyville, TN.  One of the bullets is a "dropped" Enfield with the rare "L-2" marking in the base (London -2nd Type), and the other projectile has a teat protruding out from the base of the cavity, and is often called by collectors a "Georgia Troop" - because more of these are recovered from the camps of Georgia Troops than anywhere else.--$48. for the pair of rare bullets and display case.

  96. A recent recovery from private property here at Stones River just down the road from the shop.  Beautiful, snow-white, dropped, triangle base, Confederate used, .69 cal., French projectile.  This has always been one of my favorite bullets to recover; the triangle cavity is so distinctive.--$38.

  97. Beautiful collection of carved and whittled projectiles recovered by my old hunting buddy, Wayne Tucker, from Confederate camps on private property in and around Mobile, Alabama.  There are a total of 54 projectiles nicely displayed in a glass face walnut display case.  There are hundreds of hours of hard relic hunting represented in this display case.--$250.

  98. Very nice condition, excavated, .58 cal., Confederate "tall base" 3-ring Minie.  This rare projectile was recovered from 1863 Confederate camps near Tullahoma, Tennessee.--$25.

  99. Small display case containing three rather rare dropped Confederate projectiles.  One is a nice dropped .58 cal. Confederate "blob top" field molded 3-ring minie, and second is a scarce dropped HI-BASE Confederate 3-ring minie - and the third is a crude variant dropped Ringtail Sharps carbine.  All three were recovered from Confederate 1863 winter camps here in Middle Tennessee.--$75. for all

  100. Excavated pair of, excellent condition, Confederate field mold "blob top"minies.  These two excellent examples were recovered from Army of Tennessee 1862 - 1863 winter camps along Duck River near Shelbyville, Tennessee.  Both bullets are displayed in a glass display case.--$45 for both.

  101. Beautiful condition, excavated, gilted, Confederate used, floral button, and also an intricately carved, .69 cal. musket ball.  Both these nice artifacts were recovered from the 1863 winter camp of the 8th Texas Cavalry located near Unionville, Tennessee.  Both artifacts are presented in a glass display case.--$75 for both.

  102. Beautiful condition, non-excavated pair of .69 cal. bullet worms.  One of the worms is a long pattern, and the other a short pattern.  This display will make a wonderful compliment to display with your .69 cal. percussion muskets.--$95 for both worms.

  103. Small cased display containing five chewed musket balls.  These balls were all recovered from the Confederate line on private property here at Stones River.  All five balls have been chewed and on close examination, four of the five appear to have human teeth marks.  There has through the ages been a folklore tale of soldiers biting down on a bullet for pain while medical procedures on the field were being performed.  This is the origin of the term, "bite the bullet".--$45 for the entire case.

  104. Complete excavated set of ammunition for a .69 cal. Civil War musket.  This group includes a .69 cal. buck and ball, a .69 cal. 3-ring Minie ball, and a .69 cal. musket ball.  These projectiles were all recovered from private property along the Confederate battle line here at Stones River.  This would be an excellent set to display with your .69 cal. Civil War musket.--$38.

  105. 4relics.jpg (40397 bytes)4relicsrev.JPG (51730 bytes)Display of 4 excavated purely Confederate artifacts recovered from the 1863 winter camp of the 2nd Tennessee Infantry - C.S.A. -  located on private property near Tullahoma, TN.  The display consists of a coat size Confederate floral button - a purely Confederate lead Cartridge Box finial - a blob top Confederate nose pour Minie - and a .58 cal. "Richmond Lab." Gardner - all displayed in a glass display case.--$75. for all

  106. Dropped .69 cal. Confederate Belgium minie recovered from the Confederate battle line here at Stones River by Arnold Alexander.  It has never even been washed and Arnold dug it off his own farm located here at Stones River.--$38.

  107. Excellent condition, excavated, creamy white, dropped, 5-point, "Swaged Base" .58 cal. 3-ring Minie.  The swage marks in the base of the Minie are actually from the lathe chuck that held the bullet in place while the three rings were cut in rather than molded in.  This is a beautiful example.--$18.

  108. Excavated pair of dropped, .54 cal., German Suhl projectiles.  These projectiles were recovered from Wharton's 8th Texas Cavalry Camp located near Unionville, TN, occupied during the Spring of 1863.  One of the projectiles is the standard 2-ring variety, and the second is a seldom seen 3-ring variation of the same bullet.  Both are nice drops.--$45. for the pair.

  109. Very nice condition excavated "Drop" .577 cal. Enfield projectile with the scarce "L" (London) base mark.  This was recovered from the Confederate Battle Line here at Stones River a good many years ago.--$25.

  110. Excavated, nice drop, .577 cal., lube grooved - plug cavity, Confederate Minie.  This was recovered on private property at the Battle of Chickamauga.--$25.

  111. Beautiful condition, excavated, .58 cal., Confederate, "Blob Top" nose cast Minie.  This was recovered many years ago from a Confederate position on private property near Shiloh.--$25.

  112. Nice drop, .58 cal., excavated "Confederate HI-Base".  This was recovered on private property near Petersburg, Virginia.--$35.

  113. Very nice condition excavated dropped Confederate "Blob Top" field molded minie.  This rare bullet was recovered from Wharton's 1863 Texas Cavalry camp located near Unionville, TN.--$25.

  114. Excellent example of a dropped, excavated, field molded, "blob top" .58 cal. Confederate 3-ring minie.  This rare bullet was recovered from a Confederate Camp on private property along Duck River near Shelbyville, Tennessee.--$25.

  115. Excavated male phallic symbol recovered from an 1863 Confederate winter camp on private property along Duck River near Shelbyville, Tennessee.  I was a little surprised that this bullet did not have carved into it "Lorena Bobbitt was here".--$75.

  116. Excavated, dropped, .577 cal., "L" basemarked Enfield projectile.  This was recovered a number of years ago on private property along the Confederate battle line here at Stones River.--$20.

  117. Very nice condition, excavated, drop, .36 cal. Savage revolver projectile.  This bullet was recovered quite a number of years ago on private property that was at one time part of Camp Stanley located here at Murfreesboro, TN, during the Spring of 1863.--$25.

  118. Very nice excavated "dropped" .577 cal. Enfield projectile. This bullet has a smooth, white patina with a raised "57" in the base indicating pattern of 1857, and the original boxwood plug remains intact.--$20.

  119. blobtopmnie.JPG (79917 bytes)Quite sought after by Civil War bullet collectors - nice drop Confederate field mold "Blob Top" C.S. three ring Minie.--$25.

  120. mbthreeringer.JPG (53568 bytes)mbthreeringerbase.JPG (46611 bytes)Excellent condition excavated "Blob Top" Confederate field molded .58 caliber Minie Ball.--$25.

  121. bulletone.JPG (43663 bytes)bulletonevase.JPG (45465 bytes)Nice excavated drop .69 cal. Confederate "plug base" Towers bullet.  This was recovered from an 1863 Army of Tennessee camp located along Duck River near Shelbyville, TN.--$45.

  122. enfield.jpg (66702 bytes)enfieldbase.JPG (40629 bytes)Excavated .50 cal. "Whitworth-like" smooth sided projectile recovered among .45 cal. Whitworth bullets in the Brentwood Hills at the Battle of Nashville, TN.  Many collectors believe this to be from a Confederate Sharp-Shooter's weapon - possibly a Greene Rifle.--$45.

Middle Tennessee Relics
Larry Hicklen

Shop:  (615) 893-3470
